In this issue of Dermatologic Clinics, guest editor Dr. Stan N. Tolkachjov brings his considerable expertise to the topic of Neutrophilic Dermatoses. Top experts in the field cover topics such as pyoderma gangrenosum: diagnostic criteria, subtypes, systemic associations, and workup ; Sweet syndrome and neutrophilic dermatosis of the dorsal hands; neutrophilic urticarial dermatoses, including Schnitzler syndrome; hidradenitis suppurativa and its relationship to neutrophilic dermatoses; and much more.
The Neutrophilic Dermatoses: The Cutaneous Expressions of Neutrophilic Inflammation
Overview of Neutrophilic Biology, Pathophysiology, and Classification of Neutrophilic Dermatoses
Pyoderma Gangrenosum: Diagnostic Criteria, Subtypes, Systemic Associations, and Workup
Postoperative and Peristomal Pyoderma Gangrenosum: Subtypes of Pyoderma Gangrenosum
Treatment of Pyoderma Gangrenosum
Sweet Syndrome and Neutrophilic Dermatosis of the Dorsal Hands
From Histiocytoid Sweet Syndrome to Myelodysplasia Cutis: History and Perspectives
Neutrophilic Urticarial Dermatosis
Characterization and Management of Amicrobial Pustulosis of the Folds, Aseptic Abscess Syndrome, Behc¸et Disease, Neutrophilic Eccrine Hidradenitis, and Pyostomatitis VegetansLPyodermatitis Vegetans
Hidradenitis Suppurativa-Related Autoinflammatory Syndromes: An Updated Review on the Clinics, Genetics, and Treatment of Pyoderma gangrenosum, Acne and Suppurative Hidradenitis (PASH), Pyogenic Arthritis, Pyoderma gangrenosum, Acne and Suppurative Hidradenitis (PAPASH), Synovitis, Acne, Pustulosis, Hyperostosis and Osteitis (SAPHO), and Rarer Forms
Pediatric Neutrophilic Dermatoses
Neutrophilic Panniculitides
Palisaded Neutrophilic Granulomatous Dermatitis, Bowel-Associated Dermatosis–Arthritis Syndrome, and Rheumatoid Neutrophilic Dermatitis
Superficial and Bullous Neutrophilic Dermatoses: Sneddon–Wilkinson, IgA Pemphigus, and Bullous Lupus
Generalized Pustular Psoriasis, Acute Generalized Exanthematous Pustulosis, and Other Pustular Reactions: A Clinical Review
Quality of Life with Neutrophilic Dermatoses
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