Popular, upbeat, and easy to read, Nursing in Today’s World: Trends, Issues, and Management, 12th Edition, clarifies students’ role as a nurse and prepares them to confidently manage the realities of nursing practice in today’s changing healthcare environment. This fully updated edition delivers engaging, unbiased coverage of nursing today, including the COVID-19 pandemic and its enduring impact, educational preparation, licensure, employment opportunities, ethics/bioethics, evidence-based practice, nursing theory, safety, culture, healthcare reform/politics, leadership, management, and more.
Content is presented in chronological order, detailing history, current events and issues, and finally future roles and responsibilities of the nursing profession. Humorous, eye-catching cartoons and real-world photos complement the text’s accessible reading style and logical approach, accompanied by entertaining learning features that break up content and help students acquire, retain, recall, and apply essential knowledge. Enhanced with a thorough ancillary package, this complete resource equips students with a deep understanding of what it takes to succeed as a nurse today
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