Lehne`s Pharmacotherapeutics for Advanced Practice Nurses and Physician Assistants, 2/e
Laura Rosenthal DNP ACNP
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944 Pages
2 Edition
결제금액이 25,000원 이상 무료배송
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Lehne`s Pharmacotherapeutics for Advanced Practice Nurses and Physician Assistants, 2nd Edition builds on the same foundation of clearly explained, up-to-date, and clinically current content as the trusted Lehne undergraduate text, while focusing on the information that advanced practice nurses and Physician Assistants specifically need for safe and effective prescribing. Three introductory chapters provide foundational content for new prescribers in the areas of prex_scriptive authority, rational drug selection, prex_scription writing, and promoting positive outcomes of drug therapy. Core drug chapters are focused on the drugs that prescribers will most commonly see in clinical practice. A sharp focus is also placed on pharmacotherapeutic decision-making, with Black Box Warnings and new bulleted Key Prescribing Considerations features. The second edition features completely new chapters on Genetic and Genomic Considerations, Muscarinic Antagonists and Immunomodulators, and updated content throughout. It’s everything advanced practice nursing and Physician Assistant students need to be safe and effective prescribers!

  • Introductory chapters tailored to the specific needs of prescribers cover topics such as prex_scriptive authority, rational drug selection and prex_scription writing, and promoting positive outcomes of drug therapy.
  • Carefully focused pharmacotherapeutic content reflects the drugs most commonly seen and used by prescribers, with emphasis not on the first drug discovered or developed in each class but on the agents most often used today. Primary care drugs are addressed first in each chapter as appropriate, followed by acute care drugs.
  • UNIQUE! Prescriber-focused pedagogical aids further reinforce the most important information for prescribers.
  • Integrated coverage of Canadian trade names appears throughout the text and is highlighted with a familiar maple-leaf icon.
  • Integrated coverage of interprofessional collaboration addresses the growing global interest in interprofessional collaboration and incorporates opportunities for interprofessional collaborative practice throughout.
  • NEW! Genetic and Genomic Considerations chapter addresses our growing understanding of the importance of genetics and genomics in pharmacotherapeutic management of disease.
  • NEW! Immunomodulators chapter covers the growing role of this innovative therapy in cancer treatment.
  • NEW! Increased emphasis on the needs of prescribers includes new Key Prescribing Considerations specifically tailored for advanced practice nurses (APNs) and Physician Assistants (PAs), revised introductory disease content, and refocused illustrations.
  • NEW! Expanded delineation of acute care drugs now extends to the cardiac, neurologic, hypertension, and male and female reproductive chapters.
  • NEW! Significantly revised content on laboratory drug monitoring has been refocused on the needs of APNs and PAs
  • NEW! Updated content on drug legislation, opioid addiction, and legalized marijuana addresses these key areas of change for prescribers.
  • NEW! Illustrations, tables, and boxes have been substituted for text to highlight treatment guidelines (including decision-making algorithms) and drug mechanisms of action.
  • NEW! Improved legibility includes the elimination of "small type" and a more user-friendly graphic design.
  • NEW! Updated content covers the areas of drug legislation, opioid addiction, marijuana.



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