Written with the ease and clarity that so readily characterizes Leon Chaitow's work, the new edition of this popular book explains and explores the use of Neuromuscular Techniques (NMT) - proven soft-tissue manipulative techniques which are used to assess and treat myofascial pain and dysfunction.
Complete with DVD showing the techniques performed by the author, Modern Neuromuscular Techniques 3e explores the history and evolution of NMT and explains how they can be used to allow the rapid and accurate identification of local soft-tissue dysfunction.
Clearly written and fully illustrated throughout, the book provides a clear set of treatment options for many common musculoskeletal disorders, including many of the symptoms of fibromyalgia, in addition to non-musculoskeletal problems such as abdominal dysfunction, lymphatic disorders, and the treatment of breathing pattern disorders such as hyperventilation.
Authored by an expert of international renown - together with international experts in associated approaches - the book brings together a wealth of ideas from across the spectrum of therapeutic body work with sources ranging from Alexander, Barlow, Janda, Lewit, Nimmo and Simons, to Rolf and Upledger.
Modern Neuromuscular Techniques 3e will be ideal for osteopathic physicians, osteopaths, chiropractors, manipulative physical therapists and acupuncturists, whether qualified or in training.
1 Soft tissue distress
2 Introduction to NMT
3 Myofascial trigger points and other reflex phenomena
4 The variety of reflex points
5 Diagnostic methods
6 Basic spinal NMT
7 Basic abdominopelvic NMT application
8 Associated techniques
9 NMT in clinical use (including integrated neuromuscular inhibition technique)
10 American neuromuscular therapy (Judith DeLany)
11 Progressive inhibition of neuromuscular structures (PINS) technique (Dennis J Dowling)
12 Thai Massage and Neuromuscular Technique (Howard Evans)
Appendix: The influence on NMT of the work of Raymond Nimmo DC
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