군자출판사 추천도서
  • 미용성형외과학1(보완판) 대한미용성형외과학회 250,000 237,500won
  • 표준성형외과학 3판, 2Vol 대한성형외과학회 100,000 95,000won
  • 눈꺼풀 수술술기 2판 조인창 200,000 190,000won
  • 안면부 필러시술과 해부학(양... Jerome Paul Lamb, Christopher Chase Surek 90,000 85,500won
  • 레이저 피부 성형 2판 박승하, 여운철 250,000 237,500won
성형외과201의 상품이 있습니다.
  • Oral Board Review for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery: A Study Guide for the Oral Boards

    Robert Reti

    126,000 123,000won

    The oral board exam for the American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (ABOMS) can be intimidating to many surgeons due to the broad range of information one must know for the exam. However, while the examination guidelines provide a general outline of topics that may be covered, there is no true direction on how to prepare for it. Traditionally, candidates do so by using what are considered “underground” databanks, previous test questions, and power point presentations that run the gamut of commonly covered material. Until now, there have been no current comprehensive oral board review books available for the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery boards. Oral Board Review for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery fills that gap as the go-to resource for those attempting to successfully challenge the oral boards and for residents to polish up on their training.

  • Cosmetic Facial Surgery, 3/e

    Joe Niamtu, III, DMD, FAACS

    420,000 399,000won

    As the demand for cosmetic procedures continues to rise, Cosmetic Facial Surgery, 3rd Edition, is your reference of choice for up-to-date, authoritative coverage of today''s most effective, innovative, and sought-after techniques. Internationally recognized editor Dr. Joe Niamtu brings together a team of cosmetic surgery experts in plastic surgery, facial plastic surgery, oral and maxillofacial surgery, oculoplastic surgery, and dermatology who provide step-by-step guidance and personal tips and tricks for optimal outcomes and fewer complications. Accessible, easy-to-grasp descriptions, written in an engaging, first-person narrative, explain concepts based on real cases and on Dr. Niamtu''s experience.

  • Brow Lift, An Issue of Clinics in Plastic Surgery

    James E. Zins, MD

    167,000 159,000won

    In this issue of Clinics in Plastic Surgery, guest editor Dr. James E. Zins brings his considerable expertise to the topic of Brow Lift. Top experts in the field cover key topics such as gliding brow lift, brow/eyelid aesthetics, non-invasive correction of the aging forehead, direct brow lift, and more.

  • Facial and Nasal Anatomy, An Issue of Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America

    Sebastian Cotofana

    167,000 159,000won

    In this issue of Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics, guest editor Dr. Sebastian Cotofana brings his considerable expertise to the topic of Facial and Nasal Anatomy. Top experts in the field cover key topics such as facial transplantation, 3D imaging and virtual surgical planning in facial reconstruction, liquid rhinoplasty using the superficial approach, and many more.

  • Plastic Surgery for Men, An Issue of Clinics in Plastic Surgery

    Douglas S. Steinbrech, MD, FACS

    167,000 159,000won

    In this issue of Clinics in Plastic Surgery, guest editor Dr. Douglas S. Steinbrech brings his considerable expertise to the topic of Plastic Surgery for Men. Top experts in the field provide in-depth articles on sought-after procedures such as facial surgeries, breast reduction surgeries, liposuction, and more.

  • Hair Transplantation, 6/e

    Robin Unger

    350,000 332,000won

    This sixth edition of Hair Transplantation, edited by renowned surgeons Robin Unger and Ronald Shapiro and with contributions from innovators worldwide, builds on its longstanding reputation as the one trusted, unbiased, and acclaimed educational resource for state-of-the-art hair restoration techniques. Comprehensively updated with all the latest advances, the sixth edition includes full discussion of the pros and cons of various surgical and nonsurgical approaches, controversies, and evidence-based clinical pearls gleaned through hands-on expertise. It also covers important practice management topics such as proper training, instrumentation, and medico-legal issues.

  • Principles of Facial Reconstruction: A Subunit Approach to Cutaneous Repair, 3/e

    Wayne F. Larrabee

    238,000 226,000won

    Principles of Facial Reconstruction: A Subunit Approach to Cutaneous Repair, Third Edition by distinguished clinicians Wayne F. Larrabee Jr., David A. Sherris, Jeffrey C. Teixeira, and esteemed contributors presents evidence-based facial reconstruction techniques that simplify flap design based on location and defect. The book''''s primary focus is soft-tissue defects of moderate size rather than larger flap reconstructions. Building on the acclaimed prior editions, the third edition features new content and images.

