Chapman`s Comprehensive Orthopaedic Surgery,4/e 해외주문가능
Michael W. Chapman, Michelle James
Jaypee Brothers Medical Pub
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6000 pages
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Chapman's Comprehensive Orthopaedic Surgeryis the latest edition of this vast reference guide, spanning four volumes. This book is edited by internationally renowned experts in orthopaedic surgery from the University of California Davis Medical Centre.

Divided into 285 chapters across twelve sections, the book covers all aspects of both conservative and operative treatment - from pre-operative planning to surgical procedures and post-operative rehabilitation. The book begins with a detailed section on the physical examination and the diagnosis of musculoskeletal disorders, and each subsequent section provides step by step instruction for relevant surgical procedures. The final section of the book covers rehabilitation including treatment techniques management of specific diagnoses such as motor neurone disease, cerebral palsy and spina bifida.

Chapman's Comprehensive Orthopaedic Surgeryis an indispensable resource for orthopaedic surgeons and residents, with contributions from over 900 experts from across the globe and enhanced by 7250 full colour images. The full text, with images and videos demonstrating surgical techniques, is made available online with the purchase of the physical copy of the book.

Key Points

  • New edition of this extensive reference guide to orthopaedic surgery
  • Previous edition published in 2000 (9780781714877)
  • Edited by internationally renowned experts in orthopaedic surgery from the University of California Davis Medical Centre
  • Over 900 contributors from across the globe
  • 7250 full colour images across four volumes
  • Full text with images and videos demonstrating surgical techniques available online with purchase of print version
Table of Content of Chapman Comprehensive Orthopaedic Surgery
Section 1: Diagnosis and Workup of Musculoskeletal Disorders
1. Physical Examination of the Musculoskeletal System
2. Imaging of the Musculoskeletal System including Ultrasound
3. Laboratory Workup of Musculoskeletal Diseases
4. Thromboembolic Disease and Pulmonary Embolism
5. Professionalism in Surgery
6. Surgical Approaches: Upper Extremity
7. Surgical Approaches: Acetabulum and Pelvis
8. Surgical Approaches: Lower Extremity
9. Preoperative Planning and Perioperative Management
10. Anaesthesia and Pain Management
11. Soft Tissue Management
12. Instrumentation and Implants
13. Bone Grafting, Bone Graft Substitutes, and Growth Factors
Section 2: Fractures, Dislocations, Non-unions and Mal-unions in Adults
Subsection: 2a. General
14. Principles of Closed Treatment of Fractures and Dislocations
15. Principles of Internal and External Fixation
16. Treatment Principles for Open Fractures
17. Management of the Multiply Injuried Patient
18. Diagnosis and Management of Compartment Syndromes
Subsection: 2b. Upper Extremity
19. Fractures of the Scapula Including the Glenoid
20. Fractures of the Clavicle
21. Fractures and Fracture/Dislocations of the Proximal Humerus
22. Fractures of the Humeral Shaft
23. Fractures of the Distal Humerus
24. Fractures and Dislocations about the Elbow
25. Fractures of the Forearm
26. Fractures of the Distal Radius
Subsection: 2c. Pelvis and Femur
27. Pelvic Ring Injuries
28. Fractures of the Acetabulum
29. Hip Dislocations and Femoral Head Fractures
30. Hip Fractures in the Elderly
31. Femoral Head Fracures in the Young Adult
32. Atypical Fractures of the Proximal Femur
33. Fractures of the Proximal Femur and Diaphysis of the Femur
34. Distal Femur Fractures
Subsection: 2d. Knee, Tibia and Ankle, and Foot
35. Fractures of the Patella
36. Fractures of the Tibial Plateau
37. Fractures of the Shafts of the Tibia and Fibula
38. Ankle Fractures: Operative Treatment and Syndesmosis Injury
39. Ankle Fractures: Ankle Arthroscopy and Fracture Treatment
40. Pilon Fractures
41. Talus Fractures and Dislocations
42. Calcaneus Fractures
