Operative Pediatric Surgery,7/e 해외주문가능
Lewis Spitz (Editor), Arnold Coran (Editor), Hock Lim Tan, Agostino Pierro
CRC Press
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1134 Pages
7 Edition
결제금액이 25,000원 이상 무료배송
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The seventh edition of the acclaimed text Operative Pediatric Surgery continues to provide a unique level of comprehensive detail on the full range of surgically treatable conditions presented in neonate and childhood as well as in utero. With an international list of authors, the chapters have been updated and complemented by the high-quality artwork that has established this operative guide as the standard reference for the pediatric surgeon.

This new edition retains the successful format of previous editions. It first highlights the initial principles and justification for the procedure. Next, the book outlines preoperative investigations and preparation. This is followed by the operative procedure itself and postoperative management. New chapters have been added to this edition that cover the latest techniques such as minimal invasive surgery, robotic surgery, and single orifice laparoscopic surgery.

The chapters are arranged in eight sections, with each section emphasizing the overall management of patients. Tricks of the trade of individual authors are included, as well as discussions of technical and clinical judgment.

The new and updated edition of Operative Pediatric Surgery remains the pre-eminent operative guide to a full range of pediatric conditions.

Preoperative and postoperative management of the neonate and child; Matias Bruzoni and Craig T Albanese
Pediatric anesthesia; Robert Bingham and Marina George
Operating room requirements and special consideration for laparoscopic surgery; Hock Lim Tan and Nicholas SY Chao
Vascular access; Niyi Ade-Ajayi and Derek Roebuck
Head and neck
Ranula; Marci M Lesperance
Thyroglossal cyst and fistula; Lewis Spitz and Paolo De Coppi
Branchial cysts, sinuses, and fistulas; John R Wesley
External angular dermoid cyst; Paul RV Johnson
Sternocleidomastoid torticollis; Ronald B Hirschl
Tracheostomy; C Martin Bailey and Joe Grainger
Preauricular sinus; Paul RV Johnson
Bronchoscopy; Joe Grainger and Ben Hartley
Esophageal dilatation; Niyi Ade-Ajayi
Esophagogastroduodenoscopy; Robert E Cilley and Peter W Dillon
Colonoscopy; Ian Sugarman and Jonathan Sutcliffe
Thoracic surgery: general principles of access; Shaun M Kunisaki and James D Geiger
Esophageal atresia with and without tracheoesophageal fistula; Lewis Spitz and Agostino Pierro
Cervical esophagostomy; Lewis Spitz
H-type tracheoesophageal fistula; Lewis Spitz and Steven S Rothenberg
Recurrent tracheoesophageal fistula; Lewis Spitz
Aortopexy; Edward Kiely
Esophageal replacement with colon; Yann Révillon and Naziha Khen-Dunlop
Gastric replacement of the esophagus; Lewis Spitz and Agostino Pierro
Jejunal interposition; David C van der Zee
Foker technique; John Foker
Congenital diaphragmatic hernia; Erica R Gross and Charles JH Stolar
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; Thomas Pranikoff and Ronald B Hirschl
Eventration of the diaphragm; Robert E Cilley
Lung surgery; Saleem Islam and James D Geiger
Emphysema; Casey M Calkins, Shawn D St Peter, and George W Holcomb III
Chylothorax; Shaun M Kunisaki, Arnold G Coran, and Daniel H Teitelbaum
Mediastinal masses; Robert C Shamberger
Surgical treatment of chest wall deformities in children; Robert C Shamberger, Michael J Goretsky, and Donald Nuss
Patent ductus arteriosus; Neil J Sherman and James E Stein
Thoracoscopic sympathectomy; Edward Kiely
Thymectomy; Steven S Rothenberg
Hernias in children; Jay L Grosfeld, Scott A Engum, and Paul KH Tam
Omphalocele/exomphalos; Thomas R Weber
Gastroschisis; Marshall Z Schwartz and Shaheen J Timmapuri
Ergonomics, heuristics, and cognition in laparoscopic surgery; Hock Lim Tan
Abdominal surgery; Nicholas SY Chao and Hock Lim Tan
