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임상독성학(2007 대한민국학술원 우수학술도서 선정!) 김기운, 윤상규, 정윤석, 최상천 63,000 59,850won
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흉부영상진단X선+흉부영상진단CT [2권세트] 대한흉부영상의학회 150,000 142,500won
중환자 간호사는 예리한 임상적 판단능력과 뛰어난 임상실무 능력으로 잠재적 또는 실제적으로 치명적인 건강문제를 가진 중환자에게 체계적이고 과학적인 간호를 제공하여 회복의 기회를 증가시키는 간호 전문가입니다. 따라서 중환자 간호를 제공하는 간호사는 임상실무에 대한 해박한 지식과 이론적인 근거를 가지고 표준화된 간호를 수행해야 합니다.
중환자간호의 발전과 간호사들의 활발한 교류를 위해 1989면 창립된 병원중환자간호사회는 지난 19년 동안 전국에 있는 간호사들에게 중환자간호의 최신 지식과 실무 지침을 제공하기 위해 지속적으로 노력하여 왔습니다. 특히 2003년도에

UNIT 1 Pulmonary System _ 1 SECTION 1 Airway Management_1 1 Combitube Insertion and Removal _ 1 2 Endotracheal Intubation(perform) _ 9 3 Endotracheal Intubation(Assist) _ 23 4 Endotracheal Tube and Oral care _ 32 5 Extubation/Decannulation(Perform) _ 39 6 Extubation/Decannulation(Assist) _ 44 7 Laryngeal Mask Airway _ 49 8 Nasopharyngeal Airway Insertion _ 62 9 Oropharyngeal Airway Insertion _ 67 10 Suctioning:Endotracheal or Tracheostomy Tube _ 73 11 Tracheal Tube Cuff Care _ 83 12 Tracheostomy Tube Care_ 93 SECTION 2 Special Pulmonary Procedures _ 103 13 Continuous End-Tidal Carbon Dioxide Monitoring _ 103 14 Continuous Mixed Venous Oxygen Saturation Monitoring _ 111 15 Oxygen Saturation Monitoring by Pulse Oximetry _ 119 16 Pronation Therapy _ 127 SECTION 3 Thoracic Cavity Management _ 142 17 Autotransfusion _ 142 18 Chest Tube Placement(Perform) _ 147 19 Chest Tube Placement(Assist) _ 157 20 Chest Tube Removal(Perform) _ 164 21 Chest Tube Removal(Assist) _ 172 22 Closed Chest Drainage System _ 179 23 Needle Thoracostomy(Perform) _ 201 24 Thoracentesis(Perform) _ 206 25 Thoracentesis(Assist) _ 214 SECTION 4 Ventilatory Management _ 220 26 Arterial-Venous Oxygen Difference Calculation _ 220 27 Auto-PEEP Calculation _ 224 28 Compliance and Resistance Measurement _ 229 29 Manual Self-Inflating Resuscitation Bag _ 233 30 Indices of Oxygenation _ 242 31 Shunt Calculation _ 246 32 Ventilatory Management-Volume and Pressure Modes _ 251 33 Weaning Criteria-Negative Inspiratory Pressure, Positive End-Expiratory Pressure, Spontaneous Tidal Volume, and Vital Capacity Measurement _ 269 34 Weaning Procedure_ 275