43. Midfoot Fractures and Dislocations
44. Metatarsal and Phalanx Fractures
Subsection: 2e: Nonunion and Malunions
45. Principles of Treatment of Nonunions and Malunions
46. Nonunions and Malunions of the Upper Extremity
47. Nonunions and Malunions of the Pelvis
48. Nonunions and Malunions of the Hip
49. Nonunions and Malunions of the Femur and Patella
50. Nonunions and Malunions of the Tibia
51. Ilizarov Techniques for Nonunions, Malunions and Leg Length Discrepancy
Section 3: Injuries of the Hand, Wrist and Forearm Including Microsurgery and Peripheral Nerve
Subsection: 3a. Microvascular Surgery
52. Principles of Microvascular Surgery
53. Vascular Disorders in the Upper Extremity
54. Replantation
55. Free Tissue Transfer
56. Vascularized Bone Grafts
Subsection: 3b. Trauma
57. Fingertip and Nailbed Injuries
58. Dislocations and Ligamentous Injuries of the Digits
59. Fractures of the Metacarpals and Phalanges
60. Dislocations of the Carpus
61. Carpal Fractures
62. Injuries of the Distal Radioulnar Joint
63. Gunshot, Crush, Injection and Frostbite Injuries of the Hand
64. Amputations of the Hand
Subsection: 3c. Conditions of Tendons
65. Principles of Tendon Repair
66. Flexor Tendon Injuries
67. Extensor Tendon Injuries
68. Stenosing Tenosynovitis
69. Lateral and Medial Elbow Tendinopathy
Subsection: 3d. Conditions of Nerves
70. Principles of Nerve Repair and Nerve Transfers
71. Compression Neuropathies of the Upper Extremity
72. Neuromas
73. Principles of Restoration of Muscle Balance after Forearm and Hand Paralysis
74. Radial Nerve Palsy
75. Median Nerve Palsy
76. Ulnar Nerve Palsy
77. Brachial Plexus Injuries
78. Brachial Plexus Birth Palsy
79. Thoracic Outlet Disorders
Subsection: 3e. Reconstructive Procedures
80. Dupuytren's Disease
81. Hand Burns
82. Volkman's Contracture
83. Dysfunction of the Upper Extremity Following Stroke or Brain injury
84. The Upper Extremity in Tetraplegia
85. Congenital Hand Malformations: Part I
86. Congenital Hand Malformations: Part II
87. Arthroplasty of the Hand
88. Basilar Thumb Arthritis
89. Arthrodesis of the Hand and Wrist
90. Infections of the Hand
91. Tumors of the Hand
92. Arthroscopic Surgery of the Wrist
Section 4: The Shoulder and Elbow in Adults
Subsection: 4a. Shoulder
93. Shoulder Anatomy and Biomechanics
94. Shoulder Arthritis
95. The Rotator Cuff Deficient Shoulder
96. Shoulder Arthroplasty for Proximal Humeral Trauma
97. Failed Shoulder Arthroplasty
98. Shoulder Stiffness
99. Scapular Disorders
Subsection: 4b. Elbow
100. Elbow Anatomy and Biomechanics
101. Arthroplasty and Arthrodesis of the Elbow
102. Elbow Arthroplasty for Fractures
103. Failed Arthroplasty of the Elbow
104. Stiffness of the Elbow
Section 5. Sports Injuries and Arthroscopy
Subsection: 5a. General
105. Principles of Sports Medicine and the Role of the Team Physician
106. Stress Fractures
107. Adolescent Sports Injuries
Subsection: 5b. Shoulder
108. Arthroscopy of the Shoulder: Set-up and Basic Principles
109. Throwing Injuries of the Shoulder
110. Injuries of the Acromioclaviclular and Sternoclavicular Joints
111. Shoulder Instabilities
112. Rotator Cuff Disorders
113. Other Shoulder Conditions
Subsection: 5c. Elbow
114. Tendon Disorders of the Elbow
115. Arthroscopy of the Elbow
116. Elbow Instabilities
Subsection: 5d. Hip
117. Arthroscopy of the Hip
118. Tendon Injuries Around the Hip
Subsection: 5e. Knee
119. Anatomy and Biomechanics of the Knee
120. Principles of Knee Arthroscopy
121. Synovial Disorders
122. Arthroscopic Meniscectomy and Repair
123. Meniscal Transplantation
124. Chrondral Injuries and Use of Biologics
125. Extensor Tendon Injuries of the Knee
126. Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries
127. Isolated Posterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries
128. Multiple Ligament Injuries of the Knee (Knee Dislocations)
129. Patellofemoral Disorders
130. Posterolateral Instability of the Knee
131. Management of Complications of Knee Surgery
Subsection: 5f. Foot and Ankle
132. Special Considerations in Sports Injuries of the Foot and Ankle
