Student Workbook for Darby & Walsh Dental Hygiene: Theory and Practice, 6/e
Jennifer A Pieren RDH BSAS MS
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Get the hands-on practice and reinforcement you need to master the concepts and skills covered in Darby & Walsh Dental Hygiene: Theory and Practice, 6th Edition. The chapters in this workbook directly correlate to the textbook chapters and provide ample review questions and exercises, competency skills evaluation sheets, case studies with questions, and information for the clinical externship and professional portfolio. Applicable chapters also contain a review of video procedures covered in the main text. It’s the essential practice and review you need for success in both the classroom and the clinical setting.

    • Patient case studies and video review questions provide opportunities for assimilation and application of concepts to prepare you for clinical patient encounters.
    • Practice and review questions include short answer, fill-in-the-blank, and multiple choice to help you prepare for the NBDHE exam.
    • Competency skill checklists offer clear guidelines for performing each dental hygiene skill.
    • Perforated pages make it easy to detach forms and bring them along in clinical settings.
    • NEW and UPDATED! Content corresponds to the latest edition of the text, with an increased focus on new and emerging technologies, enhanced coverage of infection control, new chapters addressing telehealth and mental health, and much more.

    Part One—Conceptual Foundations
    1. The Dental Hygiene Profession
    2. Dental Hygiene Metaparadigm Concepts and Conceptual Models Applied to Practice
    3. Evidence-Based Decision Making
    4. Community Health
    5. Sustainable Health Behavior Change
    6. Inclusive Practices in Healthcare
    7. Legal and Ethical Decision Making
    8. Professional e-Portfolios
    Part Two—Preparation for the Appointment
    9. Dental Hygiene Patient Care Settings
    10. Infection Prevention and Control
    11. Preventing and Managing Medical Emergencies
    12. Ergonomics and Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders
    Part Three—Assessments
    13. Personal, Dental, and Health Histories
    14. Vital Signs
    15. Pharmacologic History
    16. Assessment of Head and Neck Examination
    17. Hard Tissue Assessment and Dental Charting
    18. Assessment of Dental Deposits and Stain
    19. Dental Caries Management by Risk Assessment
    20. Periodontal Assessment and Charting
    21. Oral-Systemic Health Connection
    Part Four—Critical Thinking in Dental Hygiene Practice
    22. Dental Hygiene Diagnosis
    23. Dental Hygiene Care Plan, Evaluation, and Documentation
    Part Five—Implementation, Evaluation, and Documentation
    24. Toothbrushing
    25. Interdental and Supplemental Oral Self-Care Devices
    26. Dentifrices
    27. Antimicrobial Agents for Control of Periodontal Disease
    28. Hand-Activated Instrumentation
    29. Ultrasonic Instrumentation
    30. Root Morphology and Instrumentation Implications
    31. Dental Implants and Periimplant Care
    32. Tooth Polishing and Whitening
    33. Decision Making Related to Nonsurgical Periodontal Therapy
    34. Acute Gingival and Periodontal Conditions
    35. Pit and Fissure Sealants
    36. Nutritional Counseling
    37. Tobacco Cessation
    38. Impressions for Study Casts and Custom-Made Oral Appliances
    39. Restorative Therapy
    40. Orthodontic Care
    41. Fixed and Removable Dental Prostheses
    Part Six—Pain and Anxiety Control
    42. Dentinal Hypersensitivity
    43. Local Anesthesia
    44. Nitrous Oxide-Oxygen Sedation
    Part Seven—Life Stages and Populations
    45. Children and Adolescents
    46. Pregnancy and Oral Health
    47. The Older Adult
    Part Eight—Dental Hygiene Care for the Medically Compromised
    48. Cardiovascular Disease
    49. Diabetes
    50. Cancer
    51. HIV and Oral Health
    52. Palliative Oral Care
    53. Autoimmune Diseases
    54. Organ Transplantation and Renal Disease
    55. Respiratory Diseases
    56. Substance Use Disorders
    57. Eating Disorders
    58. Child Abuse and Neglect and Family Violence
    Part Nine—Dental Hygiene Care for Disabilities and Special Needs
    59. Disability and Healthcare
    60. Intellectually and Developmentally Challenged
    61. Orofacial Clefts
    62. Neurologic Disabilities
    Part Ten—Professional Development and Practice Management
    63. Professional Development and Job Searching
    64. Practice Management
    65. Telehealth
    66. Mental Health and Self-Care


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