Surgical Technology 해외주문가능
Fuller, Joanna
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Learn to deliver the best patient care before, during, and after surgery with Surgical Technology: Principles and Practice, 7th Edition. Within its pages you'll find comprehensive coverage of all the updated AST Core Curriculum components - including all aspects of health care sciences; technological sciences; patient care concepts; preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative care; surgical procedures; and professional practice. But what you won't find in any other surg tech book is an incredibly reader-friendly approach featuring conversational, mentor-like guidance and loads of full-color pictures and illustrations. You'll also have an abundance of helpful learning features at your disposal - like case studies, review questions, and online learning activities - that will help you easily master important concepts and apply that learning to professional practice. No other surgical technology text better prepares you for the challenges of professional practice!

Key Features

•Comprehensive coverage addresses all areas of the AST Core Curriculum for Surgical Technology.
•Reader-friendly writing style and organization utilizes a mentoring approach to present content within the building blocks of fundamentals, aseptic technique, the role and function of the surgical technologist, and surgical procedures.
•Consistent chapter format breaks down each surgical procedure in an easy-to-understand way making it easy for students to comprehend the key elements of more than 70 procedures.
•Experienced author/consulting editor team lends a breadth of experience for a well-rounded view of life in the operating room and multiple perspective focused on quality patient care.
•Over 1,200 full-color illustrations and clinical photos bring concepts and procedures to life.
•Robust practice opportunities include review questions and case studies at the end of each chapter along with crosswords, additional review questions, and a mock Certified Surgical Technologist (CST)-style examination found on the Evolve companion website.
•Learning objectives serve as checkpoints for comprehension and as study tools in preparation for examinations.
•Key terminology appears in boldface and in color within chapter discussions and are defined and cross-referenced to chapters in a back-of-book glossary.
•Key concepts are covered in a bulleted list at the end of each chapter discussion to summarize and rephrase chapter concepts.
•References and bibliographies provide a listing of in-text and additional citations of scientific research.
•Pathology appendix summarizes the most commonly seen pathological processes and organizes them by body system.
•Website mentions are highlighted within the text to draw readers' attention to available videos in the Evolve Resources and suggested websites to visit for additional information on content covered.
1. The Surgical Technologist
2. Communication and Teamwork
3. Law, Documentation, and Professional Ethics
4. The Health Care Facility
5. The Patient
6. Diagnostic and Assessment Procedures
7. Environmental Hazards
8. Microbes and the Process of Infection
9. The Principles and Practice of Aseptic Technique
10. Decontamination, Sterilization, and Disinfection
11. Surgical Instruments
12. Perioperative Pharmacology
13. Anesthesia and Physiological Monitoring
14. Postanesthesia Recovery
15. Death and Dying
16. Physics and Information Technology
17. Energy Sources in Surgery
18. Moving, Handling, and Positioning the Surgical Patient
19. Surgical Skin Preparation and Draping
20. Case Planning and Intraoperative Procedures
21. Management of the Surgical Wound
22. Minimally Invasive Endoscopic and Robotic-Assisted Surgery
23. General Surgery
24. Gynecological and Obstetrical Surgery
25. Genitourinary Surgery
26. Ophthalmic Surgery
27. Surgery of the Ear, Nose, Pharynx, and Larynx
28. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
29. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
30. Orthopedic Surgery
31. Peripheral Vascular Surgery
32. Thoracic and Pulmonary Surgery
33. Cardiac Surgery
34. Pediatric Surgery
35. Neurosurgery
36. Emergency Trauma Surgery
37. Disaster Preparedness and Response
A. Common Pathology by System
B. Drugs and Substances Associated with Surgery
C. Math Review
D. Computer Operations


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