Fundamental Concepts and Skills for Nursing - Revised Reprint, 6/e
Patricia A. Williams, RN, MSN, CCRN
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  • Concept maps help students visualize concepts addressed in the text and show how a condition or response can affect more than one body system, relating to symptoms, treatments, and side effects.
  • QSEN and Safety information highlights the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to continuously improve the quality and safety of patient care.
  • More than 110 Skills and Steps present step-by-step procedures in an action/rationale format, including sample documentation examples and Home Care boxes, as appropriate.
  • Clear, easy-to-understand readability level (11.65) makes the book accessible for LPN/LVN students, accommodating both beginning students and those speaking English as a second language.
  • Get Ready for the NCLEX Examination! section at the end of each chapter reinforces learning with key points, review questions, critical thinking activities, and additional learning resources.
  • Life Span ConsiderationsOlder Adults highlight changes that occur with aging and how these affect LPNs and LVNs working with older adults in community and long-term care.
  • More than 20 nursing care plans illustrate each step of the nursing process, and include critical thinking questions.
  • Nursing process framework features the application of the nursing process and nursing care plans, reinforcing application of the nursing process in the clinical setting.
  • Health Promotion and Patient Teaching boxes include guidelines to promote health, prevent illness, and develop self-care strategies.
  • Think Critically boxes encourage students to synthesize information and apply concepts to practice.
  • Communication boxes provide examples of nurse-patient dialogues and therapeutic communication techniques.
  • Home Care Considerations boxes highlight the adaptation of nursing skills and techniques for the patient in the home care setting.
  • Key Terms include phonetic pronunciations, which are helpful for ESL students, and text page references to find the definition.
  • Numbered objectives begin each chapter, and are divided into a framework of theory and clinical practice.
  • Clinical chapters give students a refresher in anatomy and physiology, with an overview of Structure and Function, and include a section on aging.
  • Cultural Considerations cover biocultural variations as well as health promotion for specific ethnic groups, so students can provide culturally competent care.

Learn all the basic concepts and fundamental skills that an LPN/LVN needs! Fundamental Concepts and Skills for Nursing, 6th Edition prepares you for nursing practice in a number of care settings, including hospitals, long-term care facilities, medical offices, clinics, surgery centers, and home care agencies. Illustrated, easy-to-read guidelines ensure that you gain a thorough understanding of the nursing process and problem solving, addressing topics such as the physiologic and psychosocial needs of the patient, critical thinking and clinical judgment, communication, collaboration with the health care team, patient teaching, and cultural competence. Written by noted educator Patricia Williams, this text prepares you to pass the Next Generation NCLEX-PN® Exam and succeed in any care setting.

Key Features
  • Concept maps help you visualize concepts addressed in the text and show how a condition or response can affect more than one body system, relating to symptoms, treatments, and side effects.
  • QSEN and Safety information highlights the knowledge, skills, and attitudes you need to continuously improve the quality and safety of patient care.
  • More than 110 Skills and Steps present step-by-step procedures in an action/rationale format, including sample documentation examples and Home Care boxes, as appropriate.
  • Clear, easy-to-understand writing style makes concepts and skills easier to understand and remember.
  • Get Ready for the NCLEX® Examination! section at the end of each chapter reinforces learning with key points, review questions, critical thinking activities, and additional learning resources.
  • Life Span ConsiderationsOlder Adults highlight changes that occur with aging and how these affect LPNs and LVNs working with older adults in community and long-term care.
  • More than 20 nursing care plans illustrate each step of the nursing process, and include critical thinking questions.
  • Nursing process framework features the application of the nursing process and nursing care plans, reinforcing application of the nursing process in the clinical setting.
  • Health Promotion and Patient Teaching boxes include guidelines to promote health, prevent illness, and develop self-care strategies.
  • Think Critically boxes encourage you to synthesize information and apply concepts to practice.
  • Communication boxes provide examples of nurse-patient dialogues and therapeutic communication techniques.
  • Home Care Considerations boxes highlight the adaptation of nursing skills and techniques for the patient in the home care setting.
  • Key Terms include phonetic pronunciations, which are helpful for ESL students, and text page references to find the definition.
  • Numbered objectives begin each chapter, and are divided into a framework of theory and clinical practice.
  • Clinical chapters provide a refresher in anatomy and physiology, with an overview of Structure and Function, and include a section on aging.
  • Cultural Considerations cover biocultural variations as well as health promotion for specific ethnic groups, so you can provide culturally competent care.

Unit I: Introduction to Nursing and the Health Care System

1. Nursing and the Health Care System

2. Concepts of Health, Illness, Stress, and Health Promotion

3. Legal and Ethical Aspects of Nursing

Unit II: The Nursing Process

4. The Nursing Process and Critical Thinking

5. Assessment, Nursing Diagnosis/Problem Identification, and Planning

6. Implementation and Evaluation

Unit III: Communication in Nursing

7. Documentation of Nursing Care

8. Communication and the Nurse-Patient Relationship

9. Patient Education and Health Promotion

10. Delegation, Leadership, and Management

Unit IV: Developmental, Psychosocial, and Cultural Considerations

11. Growth and Development: Infancy Through Adolescence

12. Adulthood and the Family

13. Promoting Healthy Adaptation to Aging

14. Cultural and Spiritual Aspects of Patient Care

15. Loss, Grief, and End-of-Life Care

Unit V: Basic Nursing Skills

16. Infection Prevention and Control: Protective Mechanisms and Asepsis

17. Infection Prevention and Control in the Hospital and Home

18. Safely Lifting, Moving, and Positioning Patients

19. Assisting with Hygiene, Personal Care, Skin Care, and the Prevention of Pressure Injuries

20. Patient Environment and Safety

21. Measuring Vital Signs

22. Assessing Health Status

23. Admitting, Transferring, and Discharging Patients

24. Diagnostic Tests and Specimen Collection

Unit VI: Meeting Basic Physiologic Needs

25. Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Balance

26. Concepts of Basic Nutrition and Cultural Considerations

27. Nutritional Therapy and Assisted Feeding

28. Assisting with Respiration and Oxygen Delivery

29. Promoting Urinary Elimination

30. Promoting Bowel Elimination

31. Pain, Comfort and Sleep

32. Complementary Health Approaches

Unit VII: Medication Administration

33. Pharmacology and Preparation for Drug Administration

34. Administering Oral, Topical, and Inhalant Medications

35. Administering Intradermal, Subcutaneous, and Intramuscular Injections

36. Administering Intravenous Solutions and Medications

Unit VIII: Care of the Surgical and Immobile Patient

37. Care of the Surgical Patient

38. Providing Wound Care and Treating Pressure Injuries

39. Promoting Musculoskeletal Function

Unit IX: Caring for Older Adults

40. Common Physical Care Problems of the Older Adult

41. Common Psychosocial Care Problems of the Older Adult

Appendix A: Standard Steps for All Nursing Procedures

Appendix B: NALPN Nursing Practice Standards for the Licensed Practical/Vocational Nurse

Appendix C: American Nurses Association Code of Ethics for Nurses

Appendix D: Standard Precautions

Appendix E: Most Common Laboratory Test Values

Appendix F: NANDA-I Approved Nursing Diagnoses

Reader References



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