  • Reconstructive Plastic Surgery: An Atlas of Essential Procedures

    Robert Murphy

    294,000 279,000won

    Reconstructive Plastic Surgery: An Atlas of Essential Procedures edited by esteemed authors, educators, and surgeons Robert X. Murphy Jr. and Charles K. Herman is a comprehensive resource detailing head-to-toe surgical procedures for a broad range of conditions. The senior editors have more than 50 years of collective surgical experience and expertise training hundreds of medical students and plastic surgery residents. A distinguished and diverse group of contributors from more than 15 countries and five continents share clinical pearls throughout the book.

  • Contemporary Approach to Lower Extremity Reconstruction, An Issue of Clinics in Plastic Surgery

    Lee L.Q. Pu MD PhD FACS FICS

    143,000 128,000won

    This issue Clinics in Plastic Surgery, guest edited by Dr. Lee L.Q. Pu, is dedicated to Contemporary Approach to Lower Extremity Reconstruction. Topics in this issue include―but are not limited to―locoregional flaps, free flaps, propeller flaps, perforator-plus flaps, local free-style perforator flaps, free-style free perforator flaps, anterolateral thigh perforator flap, superficial circumflex iliac artery perforator flap, medial sural artery perforator flap, optimal timing of traumatic lower extremity reconstruction, management of Gustilo Type IIIC injuries, orthoplastic approach, functional restoration, lower extremity reconstruction after soft tissue sarcoma resection, super-microsurgery, free tissue transfers to lower extremity, and lower extremity reconstruction for limb salvage.

  • Trends and Techniques in Aesthetic Plastic Surgery

    Lina Triana MD

    228,000 205,000won

    Bring your practice fully up to date with the most effective and innovative techniques in aesthetic plastic surgery. Trends and Techniques: Aesthetic Plastic Surgery covers today’s sought-after procedures― from male-specific aesthetic techniques to liposuction technologies and vaginal rejuvenation―all innovative new procedures that will greatly benefit your patients’ quality of life. In this outstanding resource, you’ll learn not only from Dr. Lina Triana, but also from other internationally recognized aesthetic surgeons in plastic surgery, facial plastic surgery, oral and maxillofacial surgery, and dermatology. Chapters cover high-demand procedures such as facelifts and lip enhancements, liposuction and J plasma, mamopexy after breast implant removal, hoodplasty, vaginal tightening, scrotal lift, penis enhancement, and more.

  • Oculoplastic Surgery, An Issue of Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America

    John Bryan Holds MD

    143,000 128,000won

    This issue of Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics, guest edited by Drs. John B. Holds and Guy Massry, is dedicated to Oculoplastic Surgery. This series is one of four selected each year by the series consulting editor, Dr. J. Reagan Thomas. Topics will include―but are not limited to―Brow lift: open approaches, Brow lift: endoscopic approach, Upper blepharoplasty, Blepharoptosis repair: external aponeurotic repair, Blepharoptosis repair: internal approach, Lower blepharoplasty: external approach, Canthoplasty techniques, Lower blepharoplasty: transconjunctival approach, Treatment of lower eyelid festoons, Dermal fillers as an alternative to lower blepharoplasty surgery, Misuse and complications of periocular dermal fillers, Autogenous fat transfer in revision periocular surgery, Surgical treatment of post-blepharoplasty lower eyelid retraction, and the prominent eye: what to watch-out for.

  • Principles and Practice of Lymphedema Surgery, 2/e

    Ming-Huei Cheng MD MBA FACS

    216,000 194,000won

    Thoroughly updated to reflect the latest research, discoveries, and practices in this fast-changing field, Principles and Practice of Lymphedema Surgery, 2nd Edition, provides thorough, step-by-step guidance to incorporate or expand the treatment of lymphedema in your practice. Written and edited by world-renowned experts in the field of lymphedema and microsurgery, this highly visual reference helps deepen your understanding of each procedure and how to perform them. From preoperative assessment to postoperative care, you’ll find authoritative instruction that equips you to implement the most innovative and latest surgical and nonsurgical approaches and achieve optimal outcomes for your patients.

  • Plastic Surgery - Principles and Practice

    Rostam Farhadieh BSc

    360,000 324,000won

    With detailed, expert guidance on each essential topic, Plastic Surgery: Principles and Practice offers single-volume convenience without sacrificing complete coverage of this multi-faceted field. Written by global leading authorities, it provides concise, easy-to-follow instruction with the clinical details and supportive data needed to achieve optimal patient outcomes. Offers thorough coverage of facelift procedures, rhinoplasty, otoplasty and more, along with clinical pearls from masters in the field.

