NCLEX-RN® Maternal-Neonatal Nursing Made Incredibly Easy! is really two books in one, bringing together a comprehensive review of maternal-neonatal nursing geared to the NCLEX-RN® exam along with hundreds of questions, answers, and rationales following the new 2010 NCLEX® test plan. The book uses the well-known Incredibly Easy! approach to make NCLEX® review more interesting, enjoyable, concise, and effective. It provides page after page of solid clinical information and detailed rationales in an easy-to-read manner that encourages knowledge retention by decreasing study anxiety. Questions accompany each chapter to help students gauge their knowledge. The second part of the book offers hundreds of practice questions, following the same organization as the review text, to help students continue their preparation. Fully updated to match the 2010 NCLEX® test plan, this book also includes explanations of the exam structure, studying and test-taking tips, and information to help international students and graduate nurses conquer NCLEX®. Students and faculty alike will be impressed with how Incredibly Easy! studying for and passing the NCLEX® can be. |
구분 | 13시 이전 | 13시 이후 |
군자도서 | 당일출고 | 1일 추가 |
타사도서 | 1일 ~ 2일 추가 | 2일 ~ 3일 추가 |
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