The Medication Interest Model: How to Talk With Patients About Their Medications 2/e
Shawn Christopher Shea MD
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372 Pages
2 Edition
결제금액이 25,000원 이상 무료배송
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This pioneering book on the clinician-patient alliance - written in a fast-paced, highly enjoyable writing style - shows medical, nursing, physician assistant, and clinical pharmacy students the importance of the principles behind shared decision making and how to transform those principles into clinical practice. Shawn Christopher Shea, MD, an internationally respected author, has a superb ability to perceive the complexities of clinical interviewing as applied to shared decision making, while creating frameworks and interviewing techniques that illuminate, clarify, and simplify those complexities so that young clinicians can immediately apply them. This book demonstrates the art of enhancing the therapeutic alliance by addressing one of the most, if not the, most important of interviewing tasks with regard to achieving successful healing: collaboratively talking with patients about their medications and effectively enhancing their medication adherence.
The Medication Interest Model (MIM) was developed by watching clinicians and case managers talk with their patients about their medications and holding over 150 MIM workshops with primary care physicians, nurses, mental health professionals and other allied health professionals. The result is a book filled with the type of wisdom and knowledge that can only be gained by learning from the skilled clinicians who talk with patients on a daily basis about their medications. Students (as well as experienced clinicians) will find this wonderfully practical resource to be a text they will frequently pull down from their shelves to absorb its wisdom long after they have left their training programs.
This highly acclaimed, Doody’s Core title has been thoroughly updated and expanded for the second edition: The Medication Interest Model (MIM), its motivational theory (the Choice Triad), and its over 100 easily learned and practical interviewing techniques are described and demonstrated with clear examples and compelling illustrative interview dialogue.
  • Interviewing principles and techniques are easily learned and used, providing an ideal introduction to medical, nursing, physician assistant, and clinical pharmacy students on how to effectively create the therapeutic alliance while enhancing medication adherence.
  • Provides the most up to date information and nuances of the Medication Interest Model (MIM) from its creator and developer, a clinical model explicitly designed for effective use in the hectic clinical settings of primary care clinics, specialty clinics, and hospital units.
  • Presents more than 100 specific interviewing techniques that are equally useful for medications for all disease states – from hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, asthma, and congestive heart failure to cancer, AIDS, and PTSD.
  • Clearly shows how words powerfully impact whether or not patients are interested in taking medications and staying on them by providing the exact phrasings of over 100 interviewing techniques demonstrating, with clinical examples and clinical dialogue, all of their nuances for immediate, everyday practicality.
  • Contains a wealth of relevant information for physicians, nurses, physician assistants, case managers, and clinical pharmacists across disciplines from primary care to specialists in endocrinology, cardiology, neurology, rheumatology and psychiatry – and is equally valuable and relevant to both students and experienced clinicians.
  • User-friendly Tip Archive, with the exact wording of all 100 of the tips shown in the easily accessed e-book forquick referral by medical and nursing students during clinical rotations.

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