Oxford Textbook of Palliative Nursing, 4/e 해외주문가능
Betty R. Ferrell
Oxford University Press
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1248 Pages
4 Edition
결제금액이 25,000원 이상 무료배송
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This landmark text is the key resource for nurses working in the field of palliative care. Edited by renowned nursing experts, and written by a dynamic team of internationally known authorities in nursing and palliative medicine, the Oxford Textbook of Palliative Nursing covers the gamut of principles of care from the time of initial diagnosis of a terminal disease to the end of a patient's life and beyond. The text is distinctively developed to highlight the nurse's vital role as part of an integrated palliative care team. Various care settings are discussed including the hospital, ICU, home care, and hospice. Chapters focus on the practical aspects of nursing care, including symptom assessment, patient teaching, family support, psychosocial aspects of palliation, and spiritual care. New to the fourth edition are chapters on the National Consensus Project for Quality Palliative Care Guidelines, palliative care of veterans, palliative care in rural settings, disaster situations, palliative care in Eastern Europe, and palliative care in the Philippines.

1. Introduction to Palliative Nursing Care

2. National Consensus Project for Quality Palliative Care: Promoting Excellence in Palliative Nursing

3. Hospital-Based Palliative Care

4. Principles of Patient and Family Assessment

5. Communication in Palliative Care: An Essential Competency for Nurses

Section II. Symptom Assessment and Management

6. Pain Assessment

7. Pain at the End of Life

8. Fatigue

9. Anorexia and Cachexia

10. Nausea and Vomiting

11. Dysphagia, Xerostomia, and Hiccups

12. Bowel Management: Constipation, Diarrhea, Obstruction, and Ascites

13. Artificial Nutrition and Hydration

14. Dyspnea, Terminal Secretions, and Cough

15. Urinary Tract Disorders

16. Lymphedema Management

17a. Skin Disorders: Pressure Ulcers: Prevention and Management

17b. Skin Disorders: Malignant Wounds, Fistulas, and Stomas

18. Pruritis, Fever, and Sweats

19. Neurological Disorders

20. Anxiety and Depression

21. Delirium, Confusion, Agitation, and Restlessness

22. Insomnia

23. Sexuality

24. Urgent Syndromes at the End of Life

25. Sedation for Refractory Symptoms

26. Complementary and Alternative Therapies in Palliative Care

27. Withdrawal of Life-Sustaining Therapies: Mechanical Ventilation, Dialysis, and Cardiac Device

Section III. Psychosocial Support

28. The Meaning of Hope in the Dying

29. Bereavement

30. Supporting Families in Palliative Care

31. Planning for the Actual Death

32. Spiritual Assessment

33. Spiritual Care Intervention

34. Meaning in Illness

Section IV. Special Patient Populations

35. Caring for Those with Chronic Illness

36. Cultural Considerations in Palliative Care

37. Elderly Patients

38. Poor, Homeless, and Underserved Populations

39. End-of-Life Care for Patients with Mental Illness and Personality Disorders

40. Patients with Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome

41. Caring for the Patient With Substance Use Disorder at the End of Life

42. Palliative Care of Cancer Survivors

43. Veterans

Section V. End-of-Life Care Across Settings

44. Improving the Quality of Care Across All Settings

45. Long-Term Care: Focus on Nursing Homes

46. Home Care and Hospice Home Care

47. The Intensive Care Unit

48. Palliative Care Nursing in the Outpatient Setting

49. Rehabilitation and Palliative Care

50. The Emergency Department

51. The Role of Nursing in Caring for Patients Undergoing Palliative Surgery for Advanced Disease

52. Palliative Chemotherapy and Clinical Trials in Advanced Cancer: The Nurse's Role

53. Rural Palliative Care

54. Palliative Care in Mass Casualty Events with Scarce Resources

Section VI. Pediatric Palliative Care

55. Symptom Management in Pediatric Palliative Care

56. Pediatric Hospice and Palliative Care

57. Pediatric Care: Transitioning Goals of Care in the Emergency Department, Intensive Care Unit, and In Between

58. End-of-Life Decision-Making in Pediatric Oncology

59. Palliative Care in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

60. Grief and Bereavement in Pediatric Palliative Care

61. Pediatric Pain: Knowing the Child Before You

Section VII. Special Issues for the Nurse in End-of-Life Care

62. The Advanced Practice Registered Nurse

63. Reflections on Occupational Stress in Palliative Care Nursing: Is it Changing?

64. Ethical Considerations in Palliative Care

65. Palliative Care and Requests for Assistance in Dying

66. Nursing Education

67. Nursing Research

68. Enhancing Team Effectiveness

69. Clinical Interventions, Economic Impact, and Palliative Care

70. International Palliative Care Initiatives

71. Palliative Care in Canada

72. Palliative Care in Australia and New Zealand

73. Palliative Care in the UK

74. Palliative Care in Europe

75. Palliative Care in Latin America

76. Palliative Care in Africa

77. Palliative Care in Japan

78. Palliative Care in South Korea

79. Palliative Care in Eastern Europe

80. Palliative Care in the Philippines

81. Palliative Care in Situations of Conflict

82. Palliative Care as a Human Right

83. A Good Death



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