Facial and Nasal Anatomy, An Issue of Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America
Sebastian Cotofana
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240 Pages
3,000원 (3만원 이상 구매 시, 무료배송)
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In this issue of Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics, guest editor Dr. Sebastian Cotofana brings his considerable expertise to the topic of Facial and Nasal Anatomy. Top experts in the field cover key topics such as facial transplantation, 3D imaging and virtual surgical planning in facial reconstruction, liquid rhinoplasty using the superficial approach, and many more. 

Key Features
  • Contains 12 relevant, practice-oriented topics including updated biomechanical concepts of the face; the layered anatomy of the nose and its relation to nasal arterial vasculature (ultrasound-based); 3D surface scanning of the nose (whole body scanners vs. facial handheld devices); assessing the aesthetic perception of the nose in pre- vs. post-rhinoplasty individuals (eye-tracking based); and more. 

  • Provides in-depth clinical reviews on facial and nasal anatomy in plastic surgery, offering actionable insights for clinical practice. 

  • Presents the latest information on this timely, focused topic under the leadership of experienced editors in the field. Authors synthesize and distill the latest research and practice guidelines to create clinically significant, topic-based reviews. 

Understanding Facial Aging Through Facial Biomechanics: A Clinically Applicable Guide for Improved Outcomes

Ultrasound Anatomy of the Dorsal Nasal Artery as it Relates to Liquid Rhinoplasty Procedures

The Columellar Arteries in the Asian Nose

3D Anthropometric Facial Imaging - A comparison of different 3D scanners

Accuracy Assessment of Three-Dimensional Surface Imaging-Based Distance Measurements of the Face: Comparison of a Handheld Facial Scanner and a Stationary Whole-Body Surface Imaging Device

Anatomic Differences Between the Asian and Caucasian Nose and Their Implications for Liquid Rhinoplasties

Effect of Surgical versus Nonsurgical Rhinoplasty on Perception of the Patient: An Eye>Tracking Based Investigation

Superficial Nasal Filler Injections-How I do It

The Deep Columellar Approach for Liquid Rhinoplasty - A Case Series of 511 Procedures over 16 years

Deep Plane Anatomy for the Facelift Surgeon: A Comprehensive Three-Dimensional Journey

The Fascias of the Forehead and Temple Aligned-An Anatomic Narrative Review

Electrophysiologic Frontalis Muscle Response Following Neuromodulator Injections

Understanding the Vascular Anatomy of the Face: Introducing the X-Y-Z-Concept

Virtual Surgical Planning (VSP) in Craniomaxillofacial Reconstruction

Facial Transplantation

Facial Recognition Pattern before and after Lower Eyelid Blepharoplasty: An Eye Tracking Analysis


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