  • 동양인을 위한 미용양악수술

    박흥식, 석윤, 최영달, 변성수 외 4인

    100,000 95,000won

    양악수술을 비롯한 악교정수술은 주로 부정교합의 치료를 위한 목적으로 오랜 기간 시행되어 왔고, 최근에는 미용성형 분야에서도 적극적으로 활용되고 있다. 얼굴뼈 수술을 미용적으로 시행하기 시작한 초창기에는 주로 사각턱수술이나 광대축소술 같은 안면윤곽 수술이 주를 이루었다. 안면윤곽수술은 넓고 강한 인상을 가진 얼굴을 작고 부드럽게 하려는 목적의 수술로, 동양인들 중에서 그런 요구를 가진 환자들이 많기 때문에 주로 한국, 일본, 중국 같은 동북아시아 국가들을 중심으로 발달되었다. 안면윤곽수술이 처음 시행되기 시작한 1980년대부터 약 20여 년간 안면윤곽수술의 기술적인 부분에서 많은 발전이 있었지만, 안면윤곽수술만으로 얼굴뼈의 문제를 모두 해결할 수는 없다는 것을 깨닫게 되면서 2000년대 초반부터는 악교정수술을 미용적인 목적으로 적극적으로 시행하기 시작했고 안면윤곽수술과 악교정수술의 적응증에 대한 논의가 얼굴뼈미용 수술 분야에서 중요한 화두가 되었다. 악교정수술에 관련된 책이나 논문은 이미 많이 나와 있지만, 그 중 대부분은 부정교합의 치료를 위한 관점에서 기술되었고 미용성형의 관점에서 악교정수술을 다룬 책은 지금까지 거의 없었다. 악교정수술에서 기능적인 치료 효과에만 중점을 두고 미용적인 개선효과는 그저 부수적인 것 이라고 여기다 보면 미용적인 개선을 위한 세밀한 부분을 간과하기 쉽고, 너무 미용적인 면에만 치중하여 양악수술의 적응증이 되지 않는 경우에까지 무분별하게 시행한다면 환자에게 굳이 필요하지 않은 큰 수술을 권하게 되는 우를 범할 수도 있다. 그렇기 때문에 얼굴뼈의 미용성형을 하려는 의사들이 필요로 하는 정확한 지식을 전달하려는 목적으로 이 책의 집필을 시작하게 되었다. 이 책의 제목을 굳이 ‘동양인을 위한’ 미용양악수술이라고 정한 이유는 미용성형 분야에서 악 교정수술을 적극적으로 시행하는 빈도가 서양인에서보다 동양인에서 훨씬 많기 때문에 이런 특정한 환자군을 대상으로 진료하는 의사들만을 위해 쓰여진 책이 필요하리라는 생각에서였다. 동양인의 얼굴은 서양인과는 다른 특징을 가지고 있고 동양인이 선호하는 미적인 관점 역시 서양인 과 차이가 있다. 인종마다 두부방사선사진 분석법의 계측 항목별 평균값이 다른 것은 물론이고, 그 외에도 동양인에서는 하악후퇴증보다 하악전돌증의 비율이 높다는 점, 게다가 턱이나 광대가 넓어서 악교정수술과 안면윤곽수술을 동시에 시행하기를 원하는 환자들이 많다는 점 등도 동양인의 미용적 얼굴뼈수술에서 서양인과 다르게 고려해야 할 점들이다.

  • 포켓성형외과 임상 매뉴얼 2판

    박대환, 한동길, 심정수, 이용직, 김찬우, 김성은

    40,000 38,000won

    성형외과가 한국에 도입된 지 근 반세기가 된 현재, 우리말로 된 성형외과 전문 서적들이 출판되어 성형외과 의사들이나 전공의 및 의과 대학생들에게 좋은 참고서로써의 구실을 하고 있다. 그러나 전공의나 학생 임상실습 때 볼 간단하고 일목요연한 임상 매뉴얼이나 포켓북은 없었다. 이에 지금까지 본교 학생 강의에 사용한 syllabus와 hand-out을 바탕으로 우리 과의 여러 교수들이 힘을 모아 2010년 성형외과 임상 매뉴얼 포켓북을 발간하였다. 세월이 10년이 지나 1판이 절판되고 10년 동안 바뀐 내용도 많아 2판을 출간 하게 되었다. 2판은 글의 형식을 서술형보다는 도표나 메모 형태로 학생들이나 전공의들이 보기 쉽게 만들었다. 또 천연색 그림과 사진을 조금 더 많이 삽입하여 이해를 쉽게 하였고 임상에서 실제로 쓰일 수 있는 술기에 중점을 두어 만들었다. 2판의 발간으로 성형외과 전문의 및 전공의뿐 아니라 눈 성형에 관심을 갖고 있는 의사들에게 참고서로써의 역할을 할 수 있기를 바라는 마음이 간절하다. 바쁜 중에도 좋은 책이 되게 하기 위하여 원고를 잘 써 주신 박대환 교수 한동길 교수, 심정수 교수 및 이용직 교수 및 김성은 교수와 바쁜 개업 와중에서도 자기 분야를 잘 정리해주신 김찬우 원장에게 감사드린다.

