Dental Radiography, 6/e
oen Iannucci, DDS, MS and Laura Jansen Howerton, RDH, MS
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472 Pages
결제금액이 25,000원 이상 무료배송
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  • Comprehensive coverage provides a solid foundation for the safe, effective use of radiation in the dental office.
  • Step-by-step procedures support clear instructions with anatomical drawings, positioning photos, and radiographs, helping you confidently and accurately perform specific techniques and minimize radiation exposure to the patient.
  • Application to Practice and Helpful Hint features highlight common clinical encounters and provide a checklist with the dos and don`ts of imaging procedures.
  • Summary tables and boxes recap the key points of text discussions and serve as useful review and study tools.
  • End-of-chapter quiz questions assess your understanding of important content.
  • Evolve companion website supplements the print book with case studies, interactive exercises, review questions, and more.

Master the skills required for safe, effective dental imaging! Dental Radiography: Principles and Techniques, 6th Edition provides a solid foundation in the radiation and technique basics that dental assistants and dental hygienists need to know. Clear, comprehensive coverage includes detailed, step-by-step procedures, illustrations of oral anatomy and photos of new equipment, digital and three-dimensional imaging, a guide to image interpretation, and National Board Dental Hygiene Examination-style case scenarios. Written by noted educators Joen M. Iannucci and Laura Jansen Howerton, Elsevier`s bestselling text on dental radiography prepares you for success in the classroom, on your CDA or NBDHE exam, and in clinical practice.

Key Features
  • Comprehensive coverage provides a solid foundation for the safe, effective use of radiation in the dental office.
  • Step-by-step procedures support clear instructions with anatomical drawings, positioning photos, and radiographs, helping you confidently and accurately perform specific techniques and minimize radiation exposure to the patient.
  • Application to Practice and Helpful Hint features highlight common clinical encounters and provide a checklist with the dos and don`ts of imaging procedures.
  • Summary tables and boxes recap the key points of text discussions and serve as useful review and study tools.
  • End-of-chapter quiz questions assess your understanding of important content.
  • Evolve companion website supplements the print book with case studies, interactive exercises, review questions, and more.

PART I: Radiation Basics and Dental Image Characteristics
1. Radiation History
2. Radiation Physics
3. Radiation Biology
4. Radiation Protection
5. Radiation Characteristics
6. Dental X-Ray Image Characteristics
PART II: Equipment and Digital Imaging Basics
7. Dental X-Ray Equipment
8. Digital Imaging
PART III: Film Imaging Basics
9. Dental X-Ray Film
10. Film Processing
11. Film Mounting and Viewing
PART IV: Dental Radiographer Basics
12. Dental Images and the Dental Radiographer
13. Patient Relations and the Dental Radiographer
14. Patient Education and the Dental Radiographer
15. Legal Issues and the Dental Radiographer
16. Infection Control and the Dental Radiographer
17. Quality Assurance in the Dental Office
PART V: Intraoral Technique Basics
18. Introduction to Dental Imaging Examinations
19. Paralleling Technique
20. Bisecting Technique
21. Bite-Wing Technique
22. Exposure and Technique Errors
23. Occlusal and Localization Techniques
24. Imaging of Patients with Special Needs
PART VI: Extraoral Imaging Basics
25. Panoramic Imaging
26. Extraoral Imaging
27. Three-Dimensional Digital Imaging
PART VII: Normal Anatomy Basics
28. Normal Anatomy: Intraoral Images
29. Normal Anatomy: Panoramic Images
PART VIII: Image Interpretation Basics
30. Introduction to Image Interpretation
31. Dex_scriptive Terminology
32. Identification of Restorations, Dental Materials, and Foreign Objects
33. Interpretation of Dental Caries
34. Interpretation of Periodontal Disease
35. Interpretation of Trauma, Pulpal Lesions, and Periapical Lesions
Appendix: Periodontal and Peri-Implant Diseases


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