The 2nd edition has been thoroughly updated and revised in line with the very latest developments in the field. The book contains 40% new material including two brand new chapters on neurophysiological models of tinnitus and emerging treatments; and the addition of a glossary as well as appendices detailing treatment protocols for use in an audiology and psychology context respectively.
Foreword vii
Preface ix
1 Introduction 1
2 Prevalence and natural history 7
3 Anatomy and physiology 18
4 Mechanisms of tinnitus 29
5 Medical models of tinnitus 43
6 Objective correlates of tinnitus 67
7 Consequences and moderating factors 81
8 Psychological models of tinnitus 102
9 The Jastreboff neurophysiological model 110
10 How tinnitus is perceived and measured 114
11 Self-report and interview measures of tinnitus
severity and impact 122
12 Hyperacusis 133
13 Traditional treatments 148
14 Tinnitus retraining therapy 168
15 A cognitive behavioural treatment programme 175
16 Emerging treatment approaches 191
17 Complementary medicine approaches to tinnitus 200
18 Tinnitus and hyperacusis in childhood and adolescence 208
19 Special populations 215
20 A multidisciplinary synthesis 221
Appendix 1 A treatment protocol for use in primary care, audiology and otolaryngology 225
Appendix 2 Cognitive behaviour therapy 237
References 243
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