  • Aesthetic Surgery of the Facial Skeleton

    Stephen B Baker MD FACS

    337,000 304,000won

    Achieve optimal results and high patient satisfaction with Aesthetic Surgery of the Facial Skeleton. Encompassing the entire field of facial skeletal contouring, this one-stop resource uses a problem-based, multidisciplinary approach to skeletal contouring of the face and adjunctive procedures that enhance results. With well-illustrated, focused coverage of all recent advances in this fast-changing area, it's an ideal reference for trainee and practicing cosmetic surgeons, maxillofacial surgeons, craniofacial surgeons, plastic surgeons, otolaryngologists, and oral surgeons.

  • Techniques for Hair Restoration,An Issue of Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America

    Edited by Lisa Ishii, MD, MHS and Linda N. Lee

    155,000 140,000won

    This issue of Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics, guest edited by Drs. Lisa E. Ishii and Linda N. Lee, is devoted to Techniques for Hair Restoration. Articles in this issue include: Androgenetic Alopecia: Pathophysiology and medical therapy; Follicular Unit Transplantation; Follicular Unit Extraction; Hair Transplantation for Scarring Alopecia; Facial Hair Transplantation; Platelet Rich Plasma/Stem Cells and Hair Transplantation; Robotic Hair Transplantation; Surgical Hairline Advancement; Hair Transplantation in Women; Complications with Hair Transplantation; and The Role for Topical Hair Growth Medications.

  • The Art of Aesthetic Surgery: Breast and Body Surgery, Third Edition - Volume 3


    Foad Nahai

    508,000 497,900won

    The ultimate guide to aesthetic surgery from world famous aesthetic surgeon Foad Nahai The Art of Aesthetic Surgery: Principles and Techniques, Third Edition: Breast and Body Surgery – Volume 3 by internationally revered aesthetic surgeon Foad Nahai, distinguished section editors William Adams, Jeffrey Kenkel, and John Hunter, and an array of new contributors is part of an encyclopedic, three-volume masterwork. Considered the quintessential resource on cosmetic surgery since its inception, readers can purchase each volume separately or as a set, including a bonus e-book with access to online videos. The field of aesthetic plastic surgery has witnessed a dramatic increase in breast and body-contouring procedures, in normal-weight patients as well as individuals who have lost massive amounts of weight. As such, new procedures and refinements of existing techniques have been developed since publication of the last edition. Volume three features three updated sections focused on breast surgery, female genital rejuvenation, and an expanded number of noninvasive and minimally invasive body contouring procedures. A new fourth section on gender-affirming surgery encompasses facial and genital approaches in this growing subspecialty.

  • The Art of Aesthetic Surgery: Facial Surgery, Third Edition - Volume 2


    Foad Nahai

    464,000 454,800won

    The ultimate guide to aesthetic surgery from world famous aesthetic surgeon Foad Nahai The Art of Aesthetic Surgery: Principles and Techniques, Third Edition: Facial Surgery – Volume 2 by internationally revered aesthetic surgeon Foad Nahai, distinguished section editor Farzad Nahai, and an array of new contributors is part of an encyclopedic, three-volume masterwork. Considered the quintessential resource on cosmetic surgery since its inception, readers can purchase each volume separately or as a set, including a bonus e-book with access to online videos. New technology, noninvasive techniques, and new devices and products have enhanced surgeons' ability to provide patients with a broader spectrum of options and improved outcomes. Volume two includes four sections and 26 chapters featuring the latest techniques for rejuvenation of the midface, face and neck, cheeks, chin, lips, and ears, as well as a full spectrum of rhinoplasty procedures. New chapters reflect the recent emphasis on volume enhancement in periorbital and facial rejuvenation with fillers and fat.

  • The Art of Aesthetic Surgery, Third Edition:  - Volume 1


    Foad Nahai

    508,000 497,900won

    The ultimate guide to aesthetic surgery from world famous aesthetic surgeon Foad Nahai The Art of Aesthetic Surgery: Principles and Techniques, Third Edition: Fundamentals and Minimally Invasive Surgery – Volume 1 by internationally revered aesthetic surgeon Foad Nahai, distinguished section editors Farzad Nahai, W. Grant Stevens, and Jeffrey Kenkel, and an array of new contributors is part of an encyclopedic, three-volume masterwork. Considered the quintessential resource on cosmetic surgery since its inception, readers can purchase each volume separately or as a set, including a bonus e-book with access to online videos. Volume one includes six sections and 39 chapters featuring practice fundamentals, business basics, nonsurgical cosmetic treatments, hair transplantation, brow lift, and eyelid surgery. The non-cosmetic section has been substantially updated with new topics such as a scientific approach to cosmeceuticals, non-light-based skin resurfacing, and innovative treatments for the face and neck. New business basic chapters include a philosophical discussion of why to offer aesthetic medicine in an aesthetic surgery practice and evidence-based pricing strategies that work.