Living Vegan For Dummies, 2/e
Cadry Nelson
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의학 > 임상각과 > 가정의학과
432 Pages
2 Edition
결제금액이 25,000원 이상 무료배송
해외주문이 필요한 도서입니다. (4~5주소요) 자세한 내용은 페이지하단 배송안내 참조바랍니다.

Vegan diet, nutrition, and lifestyle, demystified

Living Vegan For Dummies provides a practical look at veganism for those who have already embraced the lifestyle, for anyone who is on the fence about trying it, or for those who want to understand the choices of the vegans in their midst. You’ll learn what it means to be vegan and why this animal-friendly diet is on the rise. Discover tasty vegan ingredients and easy recipes, money-saving tips, advice for talking to people about veganism, and ideas for dealing with the skeptics. If you’re ready to start transitioning to a vegan way of life, you’ll love this book’s simple action plans for making the switch―and making it stick. With this friendly Dummies guide, you’ve got answers to all your questions.

  • Learn what veganism is, how it’s different from vegetarianism, and why people choose to “go vegan”
  • Decide whether veganism is for you and get pointers on cutting out animal products
  • Help friends and loved ones understand your dietary and lifestyle choices
  • Get ideas for vegan cooking, eating out, and being vegan on a budget

Living Vegan For Dummies is a valuable resource for anyone who practices or is considering veganism, as well as their friends and family who want to know more about the lifestyle.

Introduction 1

Part 1: Getting Started with a Vegan Lifestyle 5

Chapter 1: The Nuts and Bolts of Veganism 7

Chapter 2: Making the Move to a Vegan Diet 15

Part 2: For the Health of It 27

Chapter 3: The Health Benefits of a Plant-Based Diet 29

Chapter 4: Eat the Rainbow 39

Chapter 5: Pinpointing Your Protein Needs 53

Chapter 6: Getting Essential Nutrients on a Vegan Diet 61

Part 3: Vegan at Home 77

Chapter 7: Gearing Up for Grocery Shopping and Cooking 79

Chapter 8: Deciding What’s for Dinner: Meal Planning 107

Chapter 9: Anything You Can Make, I Can Make Vegan 123

Chapter 10: Enjoying Holidays and Get-Togethers 149

Part 4: Tasting Is Believing: Vegan Recipes 173

Chapter 11: Breakfasts 175

Chapter 12: Main Courses 185

Chapter 13: Kid- and Dorm-Friendly Dishes 199

Chapter 14: Side Dishes, Dressings, and Toppings 211

Chapter 15: Desserts 225

Part 5: Vegan in the Outside World 233

Chapter 16: The Ethics Behind Veganism 235

Chapter 17: Embracing the Whole Vegan Lifestyle: Beyond Food 251

Chapter 18: Dining Out 263

Chapter 19: Vegan on the Road and in the Air 273

Chapter 20: Navigating Tricky Social Situations 291

Part 6: Veganism in All Walks of Life 305

Chapter 21: Healthy Vegan Pregnancy and Postpartum Period 307

Chapter 22: Bouncing Baby Vegans 321

Chapter 23: Vegan Diets for Kids and Teens 333

Chapter 24: Exploring Veganism as a Young Adult 351

Chapter 25: The Vegan Athlete 359

Chapter 26: Vegan after 40 369

Part 7: The Part of Tens 381

Chapter 27: Ten Easy Vegan Meals Anyone Can Make 383

Chapter 28: Ten Ways to Create a Satisfying Vegan Lifestyle 393

Index 403


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