Despite the fact that about half of infertility problems stem from male factors, gynecologists are often the first health care providers to perform the initial assessment of the infertile couple. For this reason, it is critical that gynecologists and reproductive medicine specialists remain up to date on the primary conditions that cause male infertility, as well as current diagnostic tools and treatment options of both natural and assisted conception. From diagnosis through treatment, Male Infertility: Management of Infertile Men in Reproductive Medicine offers expert, straightforward guidance on the pathophysiology and management of male infertility for clinicians who assist couples early in the process of trying to conceive.
SECTION 1 Definition, Epidemiology, and Implications of Male Infertility
1 Definition, Epidemiology, and Implications of Male Infertility
SECTION 2 Causes of Male Infertility
2 Pretesticular Causes of Male Infertility
3 Testicular Causes of Male Infertility
4 Posttesticular Causes of Male Infertility
5 Environmental/Lifestyle Factors and Male Infertility
6 Idiopathic Male Infertility
SECTION 3 Diagnosis of Male Infertility
7 Medical History and Physical Examination of Infertile Males
8 Basic Semen Analysis
9 Sperm DNA Fragmentation Tests
10 Genetic and Genomic Tests of Infertile Males
11 Computer-Assisted Semen Analysis
12 Seminal Oxidative Stress and Reactive Oxygen Species Testing
13 Assessment of Reproductive Hormones in Infertile Males
14 Imaging in Male Factor Infertility
SECTION 4 Medical Treatment of Male Infertility
15 Hormonal Therapy of Male Infertility
16 Antioxidants Therapy of Male Infertility
17 Antibiotic Therapy of Male Infertility
18 Alternative Therapy of Male Infertility
SECTION 5 Surgical Treatment of Male Infertility
19 Varicocele Repair in Infertile Males
20 Management of Ejaculatory Duct Obstruction
21 Surgical Sperm Retrieval and Processing for Assisted Reproductive Technology
SECTION 6 Assisted Reproduction
22 Intrauterine Insemination With Homologous Semen
23 In Vitro Fertilization/Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection
24 Techniques for Selection of Surgically Retrieved Sperm for Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection
25 Sperm Banking
SECTION 7 Clinical Practice Guidelines for Male Infertility
26 Guidelines of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, American Urological Association, and European Association of Urology
27 Expert Opinion: Management of Male Infertility in the Postintracytoplasmic Sperm Injection Era
SECTION 8 Insights Into the Future of Male Infertility
28 Clinical Perspective in the Postintracyoplasmic Sperm Injection Era
29 Research Perspectives in the Postintracytoplasmic Sperm Injection Era
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