The Electronic Health Record for the Physician`s Office: For Simchart for the Medical Office, 3e 신간 해외주문가능
Julie Pepper, BS, CMA (AAMA)
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194 pages
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  • UNIQUE! Integration with SimChart for the Medical OfficeElsevier`s educational EHR (sold separately).
  • Content and tools prepare you for Certified Electronic Health Records Specialist (CEHRS) certification.
  • Chapter review activities promote didactic knowledge review and assessment.
  • Critical thinking exercises threaded within chapters provide thought-provoking questions to enhance learning and stimulate discussion.
  • EHR exercises with step-by-step instructions are integrated throughout each chapter and build in difficulty to allow for software application.
  • Trends and Applications boxes help you stay up to date on the industry and the ways in which an EHR can contribute to enhanced health care.
  • Coverage of paper-based office procedures to aid in transition to EHR.
  • Application appendices with additional forms allow you to practice applying text content before tackling graded SCMO exercises.
  • Instructor online resources, including a test bank, TEACH lesson plans and PowerPoint presentations, correlation guides for accreditation and certification, and grading rubrics.
  • Student online resources with a custom test generator allow for CEHRS exam practice or simulation.

Gain real-world practice with an EHR and realistic, hands-on experience performing EHR tasks! With everything needed to learn the foundations of the EHR process, The Electronic Health Record for the Physician`s Office, 3rd Edition, helps you master all the administrative, clinical, and billing/coding skills needed to gain certification - and succeed as a medical office professional. Fully integrated with SimChart for the Medical Office, Elsevier`s educational EHR, it walks you through the basics, including implementation, troubleshooting, HIPAA compliance, and claims submissions. This edition contains new and expanded content on patient portals, telehealth, insurance and reimbursement, and data management and analytics, as well as more EHR activities for even more practice.

Key Features
  • UNIQUE! Integration with SimChart for the Medical OfficeElsevier`s educational EHR (sold separately).
  • Content and tools prepare you for Certified Electronic Health Records Specialist (CEHRS) certification.
  • Chapter review activities promote didactic knowledge review and assessment.
  • Critical thinking exercises threaded within chapters provide thought-provoking questions to enhance learning and stimulate discussion.
  • EHR exercises with step-by-step instructions are integrated throughout each chapter and build in difficulty to allow for software application.
  • Trends and Applications boxes help you stay up to date on the industry and the ways in which an EHR can contribute to enhanced health care.
  • Coverage of paper-based office procedures to aid in transition to EHR.
  • Application appendices with additional forms allow you to practice applying text content before tackling graded SCMO exercises.
  • Instructor online resources, including a test bank, TEACH lesson plans and PowerPoint presentations, correlation guides for accreditation and certification, and grading rubrics.
  • Student online resources with a custom test generator allow for CEHRS exam practice or simulation.

1.Introduction to Electronic Health Records
2.Overview of SimChart for the Medical Office
3.Privacy, Confidentiality, and Security
4.Administrative Use of the Electronic Health Record
5.Clinical Use of the Electronic Health Record
6.Using the Electronic Health Record for Reimbursement
7.The Personal Health Record and Patient Portals
Appendix A: Review of Paper-Based Office Documents
Appendix B: CMS Documentation Guidelines
Appendix C: Front Office, Clinical Care, and Coding and Billing Application Exercises
Appendix D: SimChart Supplement


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