Nissen fundoplication; Agostino Pierro and Lewis Spitz
Achalasia; Lewis Spitz and Benno Ure
Gastrostomy; Michael WL Gauderer
Pyloromyotomy; Nigel J Hall and Agostino Pierro
Bariatric surgery: principles; Sean J Barnett and Thomas H Inge
Duodenoduodenostomy; Robert E Cilley, Simon Clarke, and Arnold G Coran
Malrotation; Joe Curry and Bhanumathi Lakshminarayanan
Congenital atresia and stenosis of the intestine; Alastair JW Millar and Alp Numanoglu
Meconium ileus; Frederick J Rescorla and Jay L Grosfeld
Vitellointestinal (omphalomesenteric) duct anomalies; Spencer W Beasley
Duplications of the alimentary tract; Stig Sømme and Jacob C Langer
Intussusception; Melanie Hiorns and Joe Curry
Appendectomy: open and laparoscopic procedures; Risto J Rintala and Mikko P Pakarinen
Necrotizing enterocolitis; Nigel J Hall and Agostino Pierro
Anorectal malformations; Marc A Levitt, Andrea Bischoff, and Alberto Peña
Cloaca; Marc A Levitt, Andrea Bischoff, and Alberto Peña
Laparoscopic repair of anorectal malformations; John Boutros and Jacob C Langer
Rectal biopsies; Augusto Zani and Mark Davenport
Malone procedure (antegrade continence enemas) – open and laparoscopic; Padraig SJ Malone and Munther Haddad
Hirschsprung disease; Daniel H Teitelbaum and Arnold G Coran
Inflammatory bowel disease; Daniel H Teitelbaum and Arnold G Coran
Rectal polyps; Joseph L Lelli Jr
Anal fissure and anal fistula; Paolo De Coppi
Rectal prolapsed; Paolo De Coppi
Colostomy: formation and closure; Joe Curry
Bowel-lengthening procedures; Adrian Bianchi, Tom Jaksic, and Kristina M Potanos
Portal hypertension; Jonathan P Roach and Frederick M Karrer
Cholecystectomy; Bayani B Tecson and Hock Lim Tan
Surgery for biliary atresia; Mark Davenport and Atsuyuki Yamataka
Choledochal cysts; Nguyen Thanh Liem
Splenectomy; James Geiger and Marcus Jarboe
Liver resections; John A Sandoval and Frederick M Karrer
Wilms’ tumor; Pedro-Jose Lopez and Peter Cuckow
Neuroblastoma; Edward Kiely
Rhabdomyosarcoma; Phillip A Letourneau and Richard J Andrassy
Sacrococcygeal teratoma; Agostino Pierro and Miguel Guelfand
Thyroidectomy in children; Tom R Kurzawinski and Paolo De Coppi
Pancreatic resection; Lewis Spitz and Agostino Pierro
Adrenalectomy; Peter Kim and Emily Christison-Lagay
Cystourethroscopy; John M Park
Pelviureteric junction obstruction; David A Bloom, Nicholas Chao, Hock Lim Tan, and Julian Wan
Nephrectomy and partial nephrectomy; Imran Mushtaq
Vesicoureteric reflux; Delphine Demède, Michel François, Pierre Mouriquand, and Prem Puri
Ureteric duplication; Garrett D Pohlman and Duncan T Wilcox
Urinary diversion in children; Prasad Godbole and Duncan T Wilcox
Renal calculi; Naima Smeulders Posterior urethral valve; Ian A Aaronson
Dialysis; Marcus D Jarboe and Ronald B Hirschl
Hypospadias; John M Park and David A Bloom
Orchidopexy; John M Hutson
Testicular torsion; Su-Anna M Boddy and Feilim L Murphy
Circumcision, meatotomy, and meatoplasty; Imran Mushtaq
Varicocele; Hock Lim Tan and Joselito Tantoco
Bladder exstrophy closure and epispadias; Peter Cuckow and Pedro-José Lopez
Surgical treatment of disorders of sexual development; Rafael V Pieretti and Patricia K Donahoe
Ovarian cyst and tumors; Bryan J Dicken and Deborah F Billmire
Neural tube defects
Myelomeningocele; Karin M Muraszko and Shawn L Hervey-Jumper
Ventricular shunting procedure; Dominic NP Thompson and Jessica Ternier
Soft tissue trauma; Michael E Höllwarth
Thermal injuries; Heinz Rode and David M Heimbach
Thoracic injuries; Michael E Höllwarth
Abdominal trauma; Steven Stylianos and Mark V Mazziotti
Special section
Vascular anomalies; Steven J Fishman
Fetal surgery; Alan Flake
Kidney transplantation; John Magee
Liver transplantation; Riccardo A Superina and Alexander Dzakovic
Small bowel transplantation; Kishore Iyer
Interventional radiology; Derek J Roebuck
Exposure for spinal surgery; Steven W Bruch and James D Geiger
Conjoined twins; Lewis Spitz, Edward Kiely, and Agostino Pierro


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