Clinical Cases in Gerodontology
Gerry McKenna
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176 Pages
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Clinical Cases in Gerodontology provides a comprehensive overview of the most relevant dental issues that arise when dealing with an aging population.  

Clinical Cases in Gerodontology applies the theory and practice to real-life cases in a clinically relevant format. To aid learning, each of the clinical cases presented has a defined learning objective and goal. In addition, the authors discuss in detail the clinical decision-making factors and the text is enhanced with photographs that demonstrate the progressive stages of treatment. This important text: 

  • Offers a case-based guide to geriatric dental care 
  • Includes the thinking behind clinical decision making 
  • Fosters independent learning and prepares for case-based examinations 
  • Contains review questions and relevant literature citations  

Written for graduate and undergraduate dental students and professionals, Clinical Cases in Gerodontology offers an instructive case-based guide to the oral health of older adults. 

Clinical Cases in Gerodontology v

List of Contributors ix

Introduction xi
With Contribution from Gerry McKenna, Finbarr Allen, Francis Burke, Paul Brocklehurst and Georgios Tsakos

Chapter 1 Management of Chronic Dental Disease 1

Case 1 Management of Root Caries 2
With Contribution from Martina Hayes, Cristiane da Mata, Finbarr Allen and Francis Burke

Case 2 Caries Management in a Long‐Term Care Facility Using Atraumatic Restorative Treatment (ART) 7
With Contribution from Cristiane da Mata, Martina Hayes, Francis Burke and Finbarr Allen

Case 3 Non‐surgical Periodontal Treatment (NSPT) for Periodontally Involved Lower Incisors 13
With Contribution from Lewis Winning and Christopher Irwin

Case 4 Splinting and Maintenance of Periodontally Involved Lower Incisors 19
With Contribution from Lewis Winning and Christopher Irwin

Case 5 Management of Toothwear Using Direct Composite Restorations 25
With Contribution from Francis Burke

Chapter 2 Replacement of Missing Teeth 31

Case 6 Fabrication of Complete Conventional Dentures for edentate patients 32
With Contribution from Harald Gjengedal and Finbarr Allen

Case 7 Fabrication of New Complete Replacement Dentures Using a Copy Technique 39
With Contribution from Gerry McKenna, Robert Thompson and Claudio Leles

Case 8 Provision of Upper and Lower Implant‐Retained Overdentures for an Older Patient 45
With Contribution from Harald Gjengedal, Finbarr Allen, Martin Schimmel and Murali Srinivasan

Case 9 Use of a Removable Partial Denture to Replace Missing Teeth 53
With Contribution from Finbarr Allen

Case 10 Integrating Fixed and Removable Prosthodontics 59
With Contribution from Conor McLister and Simon Killough

Case 11 Utilising Upper and Lower Overdentures for a Partially Dentate Patient 65
With Contribution from Sayaka Tada

Case 12 Single Tooth Replacement Using Adhesive Bridgework 73
With Contribution from Conor McLister

Case 13 Tooth Replacement According to the Principles of the Shortened Dental Arch 79
With Contribution from Conor McLister, Gerry McKenna and Haileigh McCarthy

Case 14 Use of a Natural Pontic to Replace a Lower Incisor Lost Due to Periodontal Disease 85
With Contribution from Celeste van Heumen, Gerry McKenna and Brian Rosenberg

Case 15 The Use of Dental Implants to Provide Fixed Prosthodontics in a Partially Dentate Older Patient 91
With Contribution from Nico Creugers and Anneloes Gerritsen

Chapter 3 Management of Failing Restorations 97

Case 16 Endodontic Treatment for a Fractured Tooth and Conversion to an Overdenture Abutment 98
With Contribution from Graham Quilligan

Case 17 Managing the Failing Restored Dentition: Replacement of Failing Crowns 103
With Contribution from Graham Quilligan

Case 18 Removal and Replacement of Heavily Restored Anterior Teeth 109
With Contribution from Graham Quilligan and Francis Burke

Case 19 Dismantling a Long‐Span Fixed Bridge and Replacement with a Removable Partial Denture 115
With Contribution from Gerry McKenna and Finbarr Allen

Case 20 Replacement of a Failing Implant Bridge for a Patient with Missing Lower Teeth 121
With Contribution from Nicola Holland, Gerry McKenna, Ciaran Moore and Robert Thompson

Chapter 4 Management of Malignancy and Other Oral Conditions 127

Case 21 Managing Malignant Oral Disease 128
With Contribution from Gerry McKenna and Finbarr Allen

Case 22 Maintenance of Multiple Overdenture Abutments for a Patient Following Head and Neck Radiotherapy 135
With Contribution from Graham Quilligan

Case 23 Management of Primary Sjogren’s Syndrome in a Partially Dentate Patient 141
With Contribution from Paul Brady

Case 24 Management of Drug‐Induced Gingival Overgrowth 145
With Contribution from Lewis Winning and Christopher Irwin

Case 25 Vital Bleaching to Improve the Aesthetics of Natural Teeth 149
With Contribution from Martina Hayes and Francis Burke

Index 153


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