Berek & Novak`s Gynecology, 16e (IE) 신간
Jonathan S. Berek MD MMS
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Hard Cover
결제금액이 25,000원 이상 무료배송
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이 도서를 구매하신 분들이 함께 구매하신 도서입니다.

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Covering the entire spectrum of women’s healthcare , Berek & Novak’s Gynecology, 16th Edition, provides definitive information and guidance for trainees and practicing physicians. A newly streamlined design and brilliant, full-color illustrations highlight must-know content on principles of practice and initial assessment, including relevant basic science; preventive and primary care for women; and methods of diagnosis and management in general gynecology, operative gynecology, urogynecology and pelvic reconstructive surgery, early pregnancy issues, reproductive endocrinology, and gynecologic oncology.
  • Features a modern, two-column design throughout, for an easier-to-manage volume with unabridged content.
  • Contains thoroughly revised, clinically-focused information, including a new chapter on violence against women and sexual assault.
  • Offers authoritative discussions on current topics such as robotics, power morcellation, and gender identity issues.
  • Includes key points at the beginning of each chapter that are annotated throughout; exhaustive reference lists for more in-depth study and highlighted top references; and updated illustrations and photographs.
I. General Principles

 1. Initial Assessment and Communication 
 2. Principles of Patient Care
 3. Quality, Safety and Performance Improvement
 4. Clinical Research
 5. Anatomy and Embryology
 6. Molecular Biology and Genetics 
 7. Reproductive Physiology

II. Gynecology Topics

 8. Puberty
 9. Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology 
 10. Adult Gynecology: Reproductive Years
 11. Uterine Fibroids
 12. Pelvic Pain and Dysmenorrhea 
 13. Endometriosis
 14. Family Planning
 15. Genitourinary Infections and Sexually Transmitted Diseases
 16. Intraepithelial Disease of the Cervix, Vagina, and Vulva
 17. Sexuality and Sexual Dysfunction
 18. Menopause
 19. Benign Breast Disease
 20. Violence Against Women & Sexual Assault

III. Primary Medical Care

 21. Preventive Health Care and Screening
 22. Primary Care
 23. Common Psychiatric Problems
 24. Complementary and Integrative Health Approaches

IV. Operative Gynecology

 25. Preoperative Evaluation and Postoperative Management
 26. Gynecologic Endoscopy
 27. Hysterectomy
 28. Robotics

V. Urogynecology

 29. Urinary Tract
 30. Pelvic Organ Prolapse
 31. Anorectal Dysfunction

VI. Early Pregnancy Issues

 32. Early Pregnancy Loss and Ectopic Pregnancy
 33. Recurrent Pregnancy Loss

VII. Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility

 34. Amenorrhea
 35. Endocrine Disorders
 36. Infertility

VIII. Gynecologic Oncology

 37. Uterine Cancer
 38. Cervical and Vaginal Cancer
 39. Ovarian, Fallopian Tube, and Peritoneal Cancer
 40. Vulvar Cancer
 41. Gestational Trophoblastic Disease
 42. Breast Cancer


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