Fundamentals of Pharmacology for Midwives
Ian Peate
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간호학 > 원서
448 Pages
3,000원 (3만원 이상 구매 시, 무료배송)
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  • Fundamentals of Pharmacology for Midwives provides the reader with a thorough understanding of the essentials of pharmacology associated with childbearing women, and improving safety and care outcomes whilst ensuring the comfort of the mother. It is essential that midwifery students have a knowledge and an understanding of pharmacology, along with an ability to recognise the positive and opposing effects of medicines from conception to birth—including allergies and drug sensitivities, side effects and adverse reactions, contraindications and errors in prescribing, and more.

    • Written with the latest NMC Standards of Proficiency for Registered Midwives (NMC 2019) in mind
    • Each chapter includes ‘test your prior knowledge’ questions, learning outcomes, and skills in practice boxes that encourage the reader to apply the theory to everyday practice
    • Includes companion website for the book at that contains multiple-choice questions, powerpoint slides, glossaries, chapter references and other self-test material designed to enhance learning

    Fundamentals of Pharmacology for Midwives provides a useful reference for those studying to be midwives and support clinicians in the field, helping them become safe and accountable practitioners offering competent and confident women-centred care.

    All content reviewed by students for students.

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Part I Essentials of Pharmacology and Midwifery

1             Introduction to pharmacology

               Jenny Brewster

2             How to use pharmaceutical and prescribing reference guides

               Kirsty Fishburn and Andrea Hilton

3             Legal and ethical issues

               Hema Turner

4             Medicines management

               Rebecca Murray


Part II Introduction to Pharmacology

5             Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

               Barry Hill and Claire Leader

6             Formulations

               Sinéad McKee and Cathy Hamilton

7             Adverse drug reaction

               Cathy Hamilton

8             Analgesics

               Iñaki Mansilla

9             Antibiotics and antibacterials

               Amanda Waterman


Part III Medications Used During Pregnancy and Childbirth

10           Medications used in labour

               Chin Swain

11           Medications and the cardiovascular system

               Carl Clare

12           Medications and the renal system

               Sam Bassett

13           Medications and diabetes

               Carl Clare and Celia Wildeman

14           Medications and respiration

               Helen McIntyre

15           Medications and the gastrointestinal system

               Debbie Gurney

16           Medications and nutritional supplementation

               Cathy Ashwin

17           Medications and the nervous system

               Cathy Hamilton

18           Medications and mental health

               Emmanuel Ndisang

19           Medications and the immune system

               Janet G. Migliozzi and Cathy Hamilton

20           Medications and breast feeding

               Deborah Sharp and Zoi Vardavaki

21           Medications and sexually transmitted infections

               Celia Wildeman

22           Medications and recreational drug use

               Laura Abbott and Karen Mills

23           Medications used in emergency midwifery situations

               Jayne Marshall

24           Medications used in contraception

               Emma Dawson-Goodey                              


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