133. Ligament Injuries of the Foot and Ankle
134. Ligament Injuries of the Foot and Ankle
135. Ligament Injuries of the Foot and Ankle: Medial Instability
136. Ligament Injuries of the Foot and Ankle: Midfoot/Lisfranc injuries
137. Ligament Injuries of the Foot and Ankle: Forefoot/Turf toe injuries
138. Tendon Injury: Achilles: Acute
139. Tendon Injury: Achilles: Chronic
140. Tendon Injury: Peroneal Tendon
141. Tendon Injury: Peroneal Tendon FHL, PTT, TA, EHL
142. Tendon Injury: Other Tendon: FHL, PTT, TA, EHL
143. Common Sports Fractures in the Foot: Jones Fractures
144. Common Sports Fractures in the Foot: Stress Fractures
145. Ankle Arthroscopy: Basics, History and Techniques
146. Ankle Arthroscopy: Ankle Impingement
147. Ankle Arthroscopy: Talus OCD
148. Ankle Arthroscopy: Subtalar Arthroscopy
149. Ankle arthroscopy: 1st MTP Arthroscopy
150. Ankle arthroscopy: Hindfoot Arthroscopy
Section 6: Reconstruction and Arthroplasty of the Hip and Knee
151. Design and Performance of Joint Replacements
152. Osteotomies about the Hip Including Periacetabular Osteotomies
153. Primary Hip Arthroplasty Including hemi arthroplasty and Total Hip Athroplasty
154. Failed Hip Arthroplasty: Revision and Arthrodesis
155. Osteotomies about the Knee
156. Primary Total Knee Arthroplasty
157. Failed Knee Arthroplasty: Revision and Arthrodesis
158. Management of Periprosthetic Infection
Section 7: The Foot and Ankle
Subsection: 7a. Arthritis of the Foot and Anklke
159. Ankle Arthritis: Epidemiology, Gait Changes, and Non-operative Treatment
160. Ankle Arthritis: Ankle Preservation Techniques
161. Ankle Arthritis: Arthrodesis
162. Ankle Arthritis: Total Ankle Arthroplasty
163. Outcomes of TAA And Treatment of Painful TAA
164. Subtalar Arthritis
165. Hindfoot and Pantalar Arthrodesis
166. Midfoot Arthritis
167. Hallux Rigidus: Introduction & Nonoperative Care
168. Hallux Rigidus: Chielectomy, Osteotomy, Hemiarthroplasty, Interposition Arthroplasty
169. Hallux Rigidus: 1st MTP Arthrodesis
Subsection: 7b. Adult Acquired Flatfoot Disorder
170. Adult Acquired Flatfoot Deformity
171. Flexible Flatfoot Reconstruction
172. Triple Arthrodesis for the Rigid Flatfoot Deformity
Subsection: 7c. Hallux Valgus
173. Hallux Valgus
174. Surgical/Operative Treatment of Hallux Valgus
Subsection: 7d. Lesser Toe Pathology
175. Hammer Toes
176. Metatarsalgia and Plantar Plate Pathology
Subsection: 7e. Inflammatory and Rheumatologic Disorders
177. Arthropathy and Rheumatologic Considerations in F&A Surgery
178. Operative Treatment of F&A Inflammatory Disease
Subsection: 7f. Diabetic Disorders of the Foot and Ankle
179. Diabetic Disorders of the Foot and Ankle: General Principles
180. Diabetic Infections
181. Charcot Disease and Treatment
Subsection: 7g. Neurological Disorders of the Foot and Ankle
182. Causes and Treatment of Footdrop
183. Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome
184. Peripheral Nerve Lesions Including Morton's Neuroma
185. Neuromuscular Disorders and Cavus Deformity
Section 8: Musculoskeletal Oncology and Amputations
186A. Principles of Limb Salvage Surgery
186B. Tumors of the Shoulder Girdle
187C. Tumors of the Hip and Pelvis
188D. Tumors of the Knee
189. Bone and Soft Tissue Imaging
190. Benign Bone Tumors
191. Malignant Bone Tumors
192. Benign Soft Tissue Tumors
193. Malignant Soft Tissue Tumors
194. Marrow Cell Tumors and Metastatic Disease to Bone
195. Amputations of the Upper Extremity
196. Amputations of the Lower Extremity
Section 9: Infectious, Metabolic, Neurological and Other Musculoskeletal Disorders
197. Principles of Treatment of Infection and Antimicrobial Therapy
198. Management of Acute and Chronic Osteomyelitis
199. Management of Septic Arthritis
200. Metabolic Bone Disease
201. Management of Synovial Disease
202. Heterotopic Ossification and Charcot Arthropathy
203. Osteonecrosis
204. Orthopaedic Management of Lower Extremity Dysfunction Following Stroke or Brain Injury
Section 10: Spine
Subsection 10a. Principles and Anatomy
205. Use of Bone Grafting, Bone Graft Substitutes, and Growth Factors in Spine
206. Use of Spinal Orthoses
