Teaching in Nursing: A Guide for Faculty, 6/e
Billings EdD RN ANEF FAAN, Diane M.
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608 Pages
6 Edition
결제금액이 25,000원 이상 무료배송
해외주문이 필요한 도서입니다. (4~5주소요) 자세한 내용은 페이지하단 배송안내 참조바랍니다.

이 도서를 구매하신 분들이 함께 구매하신 도서입니다.

Basic Pharmacology for Nurses, 18/e Michelle Willihnganz 113,000 101,000won
Practice Guidelines for Family Nurse Practitioners, 5/e Fenstermacher MS RN FNP, Karen 108,000 97,000won
Advances in Family Practice Nursing, 2019 Reeves PhD APRN FNP-BC, Geri C 173,000 155,000won

The perfect all-in-one guide for future nurse educators! The award-winning Teaching in Nursing: A Guide for Faculty, 6th Edition prepares you for the day-to-day challenges of teaching future nurses for practice in today`s rapidly evolving healthcare system. This comprehensive resource is the only one of its kind to cover all four components of nursing education: teaching and learning, curriculum, evaluation, and technology-empowered learning. You’ll benefit from the expert guidance on such key issues as curriculum and test development, diverse learning styles, the redesign of healthcare systems, and advances in technology and information. Plus, the 6th edition includes a unique new chapter on Global Health and Curricular Experiences along with updated information on technology-empowered learning, the flipped classroom, interprofessional education, interprofessional collaborative practice, and much more.

  • Comprehensively addresses all four components of nursing education including teaching and learning, curriculum, evaluation, and technology-empowered learning.
  • Coverage of concept-based curricula includes strategies on how to approach and implement concept-based instruction.
  • Pedagogical aids include Evidence-Based Teaching boxes, covering such issues as how to do evidence-based teaching; applications of evidence-based teaching; implications for faculty development, administration, and the institution; and how to use the open-ended application questions at the end of each chapter for faculty-guided discussion.
  • Strategies to promote critical thinking and active learning are incorporated throughout the text, highlighting various evaluation techniques, lesson planning insights, and tips for developing examinations.
  • Guidance on teaching in diverse settings addresses such topics as the models of clinical teaching, teaching in interdisciplinary settings, how to evaluate students in the clinical setting, and how to adapt teaching for community-based practice.
  • Strong emphasis on teaching clinical judgment, new models of clinical education, and responding to needs for creating inclusive multicultural teaching-learning environments.
  • NEW! Updated content throughout reflects the latest evidence-based guidelines for best practices in teaching and learning.
  • NEW! UNIQUE chapter on Global Health and Curricular Experiences focuses on internationalization of the nursing curriculum with an emphasis on leading international learning experiences; policies, procedures, and guidelines for overseas study and global and health competencies for health professions programs.
  • NEW! Enhanced pedagogy includes additional illustrations, tables, and boxes.
  • NEW! Expanded interprofessional education chapter, provides you with strategies for effective teaching in an interprofessional healthcare environment.


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