Bill`s Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics for Veterinary Technicians, 5/e
Melinda Anderson Pharm.D. FSVHP BS RVT
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382 Pages
5 Edition
결제금액이 25,000원 이상 무료배송
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Build the skills you need to use drugs safely and avoid potential problems! Trusted by vet techs for 30 years, Bill`s Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics for Veterinary Technicians helps you understand the principles and practice of pharmacology in treating different animal species. The text explains how drugs work, how they are administered, and how to calculate drug dosages. Covering drugs by body system, the book also explains possible abuses, mistakes, and how things can go wrong when therapeutic protocols are not properly implemented. From veterinary pharmacist and educator Melinda "Mindy" Anderson, this fifth edition helps you provide better care for your patients and better education for their owners.

    • Content on basic pharmacology includes topics such as safety, terminology, pharmacy procedures, drug handling (including the latest OSHA requirements), dosage calculations, and pharmacokinetics.
    • Chapter outlines, learning objectives, and key terms are provided at the beginning of each chapter, introducing you to the complex principles of pharmacology and guiding your study.
    • Clear explanations of drugs help you understand the "how" and "why" behind drugs, their actions, their mechanisms, and adverse effects.
    • Myths and Misconceptions, Ask Dr. Bill, and You Need to Know boxes spotlight key issues, concepts, and skills.
    • Clinical applications link pharmacologic concepts to real-life situations.
    • Review questions and critical thinking questions are included at the end of every chapter to help readers test their comprehension.
    • Test questions and online quizzes enable self-assessment and help you prepare for classroom and certification exams.
    • NEW Veterinary Feed Directives section reflects the newest FDA guidelines on medicated feed for animals.
    • NEW! Updated drug information includes all drug categories as well as new information on several drugs.
    • NEW! Additional full-color images make it easier to understand pharmacology concepts.
    • NEW! Updated test questions and drug calculation exercises on the Evolve website make study and review easier and reinforce your understanding of difficult subject matter.

    1. Veterinary Pharmacology and the Veterinary Technician
    2. Pharmacy Procedures and Dosage Calculations
    3. Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics: The Principles of How Drugs Work
    4. Drugs Affecting the Gastrointestinal Tract
    5. Drugs Affecting the Cardiovascular System
    6. Drugs Affecting the Respiratory System
    7. Drugs Affecting the Endocrine System
    8. Drugs Affecting the Nervous System: Analgesics, Tranquilizers, Sedatives, and Anesthetics
    9. Drugs Affecting the Nervous System: Anticonvulsants and Behavior-Modifying Drugs
    10. Antimicrobials
    11. Disinfectants and Antiseptics
    12. Antiparasitics
    13. Antiinflammatory Drugs
    Answers to Self Assessment


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