207. Radiologic Imaging of the Spine
208. Cervical Surgical Approaches
209. Thoracic and Lumbar Surgical Approaches
210. Biomechanics of Spinal Instrumentation
Subsection: 10b. Trauma
211. Fractures and Instability of Occ-C-1-C-2
212. Fractures and Dislocations of the Cervical Spine from C-3 to C-7
213. Thoracolumbar Fractures: Evaluation, Classification and Initial Treatment
214. Operative Treatment of Thoracic and Thoracolumbar Fractures
215. Fractures of the Sacrum
Subsection: 10c. Disc Injury and Degenerative Disease
216. Pathophysiology of Degenerative Disc Disease
217. Non-operative Management of Cervical and Lumbar Degenerative Diseases
218. Surgical Management of Cervical Degenerative Diseases
219. Surgical Management of Lumbar Disc Disease
220. Management of Failed Surgery for Lumbar Degenerative Disorders
Subsection: 10d. Tumors and Infections of the Spine
221. Pyogenic Infections of the Spine
222. Granulomatous Infections of the Spine
223. Primary Tumors of the Spine
224. Metastatic Tumors of the Spine
Subsection: 10e. Rheumatologic Disease of the Spine
225. Rheumatological Disorders Affecting the Spine
226. Surgical Treatment of Ankylosing Spondylitis
Subsection: 10f. Spinal Deformity
227. Principles of Treatment and Nonoperative care of Scoliosis
228. Surgery for the Growing Spine
229. Surgery for Pediatric Idiopathic Scoliosis
230. Spinal Surgery in Congenital Spine Deformity
231. Surgery for Pediatric Kyphotic Deformity
232. Surgery for Pediatric Spondylolisthesis
233. Surgical Treatment of Myelomeningocele
234. Surgical Treatment of Neuromuscular Deformites
235. Surgical Treatment of Adult Scoliosis
236. Surgical Treatment of Degenerative Scoliosis
237. Surgical Treatment of Sagittal Plane Deformities in Adults
238. Revision and Salvage of Failed Surgery for Spinal Deformity
Section 11: Pediatric Disorders
239. Growth and Development of the Musculoskeletal System
240. Role of Genetics in Pediatric Orthopaedics
241. Pediatric Musculoskeletal Examination
242. Normal Gait and Assessment of Gait Disorders
243. Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders
244. Skeletal Dysplasias and Syndromes
245. Musculoskeletal Trauma in Children
246. Musculoskeletal Infections in Children
247. Lower Extremity Disorders in Children
248. Hip Disorders in Children: Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip
249. Hip Disorders in Children: Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease
250. Hip Disorders in Children: Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis
251. Hip Disorders in Children: Impingement
252. Knee Disorders in Children
253. Foot Disorders in Children
254. Neuro-orthopaedics: Cerebral Palsy, Nonambulatory
255. Neuro-orthopaedics: Cerebral Palsy, Ambulatory
256. Neuro-orthopaedics: Cerebral Palsy, Upper Extremity
257. Neuro-orthopaedics: Myelodysplasia
258. Neuro-orthopaedics: Poliomyelitis
259. Limb Deficiency in Children
Section 12: Rehabilitation and Physical Medicine
Subsection: 12a. Evaluation
260. Physiatric History and Physical Examination
261. Electrodiagnosis
262. Intraoperative Monitoring
263. Musculoskeletal Ultrasound
264. Impairment Rating and Disability Determination
Subsection: 12b. Treatment Techniques and Modalities
265. Physical Modalities and Electrical Stimulation
266. Therapeutic Exercise
267. Upper Extremity Orthotics
268. Lower Extremity Orthotics
269. Upper Extremity Prosthetics
270. Lower Extremity Prosthetics
271. Wheelchairs, Seating Systems, and Mobility Aids
272. Peripheral Joint and Soft Tissue Injection Techniques
273. Spinal Injection Techniques
274. Spasticity Management
275. Integrative Medicine Approach to Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain
Subsection:12c. Rehabilitation of Specific Diagnoses
276. Peripheral Neuropathy
277. Myopathy
278. Motor Neuron Disease
279. Concussion and Traumatic Brain Injjury
280. Spinal Cord Injury
281. Cerebral Palsy
282. Spina Bifida
283. Amputation Rehabilitation
284. Burns
285. Osteoarthritis and Rheumatologic Disorders


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