UNIT 2 Cardiovascular System _ 290 SECTION 5 Cardiac Emergencies _ 290 35 Automated External Defibrillation _ 290 36 Cardioversion _ 298 37 Defibrillation(External) _ 310 38 Defibrillation(Internal) _ 319 39 Emergent Open Sternotomy(Perform) _ 325 40 Emergent Open Sternotomy(Assist) _ 331 41 Pericardiocentesis(Perform) _ 336 42 Pericardiocentesis(Assist) _ 344 SECTION 6 Cardiac Pacemakers _ 351 43 Atrial Electrogram _ 351 44 Atrial Overdrive Pacing (perform) _ 361 45 Epicardial Pacing Wire Removal _ 369 46 Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator _ 373 47 Permanent Pacemaker (Assessing Function) _ 385 48 Temporary Transcutaneous(External) Pacing _ 396 49 Temporary Transvenous Pacemaker Insertion(Perform) _ 404 50 Temporary Transvenous and Epicardial Pacing _ 413 SECTION 7 Circulatory Assist Devices _ 428 51 Intraaortic Balloon Pump Management _ 428 52 External Counterpressure with Pneumatic Antishock Garments _ 450 53 Ventricular Assist Devices _ 457 SECTION 8 Electrocardiographic Leads and Cardiac Monitoring _ 487 54 Electrophysiologic Monitoring:Hardwire and Telemetry _ 487 55 Extra Electrocardiographic Leads:Right Precordial and Left Posterior Leads _ 499 56 Continuous ST-Segment Monitoring _ 510 57 Twelve-Lead Electrocardiogram _ 520 SECTION 9 Hemodynamic Monitoring _ 529 58 Arterial Catheter Insertion (Perform) _ 529 59 Arterial Catheter Insertion(Assist), Care and Removal _ 536 60 Blood Sampling from an Arterial Catheter _ 552 61 Blood Sampling From Central Venous Catheters _ 560 62 Blood Sampling From a Pulmonary Artery Catheter _ 565 63 Cardiac Output Measurement Techniques(Invasive) _ 572 64 Central Venous Catheter Removal _ 590 65 Central Venous Catheter Site Care _ 595 66 Central Venous/Right Atrial Pressure Monitoring _ 599 67 Esophageal Doppler Monitoring of Aortic Blood Flow:Probe Insertion _ 608 68 Esophageal Doppler Monitoring of Aortic Blood Flow:Care and Removal _ 615 69 Left Atrial Catheter:Care and Assisting With Removal _ 621 70 Noninvasive Hemodynamic Monitoring: Impedance Cardiography _ 629 71 Pulmonary Artery Catheter Insertion(Perform) _ 641 72 Pulmonary Artery Catheter Insertion(Assist) and Pressure Monitoring _ 650 73 Pulmonary Artery Cathter Removal _ 673 74 Pulmonary Artery Catheter and Pressure Lines, Troubleshooting _ 680 75 Single-and Multiple-Pressure Transducer Systems _ 697 SECTION 10 Special Cardiac Procedures _ 710 76 Arterial and Venous Sheath Removal _ 710 77 Pericardial Catheter Management _ 718 78 Transesophageal Echocardiography(Assist) _ 731 SECTION 11 Vascular Access _ 740 79 Arterial Puncture _ 740 80 Central Venous Catheter Insertion(perform) _ 749 81 Central Venous Catheter Insertion(Assist) _ 764 82 Implantable Venous Access Device:Access, Deaccess, and Care _ 775 83 Peripheral Intravenous Catheter Insertion _ 786 84 Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter _ 798 85 Venipuncture _ 811

UNIT 3 Neurologic System _ 821 SECTION 12 Neurologic Monitoring _ 821 86 Bispectral Index Monitoring _ 821 87 Brain Tissue Oxygen Monitoring : Insertion(Assist), Care, and Troubleshooting _ 836 88 Intracranial Bolt insertion(Assist), Monitoring, Care, Troubleshooting, and Removal _ 846 89 Intraventricular Catheter Insertion(Assist), Monitoring, Care, Troubleshooting and Removal _ 858 90 Jugular Venous Oxygen Saturation Monitoring:Insertion(Assist), Care, Troubleshooting, and Removal _ 868 91 Lumbar Subarachnoid Catheter Insertion(Assist) for Cerebral Spinal Fluid Pressure Monitoring and Drainage _ 879 92 Neurologic Drainage and Pressure Monitoring System _ 888 93 Transcranial Doppler Monitoring _ 903 SECTION 13 Special Neurologic Procedures _ 916 94 Cerebrospinal Fluid Drainage Assessment _ 916 95 External Warming/Cooling Devices _ 920 96 Ice-water Caloric Testing for Vestibular Function(assist) _ 929 97 Lumbar Puncture (perform) _ 934 98 Lumbar and Cisternal Punctures (Assist) _ 942 SECTION 14 Traction Management _ 949 99 External Fixation Device Insertion(Assist) _ 949 100 Halo Traction Care _ 955 101 Tong and Halo Pin Site care _ 963 102 Traction Maintenance _ 967 SECTION 15 Pain Management _ 974 103 Epidural Catheters :Assisting With Insertion and Pain Management _ 974 104 Peripheral Nerve Stimulators _ 986 105 Patient-Controlled Analgesia _ 996 106 Peripheral Nerve Blocks (Assist) _ 1004

