[50%할인]Corman`s Colon and Rectal Surgery, 6/e [군자독점] 베스트 할인
Marvin Corman
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
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1712 pages
결제금액이 25,000원 이상 무료배송

이 도서를 구매하신 분들이 함께 구매하신 도서입니다.

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인기 해외주문가능
외과수술아틀라스 2판 대한외과학회 180,000 171,000won
위암과 위장관 질환 대한위암학회 200,000 190,000won
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Established for over 25 years and now in its 6th Edition, Corman’s Colon and Rectal Surgery has been thoroughly updated and abundantly illustrated to provide comprehensive coverage of all diseases and conditions affecting the colon, rectum, and anus. Step-by-step instructions on current operative procedures used to treat these disorders are underscored by the authoritative knowledge and expertise of leaders in the field. Three co-editors of international repute have participated in the creation of this updated volume, but the hand of Dr. Corman can be recognized throughout. The biographic sketches have been considerably expanded. This gold standard reference, often referred to as the ‘bible’ of the specialty, includes thorough reviews of anatomy, physiology, and related medical topics, as well as an extensive section on diagnostic studies, with a focus on the latest imaging modalities.


New to this edition:

·         A full-color interior design that includes unique, detailed art depicting the steps in today’s operative procedures

·         Comprehensive coverage of the latest laparoscopic diagnostic and surgical management techniques in all areas of the specialty

·         A companion website that includes the fully searchable text

Table of Contents
1 Anatomy and Embryology of the Anus, Rectum, and Colon
2 Physiology of the Colon
3 Pediatric Surgical Problems
4 Diet and Drugs in Colorectal Surgery
5 Evaluation and Diagnostic Techniques
6 Flexible Sigmoidoscopy and Colonoscopy
7 Setting Up a Colorectal Physiology Laboratory
8 Analgesia in Colon and Rectal Surgery
9 Cutaneous Conditions
10 Colorectal Manifestations of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (HIV Infection)
11 Hemorrhoids
12 Anal Fissure
13 Anorectal Abscess
14 Anal Fistula
15 Rectovaginal and Rectourethral Fistula
16 Fecal Incontinence
17 Colorectal Trauma
18 Management of Foreign Bodies
19 Laparoscopic Colon and Rectal Surgery
20 Constipation, Disorders of Defecation, and Anal Pain
21 Rectal Prolapse (Internal and External),Solitary Rectal Ulcer, Descending Perineum Syndrome, and Rectocele
22 Colorectal Polyps
23 Carcinoma of the Colon
24 Carcinoma of the Rectum
25 Malignant Tumors of the Anal Canal
26 Less Common Tumors and Tumorlike Lesions of the Colon, Rectum, and Anus
27 Diverticular Disease
28 Vascular Diseases: Hemorrhage, Mesenteric Occlusive and Nonocclusive Disease, Ischemia, Radiation Enteritis, and
29 Ulcerative Colitis
30 Crohn's Disease and Indeterminate Colitis
31 Intestinal Stomas
32 Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Nursing
33 Miscellaneous Colitides
34 Medicolegal Aspects of Colon and Rectal Surgery


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