This book from experienced paediatricians Professor Alf Nicholson and Professor Kevin Dunne covers the essential elements needed throughout the career of those who treat children and adolescents.
Based on the current paediatric training curriculum, this book includes the core basics (section 1), the various symptom-based presentations (section 2) all with input from renowned sub-specialists in Paediatrics, the common presentations relating to age that are seen in primary care (section 3) and the skills you need to have to be a successful trainee or consultant in Paediatrics (section 4). All of the chapters have high quality clinical and radiology images as appropriate and have additional typical case scenarios to highlight the learning points.
This book is unique in that it caters for undergraduate students through to postgraduate trainees in paediatrics or general practice, and the working GP or consultant.
The Core Essentials
1 The Big Picture in Child Health
2 Taking a History
3 The Paediatric Examination
4 The Newborn and the Six-Week Examination
5 Feeding Issues and Faltering Growth
6 Growth and Puberty
7 Understanding Childhood and Adolescent Obesity
A Symptom-Based Approach
8 Common Problems in Newborns
9 Evaluating the Dysmorphic Child
10 Anaemia – The Pale Child
11 Congenital Heart Disease
12 The Child With a Cough
13 The Child With Diarrhoea
14 Diabetes Mellitus in Childhood and Adolescence
15 The Child With a Fever
16 Food Allergies in Children
17 The Child With Frequent Infections
18 The Child With Headaches
19 Inborn Errors of Metabolism
20 Joint Pains in Childhood
21 Problems Relating to the Kidneys
22 Neurodisability
23 The Child With a Rash
24 Safeguarding Infants and Children
25 The Child With a Seizure
26 Severe Illness in Infancy and Childhood
27 Surgical Problems in Infancy and Childhood
Paediatrics in Everyday Practice
28 Common Presentations in Infancy
29 Frequent Flyers in the Toddler Years
30 Issues in School-Going Children
31 Adolescent Health
The Skills Required to Be a Successful Paediatrician
32 Clinical Reasoning and the Clinical Consultation
33 Learning From Clinical Events
34 Illness Without Disease
35 Professionalism, Advocacy and Ethics in Child Health
36 Interpretation of Laboratory Results
37 ECG Interpretation
38 Critical Appraisal of the Literature
39 Practical Procedures in Neonatology and Paediatrics
구분 | 13시 이전 | 13시 이후 |
군자도서 | 당일출고 | 1일 추가 |
타사도서 | 1일 ~ 2일 추가 | 2일 ~ 3일 추가 |
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