UNIT 4 Gastrointestinal System _ 1015 SECTION 16 Special Gastrointestinal Procedures _ 1015 107 Esophagogastric Tamponade Tube _ 1015 108 Gastric Lavage in Hemorrhage and Overdose _ 1025 109 Monitoring Gastrointestinal Perfusion With a Gastric Tonometer _ 1034 110 Intraabdominal Pressure Monitoring _ 1049 111 Nasogastric Tube Insertion, Care, and Removal _ 1057 112 Paracentesis (Perform) _ 1067 113 Paracentesis (Assist) _ 1075 114 Peritoneal Lavage (Perform) _ 1081 115 Peritoneal Lavage (Assist) _ 1090 116 Scleral Endoscopic Therapy _ 1098

UNIT 5 Renal System _ 1105 SECTION 17 Renal Replacement _ 1105 117 Continuous Renal Replacement Therapies _ 1105 118 Hemodialysis _ 1133 119 Peritoneal Dialysis _ 1151 SECTION 18 Special Renal Procedures _ 1162 120 Apheresis, Plasmapheresis , and Plasma Exchange (Assist) _ 1162

UNIT 6 Hematologic System _ 1171 SECTION 19 Fluid Management _ 1171 121 Blood and Blood Component Administration _ 1171 122 Blood Pump Use _ 1183 123 Continuous Arteriovenous Rewarming _ 1187 124 Massive infusion devices _ 1199 125 Transfusion Reaction Management _ 1211 SECTION 20 Special Hematologic Procedures _ 1218 126 Bone Marrow Biopsy and Aspiration(Perform) _ 1218 127 Bone Marrow Biopsy and Aspiration(Assist) _ 1225 128 Determination of Microhematocrit via Centrifuge _ 1231

UNIT 7 Integumentary System _ 1237 SECTION 21 Burn Wound Management _ 1237 129 Donor Site Care _ 1237 130 Burn Wound Care _ 1245 131 Skin Graft Care _ 1260 SECTION 22 Special Integumentary Procedures _ 1270 132 Intracompartmental Pressure Monitoring _ 1270 133 Pressure-Reducing Devices:Lateral Rotation Therapy _ 1281 134 wound closure _ 1289 135 Suture Removal _ 1302 SECTION 23 Wound Management _ 1308 136 Cleaning , Irrigating , Culturing , and Dressing an Open Wound _ 1308 137 Debridement :Pressure Ulcers, Burns, and Wounds _ 1319 138 Dressing Wounds With Drains _ 1327 139 Drain Removal _ 1333 140 Pouching a Wound _ 1337 141 Vacuum-Assisted ClosureTM (V.A.C.)£ó System for Wounds _ 1342

UNIT 8 Nutrition _ 1358 142 Enteral Nutrition _ 1358 143 Parenteral Nutrition _ 1368 144 Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy( PEG ), Gastrostomy, or jejunostomy Tube Care _ 1377 145 Small-Bore Feeding Tube Insertion and Care _ 1382

UNIT 9 End of Life _ 1387 146 Advance Directives _ 1387 147 Determination of Death _ 1394 148 Care of the Organ Donor _ 1404 149 Identification of Potential Organ Donors _ 1409 150 Request for Organ Donation _ 1414 151 Non-Heart-Beating Organ Donation (Donation After Cardiac Death) _ 1419 152 Withholding and Withdrawing Life-Sustaining Therapy _ 1426

UNIT 10 Calculating Medication Doses _ 1433 153 Calculating Doses, Flow Rates, and Administration Of Continuous Intravenous Infusions _ 1433




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