군자출판사 추천도서
  • 미용성형외과학1(보완판) 대한미용성형외과학회 250,000 237,500won
  • 표준성형외과학 3판, 2Vol 대한성형외과학회 100,000 95,000won
  • 눈꺼풀 수술술기 2판 조인창 200,000 190,000won
  • 안면부 필러시술과 해부학(양... Jerome Paul Lamb, Christopher Chase Surek 90,000 85,500won
  • 레이저 피부 성형 2판 박승하, 여운철 250,000 237,500won
성형외과201의 상품이 있습니다.
  • Small`s Practical Guide to Botulinum Toxin Procedures, 2/e

    Rebecca Small MD FAAFP

    168,000 160,000won

    Small’s Practical Guide to Botulinum Toxin Procedures, Second Edition, is the highly anticipated revision of the best-selling step-by-step guide to performing minimally invasive botulinum toxin procedures. With over four hundred 5-star reviews online, the First Edition established itself as the go-to resource for providers looking to enhance their practice by performing medical aesthetic procedures. In the Second Edition, insights from Dr. Small’s additional 10 years of clinical practice, research, and teaching create an even more valuable resource, whether you are new to aesthetic medicine or an experienced practitioner. Small’s Practical Guide provides you with the latest information and techniques, best practices for risk reduction, and expert guidance for optimal results.

  • Michigan Manual of Plastic Surgery, 3/e

    David L. Brown MD

    126,000 120,000won

    Covering the full range of clinical concerns encountered by today’s plastic surgeons, Michigan Manual of Plastic Surgery, Third Edition, remains a portable, practical manual in this fast-changing field. Editors David L. Brown, Widya Adidharma, and Geoffrey E. Hespe, use an easy-to-follow bulleted format to provide expert guidance on fundamental principles and techniques of plastic surgery for skin and soft tissue lesions, the head and neck, facial reconstruction, craniofacial concerns, aesthetic surgery, and surgeries of the breast, hand and upper extremity, trunk, lower extremity, genitalia, and burns.

  • Essentials of Plastic Surgery: Q&A Companion, 2/e

    Alex Jones

    210,000 210,000won

    Essentials of Plastic Surgery: Q&A Companion, Second Edition by renowned plastic surgeons Alex P. Jones and Jeffrey E. Janis mirrors expanded content and new chapters in the parent book, Essentials of Plastic Surgery, Third Edition. The third edition of the parent book includes 127 chapters, which reflects the increased scope, breadth, and depth of plastic surgery since publication of the last edition. The companion book employs the same style and formatting, with select illustrations from the parent book, as well as additional unique images created for this text. The print book is accompanied by a complimentary eBook that is accessible on smartphones and tablets.

  • Essentials of Plastic Surgery, 3/e

    Jeffrey Janis

    210,000 210,000won

    Essentials of Plastic Surgery, Third Edition by renowned plastic surgeon Jeffrey E. Janis and an impressive group of esteemed colleagues, retains its reader-friendly formatting, while featuring extensive updates that reflect significant changes in the field. The book is organized by the same seven sections as the prior edition: Fundamentals and Basics; Skin and Soft Tissue; Head and Neck; Breast; Trunk and Lower Extremity; Hand, Wrist, and Upper Extremity; and Aesthetic Surgery. The new edition includes 127 chapters, as well as updated and expanded references that guide readers to classic and definitive articles and chapters. New chapters include Pain Management in Plastic Surgery, Decreasing Complications in Plastic Surgery, Basics of Plastic Surgery Wound Closure, Scars and Scar Management, Skin Grafting, Posterior Trunk Reconstruction, Perineal Reconstruction, Nerve Transfers, Targeted Muscle Reinnervation, Hand Rehabilitation, Basics of Skin Care, Aesthetic Facial Anatomy, Secondary Rhinoplasty, Buttock Augmentation, and Male and Female Aesthetic Genital Surgery. Breakout chapters covering breast reconstruction and nonsurgical facial rejuvenation reflect new procedures developed since publication of the second edition.

  • Global Rhinoplasty: A Multicultural Approach

    Ashkan Ghavami

    420,000 420,000won

    In order for a facial plastic surgeon to create a harmonious relationship between the face and nose, it''s paramount to consider each patient''s ethnicity and gender identity. Nasal anatomy varies widely in terms of proportion, thickness, size, and resilience and many of these differences are specific to ethnicity. Although rhinoplasty has been available for many decades, applying Caucasian rhinoplasty guidelines to Hispanic, Middle Eastern, Black, and Asian patients increases the risk of adverse outcomes and the need for multiple or revision surgeries. Global Rhinoplasty: A Multicultural Approach edited by world-renowned facial plastic surgeons Ashkan Ghavami, Sam P. Most, and Nazim Cerkes fills a gap in the literature, providing in-depth coverage of non-Caucasian nasal anatomy and rhinoplasty approaches for each subtype. The textbook includes 39 chapters and is organized in five sections: Principles, Anatomical Considerations, Primary Rhinoplasty, Secondary Rhinoplasty, and Special Considerations. Seventeen chapters cover anatomical and surgical techniques specific to the skin and soft tissue, dorsum, nasal tip, and nostrils for each ethnic group. Each of the 16 rhinoplasty chapters features expert commentary from the editors. The text concludes with discussion of preservation rhinoplasty, the use of fillers for nonsurgical and revision surgeries, evaluating psychosocial factors in patients seeking rhinoplasty surgery, and the role of marketing and social media in global practice. Throughout the book, authors share firsthand insights on potential pitfalls and strategies to prevent complications.

