Respiratory Care Made Incredibly Easy 2/e
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416 Pages
2 Edition
결제금액이 25,000원 이상 무료배송
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간호사·수련의를 위한 세상에서 가장 유쾌한 인공호흡관리 Kogawa Rikimaru(코가와 리키마루) 20,000 19,000won
간호사·수련의를 위한 세상에서 가장 간단한 혈액가스 Kogawa Rikimaru(코가와 리키마루) 20,000 19,000won
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레지던트를 위한 혈액투석 첫걸음 門川俊明 24,000 22,800won
Medical-Surgical Nursing ,10/e Sharon L. Lewis 290,000 290,000won
Advanced Critical Care Nursing, 2/e Vicki S. Good 190,000 190,000won
Time to master the complexities of respiratory care. The newly updatedRespiratory Care Made Incredibly Easy!®, 3rd Edition, explains the essentials with humor, expert guidance, and numerous colorful images.
Offering the essential terms, skills, and equipment how-to’s you need to successfully treat the most common respiratory disorders, this down-to-earth guide helps you grasp respiratory physiology, pathophysiology, and pharmacology in clear and simple language. Prepare for success in the classroom and on the job, with this enjoyable guide to creating positive respiratory outcomes.
Grasp the fundamental concepts, skills, and processes of respiratory care …
NEWcontent on the latest respiratory modalities and updated nursing guidelines
  • Dozens of colorfulcharts, drawings, and diagramsthat make complex respiratory care concepts clear and easy-to-remember
  • Perfect for visual learners—visually demonstrates anatomy and physiology, the components of treatments and when and how to apply them, and the causes, symptoms, and treatment of obstructive, restrictive, vascular, and neoplastic lung disorders
  • Ideal reference and reviewfor nursing students, new nurses, and respiratory therapists, with clear, concise direction on areas such as:
    • Respiratory assessment techniques
    • Diagnostic procedures
    • Airway maintenance
    • Oxygen delivery
    • Chest drainage
    • Suctioning
    • Ventilatory support
    • Treating infection and inflammation
    • Assessing and treating traumatic injuries and other respiratory emergencies
    • Care of patients receiving extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) and end-tidal CO2 monitoring
    • Recognizing an asthma attack
    • Preoperative and postoperative care for patients having a thoracotomy or lung transplant
    • Computed tomography (CT) and x-ray imaging
    • Chapter features that provide learning aids and on-the-unit support:Just the facts—quick summary of chapter contentKids’ korner—seasoned guidance on caring for pediatric patientsClinical pearls—clear-cut explanations of symptoms and disorders, backed by direction and advice on treatmentAdvice from the experts—expert input on respiratory careHome care—helpful guidance on teaching patient self-careBreath sounds— online access to breath soundsNurses Joy and Jake—Practical advice and experienced insights offered throughoutMemory jogger—simple techniques for remembering vital information 

      About the Clinical Editor
      Rose Knapp, DNP, RN, APN-BC, is an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner and Associate Graduate Faculty MSN Program Director and APN Program Coordinator at Monmouth University in West Long Branch, New Jersey.
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