Nursing Documentation Made Incredibly Easy 5/e
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312 Pages
5 Edition
결제금액이 25,000원 이상 무료배송
해외주문이 필요한 도서입니다. (4~5주소요) 자세한 내용은 페이지하단 배송안내 참조바랍니다.
Feeling unsure about the ins and outs of charting? Grasp the essential basics, with the irreplaceableNursing Documentation Made Incredibly Easy!®, 5th Edition.
Packed with colorful images and clear-as-day guidance, this friendly reference guides you through meeting documentation requirements, working with electronic medical records systems, complying with legal requirements, following care planning guidelines, and more. Whether you are a nursing student or a new or experienced nurse, this on-the-spot study and clinical guide is your ticket to ensuring your charting is timely, accurate, and watertight.

Let the experts walk you through up-to-date best practices for nursing documentation, with: NEWand updated, fully illustrated content in quick-read, bulleted formatNEWdiscussion of the necessary documentation process outside of charting—informed consent, advanced directives, medication reconciliation
  • Easy-to-retain guidanceon using the electronic medical records / electronic health records (EMR/EHR) documentation systems, and required charting and documentation practices
  • Easy-to-read, easy-to-remember content that provides helpful charting examplesdemonstrating what to document in different patient situations, while addressing the different styles of charting
  • Outlines the Do's and Don’ts of charting– a common sense approach that addresses a wide range of topics, including:
    • Documentation and the nursing process—assessment, nursing diagnosis, planning care/outcomes, implementation, evaluation
    • Documenting the patient’s health history and physical examination
    • The Joint Commission standards for assessment
    • Patient rights and safety
    • Care plan guidelines
    • Enhancing documentation
    • Avoiding legal problems
    • Documenting procedures
    • Documentation practices in a variety of settings—acute care, home healthcare, and long-term care
    • Documenting special situations—release of patient information after death, nonreleasable information, searching for contraband, documenting inappropriate behavior
    • Special features include:Just the facts– a quick summary of each chapter’s contentAdvice from the experts– seasoned input on vital charting skills, such as interviewing the patient, writing outcome standards, creating top-notch care plans“Nurse Joy” and “Jake”– expert insights on the nursing process and problem-solvingThat’s a wrap!– a review of the topics covered in that chapter 
      About the Clinical Editor

      Kate Stout, RN, MSN, is a Post Anesthesia Care Staff Nurse at Dosher Memorial Hospital in Southport, North Carolina.
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