Infections of the Central Nervous System: Pathology and Genetics
Fabrice Chretien
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552 Pages
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Highly commended at the British Medical Association (BMA) Awards 2019, this new volume from the International Society of Neuropathology series addresses infections of the nervous system, written by expert editors. An expansive and inclusive contents list including rare disorders presented in easily referable chapters, containing; definitions, microbiological characteristics, epidemiology, clinical features, lab tests, pathology, genetics and treatment.

List of Contributors ix

1 Introduction and Classification of Infections of the CNS According to the Agent 1
Fabrice Chrétien, Kum Thong Wong, Leroy R. Sharer, Catherine (Katy) Keohane, and Françoise Gray

2 Sepsis‐Associated Encephalopathy 11
Franck Verdonk, Aurelien Mazeraud, Fabrice Chrétien, and Tarek Sharshar

3 Variation of CNS Infections According to the Host 21
Leroy R. Sharer, Catherine (Katy) Keohane, and Françoise Gray

4 Clinical Approach to the Adult Patient with CNS Infection 29
Michel Wolff, Romain Sonneville, and Tarek Sharshar

5 Herpes Simplex Virus Infections of the CNS 43
Bette K. Kleinschmidt‐DeMasters, Catherine (Katy) Keohane, and Françoise Gray

6 Varicella‐Zoster Virus and Epstein‐Barr Virus Infections of the CNS 55
Catherine (Katy) Keohane and Françoise Gray

7 Cytomegalovirus Infections of the CNS 65
Homa Adle‐Biassette and Natacha Teissier

8 Adenovirus Meningoencephalitis 77
Harry V. Vinters and Xinhai R. Zhang

9 Polyomavirus Infections of the CNS 83
Susan Morgello

10 Measles Virus Infection of the CNS 95
Catherine (Katy) Keohane, Leroy R. Sharer, and Françoise Gray

11 Rubella Virus 105
Bette K. Kleinschmidt‐DeMasters

12 Henipavirus Encephalitis 113
Kum Thong Wong and Kien Chai Ong

13 Rabies 121
Guilherme Dias de Melo, Perrine Parize, Grégory Jouvion, Laurent Dacheux, Fabrice Chrétien, and Hervé Bourhy

14 Flaviviruses 1: General Introduction and Tick‐Borne Encephalitis 131
Herbert Budka

15 Flaviviruses 2: West Nile, St. Louis Encephalitis, Murray Valley Encephalitis, Yellow Fever, and Dengue 147
Edward S. Johnson and Juan M. Bilbao

16 Flaviviruses 3: Zika Virus Infection of the CNS 163
Leila Chimelli

17 Flaviviruses 4: Japanese Encephalitis 169
Shankar Krishna Susarla, Anita Mahadevan, Bishan Radotra, Masaki Takao, and Kum Thong Wong

18 CNS Disorders Caused by Hepatitis C and Hepatitis E Viruses 177
Melissa Umphlett, Clare Bryce, and Susan Morgello

19 Alphaviral Equine Encephalomyelitis (Eastern, Western, and Venezuelan) 183
Kum Thong Wong

20 Chikungunya Virus 189
Cássia Shinotsuka, Michael Blatzer, Grégory Jouvion, and Fabrice Chrétien

21 Poliovirus Infection and Postpolio Syndrome 195
Catherine (Katy) Keohane, Leila Chimelli, and Aisling Ryan

22 Enterovirus A71 Infection 205
Kum Thong Wong, Kien Chai Ong, Thérèse Couderc, and Marc Lecuit

23 Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection of the CNS 215
Françoise Gray and Leroy R. Sharer

24 HTLV‐1 and Neurological‐Associated Disease 231
Antoine Gessain, Olivier Cassar, and Philippe V. Afonso

25 Parechovirus A 243
Clayton A. Wiley

26 Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis and Acute Hemorrhagic Leukoencephalomyelitis 251
Romana Höftberger and Hans Lassmann

27 Miscellaneous Inflammatory Disorders of the CNS of Possible Infectious Origin 259
Mari Perez‐Rosendahl, Jamie Nakagiri, Xinhai R. Zhang, and Harry V. Vinters

28 Mycoplasmal and Rickettsial Infections of the CNS 267
Roy H. Rhodes

29 Pathogenesis and Pathophysiology of Bacterial Infections of the CNS 279
Loic Le Guennec and Sandrine Bourdoulous

30 Pyogenic Infections of the CNS 1: Acute Bacterial Meningitis 295
Loic Le Guennec and Sandrine Bourdoulous

31 Pyogenic Infections of the CNS 2: (Brain Abscess, Subdural Abscess or Empyema, Epidural Abscess, Septic Embolism, and Suppurative Intracranial Phlebitis) 309
Arnault Tauziede‐Espariat, Alexandre Roux, Megan Still, Marc Zanello, Gilles Zah‐Bi, Ghazi Hmeydia, Catherine Oppenheim, Michel Wolff, Johan Pallud, and Fabrice Chrétien

32 Pyogenic Infections of the CNS 3: Following Neurosurgical Procedures 319
Alexandre Roux, Megan Still, Marc Zanello, Gilles Zah‐Bi, Arnault Tauziede‐Espariat, Ghazi Hmeydia, Catherine Oppenheim, Michel Wolff, Fabrice Chrétien, and Johan Pallud

33 CNS Involvement in Tropheryma whipplei Infection 331
Emmanuèle Lechapt‐Zalcman

34 Cerebral Actinomycosis 337
Arnault Tauziede‐Espariat

35 Cerebral Nocardiosis 343
Arnault Tauziede‐Espariat and Leroy R. Sharer

36 CNS Tuberculosis 349
Michael A. Farrell, Eoin R. Feeney, and Jane B. Cryan

37 Non‐Tuberculous Mycobacterial Infections 357
Leroy R. Sharer

38 Spirochetal Infections of the CNS 363
Françoise Gray and Catherine (Katy) Keohane

39 Neurobrucellosis 379
Marine Le Dudal, Fabrice Chrétien, and Grégory Jouvion

40 Legionellosis 383
Edward S. Johnson

41 Neurosarcoidosis 393
Michael A. Farrell and Alan Beausang

42 Hypertrophic Pachymeningitis 403
Françoise Gray and Leroy R. Sharer

43 Toxin‐Induced Neurological Diseases 411
Pierre L. Goossens, Cédric Thépenier, and Michel R. Popoff

44 Fungal Infections of the CNS 419
Michael Blatzer, Fanny Lanternier, Jean‐Paul Latgé, Anne Beauvais, Stéphane Bretagne, Fabrice Chrétien, and Grégory Jouvion

45 Cerebral Malaria 437
Patrícia Reis, Vanessa Estato, and Hugo Caire de Castro Faria Neto

46 Toxoplasma Infection of the CNS 449
Stéphane Bretagne, Catherine (Katy) Keohane, and Homa Adle‐Biassette

47 Other Protozoal Infections 463
Leila Chimelli and Catherine (Katy) Keohane

48 Helminth Infections of the CNS 475
Marine Le Dudal, Stéphane Bretagne, David Hardy, Fabrice Chrétien, and Grégory Jouvion

Appendix: CASE EXAMPLE: Schistosoma mekongi Neuroschistosomiasis 500
Edward S. Johnson

49 Brain Myiasis 503
Arnault Tauziede‐Espariat

50 Emerging CNS Infections 505
Kum Thong Wong

Index 515


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