Broad scope of coverage makes this text an ideal companion for clinical laboratory science programs at various levels, including CLS/MT, CLT/MLT, medical laboratory assistant, and medical assisting, and reflects the taxonomy levels of the CLS/MT and CLT/MLT exams.
Detailed procedure guides familiarize students with the exact steps performed in the lab.
Vivid, full-color illustrations depict concepts and applicable images that can be seen under the microscope.
An extensive number of certification-style, multiple-choice review questions are organized and coordinated under major topical headings at the end of each chapter to help assess students` understanding and identify areas requiring additional study.
Case studies include critical thinking group discussion questions, providing the opportunity to apply content to real-life scenarios.
Procedure worksheets can be used in the lab and for assigning review questions as homework.
The newest Entry Level Curriculum Updates for workforce entry, published by the American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science (ASCLS) and the American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP) Board of Certification Exam Content Outlines, serve as content reference sources.
Convenient glossary makes it easy to look up definitions without having to search through each chapter.
An Evolve companion website provides convenient access to animations, flash card sets, and additional review questions.
Experienced author, speaker, and educator Mary L. Turgeon is well known for providing insight into the rapidly changing field of clinical laboratory science.
Using a discipline-by-discipline approach, Turgeon`s Clinical Laboratory Science: Concepts, Procedures, and Clinical Applications, 9th Edition, provides a fundamental overview of the concepts, procedures, and clinical applications essential for working in a clinical laboratory and performing routine clinical lab tests. Coverage includes basic laboratory techniques and key topics such as safety, phlebotomy, quality assessment, automation, and point-of-care testing, as well as discussion of clinical laboratory specialties. Clear, straightforward instructions simplify laboratory procedures and are guided by the latest practices and CLSI (Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute) standards. Written by well-known CLS educator Mary Louise Turgeon, this edition offers essential guidance and recommendations for today`s laboratory testing methods and clinical applications.
Key Features
Broad scope of coverage makes this text an ideal companion for clinical laboratory science programs at various levels, including CLS/MT, CLT/MLT, medical laboratory assistant, and medical assisting, and reflects the taxonomy levels of the CLS/MT and CLT/MLT exams.
Detailed procedure guides and procedure worksheets on Evolve and in the ebook familiarize you with the exact steps performed in the lab.
Vivid, full-color illustrations depict concepts and applicable images that can be seen under the microscope.
An extensive number of certification-style, multiple-choice review questions are organized and coordinated under major topical headings at the end of each chapter to help you assess your understanding and identify areas requiring additional study.
Case studies include critical thinking group discussion questions, providing the opportunity to apply content to real-life scenarios.
The newest Entry Level Curriculum Updates for workforce entry, published by the American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science (ASCLS) and the American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP) Board of Certification Exam Content Outlines, serve as content reference sources.
Convenient glossary makes it easy to look up definitions without having to search through each chapter.
An Evolve companion website provides convenient access to animations, flash card sets, and additional review questions.
Experienced author, speaker, and educator Mary L. Turgeon is well known for providing insight into the rapidly changing field of clinical laboratory science.
Part I Basic Laboratory Techniques 1 Fundamentals of the Clinical Laboratory 2 Safety: Patient and Clinical Laboratory Practices 3 Quality Assessment and Quality Control in the Clinical Laboratory 4 The Microscope 5 Systems of Measurement, Laboratory Equipment, and Reagents 6 Laboratory Mathematics and Solution Preparation 7 Basic and Contemporary Techniques in the Clinical Laboratory 8 Laboratory Testing: From Point of Care to Total Automation Part II Basic Clinical Laboratory Specializations 9 Phlebotomy: Collecting and Processing Patient Blood Specimens 10 An Introduction to the Principles and Practice of Clinical Hematology 11 Hemostasis and Blood Coagulation 12 Renal Physiology and Urinalysis 13 Examination of Body Fluids and Miscellaneous Specimens 14 Introduction to the Principles and Practice of Clinical Chemistry 15 New Frontiers in Molecular Diagnostics 16 Introduction to Medical Microbiology 17 Immunology and Serology 18 Immunohematology and Transfusion Medicine Appendix A: Answers to Review Questions and Case Studies Appendix B: AMA Recognized Disease/Organ Panels Appendix C: Periodic Table Appendix D: Overview of COVID-19 Appendix E: Molecular Testing Methods Appendix F Quick Calculations and Adult Reference Values Glossary Index
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