Evidence-Based Practice of Anesthesiology, 4/e
Lee A. Fleisher, MD
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612 Pages
4 Edition
결제금액이 25,000원 이상 무료배송
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Addressing both routine and complex situations with practical decision-making tools, Evidence-Based Practice of Anesthesiology, 4th Edition, helps anesthesiologists make sound decisions in everyday practice. World-renowned authority, Dr. Lee A. Fleisher, takes an evidence-based approach to a variety of high-impact topics related to effective perioperative patient management: preoperative assessment; monitoring and administration of anesthesia during surgery; postoperative intensive care management; and postoperative pain management. The 4th Edition has been updated from cover to cover, helping you make informed clinical decisions based on reliable, up-to-date guidance in every aspect of patient care. 

Key Features
  • Explores important issues in perioperative management, discussing the available options, examining the relevant research, and presenting practical recommendations. 

  • Features concise, to-the-point chapters with numerous quick-reference tables for fast and effective decision making.  

  • Includes decision trees throughout to provide visual guidance and a logical flow of key decision points. 

  • Contains nine new chapters on how to identify patients at risk for postoperative neurocognitive disorder; the best strategy for perioperative ACE and ARB agents; emergency laparotomy; optimal postoperative analgesia and the opiate naïve patient; the best method for perioperative handoffs; myocardial injury after non-cardiac surgery (MINS); and more. 

  • Helps you master the current best practices you need to know for successful day-to-day practice and oral board review. 

  • Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices. 

1 Evidence-Based Practice Parameters: The Approach of

the American Society of Anesthesiologists

2 Is a Preoperative Screening Clinic Cost-Effective?

3 Which Patient Should Have a Preoperative Cardiac

Evaluation (Stress Test)?

4 Should Patients With Stable Coronary Artery Disease

Undergo Prophylactic Revascularization Before

Noncardiac Surgery?

5 Reducing Risk for Perioperative Stroke

6 How Should We Identify Patients at Risk for

Postoperative Neurocognitive Disorder?

7 Update on Preprocedure Testing

8 Is Routine Preoperative Pregnancy Testing


9 Should Preoperative Brain Natriuretic Peptide (BNP)

Be Measured Routinely?

10 How Should We Prepare the Patient With a

Pacemaker/Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator?, 75

11 What Are the Role and Management of Percutaneous

Coronary Intervention for Noncardiac Surgery?, 85

12 Should All Antihypertensive Agents Be Continued

Before Surgery?

13 Best Strategy for Perioperative Angiotensin-Converting

Enzyme-Inhibitor (ACE-I) and Angiotensin II Receptor

Blocker (ARB) Therapy Prior to Noncardiac Surgery

14 How Should Beta-Blockers Be Used Perioperatively?

15 Are Alpha-2 Agonists Effective in Reducing

Perioperative Renal Injury?

16 Does the Airway Examination Predict Difficult Airway


17 Do Checklists Improve Emergency Management?

18 Is There an Optimal Timing for Smoking Cessation?

19 Is There a Best Approach for Patients With Difficult

Airways: Regional Versus General Anesthesia?

20 Do Inhalational Agents Have Beneficial Effects on

Cardiac Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury?

21 Does Anesthetic Choice Affect Surgical and Recovery


22 Aspiration: Understanding the Risks and Optimizing


23 Emergency Laparotomy

24 When Are Platelet and Plasma Transfusion


David Faraoni

25 What Is the Role of Ketamine in Perioperative


26 When Should Perioperative Glucocorticoid

Replacement Be Administered?

27 Does the Choice of Fluid Matter in Major Surgery?

28 What Are the Benefits of Different Ventilatory


29 What Is the Best Strategy for Prevention of

Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting?

30 Is There an Optimal Perioperative Hemoglobin?

31 Does Perioperative Hyperglycemia Increase Risk?

Should We Have Aggressive Glucose Control


32 What Is the Best Means of Preventing Perioperative

Renal Injury?

Marlies Ostermann, Enya Cooney, and Nuttha Lumlertgul

33 Is Nitrous Oxide Associated With Outcome?

34 Should Targeted Temperature Management Be Used

Routinely After Intraoperative Cardiac Arrest?

35 Fast-Track Cardiac Anesthesia: A Vital Core of

Perioperative Cardiac Surgery Programs

36 Can We Prevent Recall During Anesthesia?

37 Nonsteroidal Antiinflammatory Drugs, Antiplatelet

Medications, and Spinal Axis Anesthesia

38 Deep Vein Thrombosis Prophylaxis With Heparin

and Heparin-Like Drugs Used in Combination With

Neuraxial Anesthesia and Deep Plexus Blocks

39 Is There a Best Analgesic Technique for Hip


Stephanie Cheng, Bradley Lee, and Jiabin Liu

40 Should Regional Anesthesia Be Used for Orthopedic

Trauma Patients?

41 Is There a Best Technique to Decrease Blood Loss

and Transfusion After Coronary Artery Bypass


42 Is There a Best Technique in the Patient With

Increased Intracranial Pressure?

43 What Works for Brain Protection?

44 Optimal Intraoperative Technique to Prevent

Postoperative Delirium

Elizabeth Mahanna-Gabrielli and Stacie Deiner

45 What Actions Can Be Used to Prevent Peripheral Nerve


46 Which Are the Best Techniques for Reducing

the Incidence of Postoperative Deep Vein


47 Does Neurologic Electrophysiologic Monitoring Affect


48 Anesthesia for Cesarean Delivery-Regional or


49 When Should a Combined Spinal-Epidural Be Used?

50 What Is the Optimal Management of Postdural

Puncture Headache?

51 Does Anesthesia Increase the Risk to the Parturient

Undergoing Nonobstetric Surgery?

52 Does Labor Analgesia Affect Labor Outcome?

53 When Should Regional Anesthesia Be Used in

Pediatric Patients?

54 How Young Is the Youngest Infant for Outpatient


55 What Works in a Patient With Acute Respiratory

Distress Syndrome?

56 Optimal Discharge Strategy

Jake Fridman, Tanya Mehta, and John Nguyen

57 What Drugs Decrease Perioperative Bleeding?

58 What Must I Consider to Safely Anesthetize Someone

in the Office Setting?

59 Optimal Postoperative Analgesia for the Opiate-

Tolerant Patient

60 Optimal Postoperative Analgesia for the Opiate-Naïve


61 What Is the Best Method for Perioperative Handoffs?

62 Myocardial Injury After Noncardiac Surgery



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