  • 두개악안면외상학


    150,000 142,500won

  • 구개열 이야기


    20,000 19,000won

  • 안면신경마비: 안면신경마비가 일어나면 바로 읽어야 하는 책

    栢森 良二 (카야모리 료지)

    15,000 14,250won

  • 미용성형외과학 2판


    250,000 237,500won

    대한미용성형외과학회는 1985년에 설립된 이후로 눈부신 발전을 거듭하여 현재는 2,000명에 가까운 회원을 두는 큰 학회가 되었고, 미용성형외과학 전문의 유일한 학술지를 발간하고, 아시아를 대표하는 미용성형외과 학술대회인 APS를 매년 개최하고 있습니다. 한국의 미용성형외과는 기술과 경험에 있어 수준이 매우 높은 것으로 세계적으로 유명합니다. 특히 서양에서 시작된 미용성형 이론을 동양인의 체형과 요구에 맞게 발전시키고 새로운 술기들을 개발해 독보적인 위치에 올랐습니다. 대한미용성형외과학회는 발전된 기술과 지식을 학술적으로 체계화하고 회원들과 공유하기위해 미용성형외과학 교과서를 발간하고 있습니다. 2015년 학회 창립 30주년을 기념하기 위해 시작한 교과서 편찬 사업은 3권에 걸친 교과서 발간으로 성과를 이루었습니다. 1권은 코성형, 보툴리늄 톡신 및 필러를, 2권은 눈성형, 안면거상술, 귀재건을, 3권은 유방성형 및 재건, 체형교정, 모발이식을 주 내용으로 해서 1판을 성공적으로 출간하여 큰호응을 얻었습니다. 빠른 속도로 발전하는 미용성형외과학의 변화를 반영하기 위해 1판 3권을 마친 후 바로 개정판을 준비하기 시작하여 2판 1권을 거쳐, 오늘 2판 2권을 출간하게 되었습니다. 곧 3권의 개정 작업도 시작할 예정이며, 한국의 미용성형외과의 발전을 실시간으로 책으로 담아 내기 위해 끊임없이 노력할 것입니다.

  • 眼整形艺术 2e(눈꺼풀 수술술기 중문판 2판)


    100,000 95,000won

    整形外科的手术以人体功能性为基础, 但同时也非常注重外在的美感,然而外在的美感常常会随着手术者的审美观而有所不同,因此整形外科又可以看成是一种接近于艺术的医学。 本文作者从踏入整形外科就耳闻眼整形是门槛较高的手术之一,随着手术案例及手术经验的累积也深深感受到眼整形的困难之处, 时代的改变让患者对于眼整形的期待度也相对提高,过去认为完美的眼整形手术因近期患者对于美感的提升而会感到稍显不足, 因此近期眼整形的手术困难度也提高不少。

  • 유방미용재건성형술


    240,000 228,000won

    유방성형연구회는 유방성형 및 재건에 관해 공부하고 경험과 지식을 나누는 대한성형외과학회 산하 연구회입니다. 유방성형과 재건에 관한 학술적 수요가 증가하면서 연구회의 학술활동도 계속 확장하고 있습니다. 연 4회 정기 심포지엄을 열어 빠르게 변화하는 유방성형과 재건술에 관한 최신 정보를 회원들에게 제공하고, 국제 행사로 Seoul Breast Meeting을 개최하여 한국 유방성형의 독보적인 기술과 노하우를 전 세계에 알리고 있습니다. 10여년간 지속된 학술활동으로 회원들의 지식과 경험이 세계적인 수준으로 올랐고, 다른 어디에서도 들어 볼 수 없는 독창적인 내용을 가지고 있는 회원들이 많습니다. 아시아를 넘어 유럽이나 미주에서도 우리 회원들의 강의를 요청하고 있습니다. 이러한 보물 같은 지식과 업적을 발표의 형식으로만 듣기에는 너무 아쉬워서 유방성형연구회가 발행하는 출판물로 남기기로 했습니다.

  • Education in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery: An Evolving Paradigm, An Issue of Oral and Maxillofacia

    Leslie R. Halpern, MD, DDS, PhD, MPH

    175,000 167,000won

    In this issue of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinics, guest editors Drs. Leslie R. Halpern and Eric R. Carlson bring their considerable expertise to the topic of Education in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery: An Evolving Paradigm. This all-new Clinics topic addresses the changing surgical environment, the innovative learning trajectories of trainees, and other timely considerations as OMFS education moves forward in the 21st century. Top experts provide a comprehensive look at all stages of OMFS education, from residency and fellowship to the aging oral surgeon, plus articles on history, accreditation, role modeling, faculty development, and surgical simulation.

  • Comprehensive Textbook of Eyelid Disorders and Diseases

    Jonathan Dutton MD, PhD, Alan Proia , Hatem Tawfik

    421,500 400,400won

    Thorough, up to date, and unique in the field, Comprehensive Textbook of Eyelid Disorders and Diseases, by Drs. Jonathan J. Dutton, Hatem A. Tawfik, and Alan D. Proia, offers a complete up-to-date review of the most common eyelid disorders. In 147 chapters, the authors provide highly illustrated discussions of each condition, suitably detailed for ophthalmologists working in oculoplastics, neuro-ophthalmology, and pediatrics, as well as facial surgeons, dermatologists, and dermatopathologists.

  • Jackson`s Local Flaps in Head and Neck Reconstruction, 3/e

    Peter C. Neligan

    385,000 365,000won

    The essential, step-by-step surgical guide on reconstructive flaps for head and facial defects Often referred to as the mirror of the soul, the face is indelibly entwined with a person''s appearance and personality. This presents a particular challenge when reconstructive surgery is required. The goal of every reconstructive surgeon is to repair damage as inconspicuously as possible with minimal scarring while restoring prior function. Jackson''s Local Flaps in Head and Neck Reconstruction, Third Edition by renowned plastic surgeons Peter C. Neligan, J. Brian Boyd, and David Mathes honors the two widely acclaimed prior editions of this landmark resource by the late master plastic surgeon, educator, and prolific author Ian T. Jackson. The new edition features updated and streamlined content, simplified references, colorized illustrations, and procedural videos. The book includes nine chapters, starting with two foundational chapters that discuss the advantages of local flaps, skin biomechanics, surgical planning, principles of skin and soft tissue movement, the utility of Burow''s triangles, and use of diverse flaps, followed by patient management. Each of the procedural chapters focuses on a specific area, with step-by-step reconstruction techniques for the scalp, forehead, eyelids, nasal area, cheeks, ears, and lips. The reader-friendly book provides plastic surgeons of all levels with a simple yet elegant approach to managing reconstructive problems commonly encountered in practice.

  • Total Definer: Atlas of Advanced Body Sculpting

    M.D. Hoyos, Alfredo

    322,000 305,900won

    A uniquely authoritative, artistic, and practical atlas on cutting-edge body sculpting techniques Total Definer: Atlas of Advanced Body Sculpting by internationally-renowned aesthetic plastic surgeon Alfredo Hoyos is a visually stunning atlas that presents groundbreaking and advanced surgical, fat grafting, liposuction, and body sculpting techniques. Readers will learn how to perform High Definition (HD) and Dynamic Definition (HD2) Liposculptures. Invented by Dr. Hoyos, these innovative body sculpting techniques require extensive artistic skills building curves and sculpting muscles and in-depth knowledge of anatomy and modern medicine principles. HD techniques have revolutionized the practice of liposuction and enabled creation of beautiful, natural-looking contoured bodies. Key Highlights

  • 얼굴위험구역

    성낙관, 허준, 박동권, 윤원영

    90,000 85,500won

  • High Definition Body Sculpting: Art and Advanced Lipoplasty Techniques

    Alfredo E. Hoyos

    224,000 219,000won

    This unique book details advanced techniques in lipoplasty and autologous fat grafting for high-definition body sculpting. Clear step-by-step explanations of techniques are accompanied by numerous color illustrations and photographs. The first section includes chapters on surface and muscular anatomy, anesthesia, assessment, technologies for ultrasound-assisted lipoplasty, and postoperative care. High-definition sculpting of the male and female abdomen, trunk, back, chest, and upper and lower limbs is then described in detail, and clear instruction is provided on autologous fat grafting for contouring the buttocks, breasts, and pectoral areas. The book will provide a fascinating insight into the art and practice of high-definition body sculpting for all surgeons who perform lipoplasty and body contouring techniques. It will also serve as an ideal aid for all practitioners who are pursuing workshops and practical training in this exciting new area of aesthetic surgery.

  • 수면무호흡

    정도민, 김성훈

    90,000 85,500won

  • Essential

    Bongcheol Kim

    168,000 164,000won

    This book is a thorough guide on how to perform safe and effective thread-lifting procedures as a less invasive approach to rejuvenation of the face. The opening chapters explain the importance of the fixation technique, describe the facial and the pinch anatomy, and discuss the characteristics of absorbable threads. Clear descriptions are then offered of the basic technique employed for thread lifting, as well as techniques applicable for each thread type and techniques specific to each anatomic area. Understanding is aided by the inclusion of an abundance of illustrations depicting anatomy and technique. Potential complications and their management are systematically explained, and a new approach to outcome evaluation is also presented.The Art and Science of Thread Lifting will help plastic surgeons and dermatologists at all levels of experience to achieve the best possible outcomes in individual patients.