군자출판사 추천도서
  • Sabiston Textbook of Surgery: The Biolog... Courtney M. Townsend Jr. MD 260,000 190,000won
  • 내분비외과학 2판 대한갑상선내분비외과학회 150,000 142,500won
  • 세부전문의를 위한 간담췌외... 한국간담췌외과학회 100,000 95,000won
  • 삼성서울병원외과매뉴얼 성균관대학교의과대학 삼성서울병원외과 40,000 38,000won
  • 위암과 위장관 질환 대한위암학회 200,000 190,000won
외과205의 상품이 있습니다.
  • 혈관외과학


    120,000 114,000won

    안녕하십니까? 혈관외과학 독자 여러분. 대한혈관외과학회는 1984년 창립되어 우리나라 혈관외과학의 발전을 이끌어 왔습니다. 올해 창립40주년을 맞아 여러 가지 행사를 기획하였고, 늦은 감이 있으나 이번에 혈관외과학 교과서를 발간하게 되어 매우 기쁘게 생각합니다. 혈관외과는 초창기에는 맥관외과라고도 하였는데, 동맥, 정맥, 그리고 림프계에 생긴 질환을 치료하는 외과의사들이 일하는 곳입니다. 이제 우리나라는 고령화 사회가 되었고, 혈관질환 환자가 지속적으로 증가하고 있습니다. 따라서 혈관외과의사의 역할이 더욱 중요해지고 있습니다. 외과의사는 수술치료만 하는 것은 아니고, 약물치료와 시술치료도 잘해야 합니다. 특히 혈관외과 분야에서는 최근 급속도로 새로운 약물, 기구와 기술이 발달하여, 새로운 혈관 내 치료가 활발하게 시행되고 있고, 수술 기법도 많이 발달하였습니다. 각종 약물의 발전, 혈관 내 치료와 수술 기법의 발전 등의 빠른 변화를 겪으면서 기존의 지식과 더불어 최신 지식과 기술을 총정리하여 잘 가르치기 위해 교과서를 발간하게 되었습니다. 이러한 취지에 맞게 이번 교과서도 라고 명명하였습니다. 또한 우리말로 집필된 혈관외과 교과서를 발간하여 혈관질환 환자 진료에 관련된 외과의사, 수련의, 학생, 간호사, 공인혈관검사사를 비롯해 더 넓은 독자층이 쉽게 혈관외과에 대해 이해하도록 하였습니다. 의학 교과서를 집필하는 일은 여러 전문가들의 많은 경험과 노력이 뒷받침되어야 하면서 동시에 여러 사람들에게 미래의 진료와 연구에 작은 길잡이를 제공하는 일입니다. 이 책을 발간하면서 훌륭한 원고를 보내주신 저자분들께 무엇보다 진심으로 감사의 말씀을 전합니다. 이번 교과서 발간을 계기로 앞으로 한국인의 혈관질환에 대한 근거를 같이 만들고, 다기관연구와 다모음등록사업, 심평원 자료 연구 등을 통해서 우리나라 혈관질환자의 특성을 파악하고 정리하여, 근거중심의학을 바탕으로 환자의 안녕을 위해 더욱 열심히 할 것을 다짐해 봅니다. 첫 교과서라 부족한 점이 있을 수 있으니, 너그럽게 지적해주시고, 지속적으로 보다 나은 교과서를 만들도록 노력하겠습니다. 마지막으로 이 교과서의 출판을 가능하게 해준 모든 집필진, 군자출판사 그리고 40주년을 기점으로 더욱더 번창해 나갈 대한혈관외과학회 모든 회원들께 다시 한번 감사의 뜻을 전합니다.

  • 담도학 제2판


    120,000 114,000won

    제1판 발간 후 16년의 세월 동안 담도 질환에 대한 병태생리, 진단 기술, 치료 방법에 많은 발전이 있어 왔고, 개정판 발간이 절실하던 시기에 학회 주관으로 제2판을 발간하게 되어 매우 기쁩니다. 특히 담도 질환은 그동안 한국에서 많은 연구가 이루어진 분야로서, 새로 개정된 책자에서는 한국에서의 연구결과가 많이 반영되어 더욱 뜻깊게 생각합니다. 개정판에서는, 담도 질환의 진단 방법으로 기존에 중추 역할을 해온 내시경역행담췌관조영(endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography, ERCP) 외에 그동안 많은 발전이 있어온 초음파내시경(endoscopic ultrasound, EUS), 경구담도경검사(peroral cholangioscopy) 등을 이용한 진단적 유용성을 다루고 있습니다. 치료 면에서도, 한국에서 개발된 다양한 종류의 스텐트를 포함한 다양한 상황에서의 담도배액술, EUS 유도하 조직검사 및 담배액술, 경구담도경을 응용한 진단 및 치료적 적용, 최근에 새롭게 인정받고 있는 고주파열치료 등을 포함하고 있습니다. 특히 그동안 난치병으로 인식되어 온 담도암에서 유전자검사의 적용과 함께 다양한 항암치료제의 개발로 이제는 표준항암제 외에도 표적항암제, 면역항암제 등 다양한 치료제 선택이 가능해졌고, 개정판에서는 담도암에서의 최신 진단 기법, 치료 방법과 함께 한국 실정에 맞는 가이드라인을 제시하고 있습니다. 따라서 이와 같은 질환에 대한 이해, 진단과 치료 방법의 최신 지견 숙지는 현대 의학에서 필수적인 상황이며, 이번에 개정되는 담도학 교과서에서는 이러한 최신 지견을 잘 정리하여 담도학을 접하는 초심자부터 전문가까지 모두에게 큰 도움을 드릴 것으로 기대하고 있습니다. 이를 통해 어려운 질환, 난치병으로 인식되어 온 담도 질환으로 고통받는 환자분들에게도 큰 희망이 되기를 기원합니다.

  • The Washington Manual of Surgery, 9/e

    Paul Wise

    98,000 94,000won

    Focusing on must-know information in the broad spectrum of general surgery, The Washington Manual® of Surgery, 9th Edition, provides concise, high-yield content essential for surgical residents, attendings, medical students, and others who provide care for patients with surgical disease. Edited by Drs. Paul E. Wise and Jeffrey A. Blatnik, and written by teams of Washington University residents and faculty, this bestselling manual presents state-of-the-art, comprehensive information in a brief, outline format, along with numerous figures, tables, algorithms, and images throughout. In one convenient, portable resource, you’ll find practical coverage of all surgical subspecialties (thoracic, GI, colorectal, cardiac, vascular, breast, trauma, critical care, and more)—all at your fingertips for quick review and reference.

  • Fischer`s Mastery of Surgery, 8/e

    E. Christopher Ellison

    644,000 612,000won

    For 40 years, Fischer’s Mastery of Surgery has provided expert, highly illustrated coverage of the procedures that general surgeons and trainees need to know. The fully revised eighth edition, under the editorial leadership of Drs. E. Christopher Ellison, Gilbert R. Upchurch Jr., Philip A. Efron, Steven D. Wexner, Nancy D. Perrier, V. Suzanne Klimberg, John H. Stewart IV, Valerie W. Rusch, Jon C. Gould, Susan Galandiuk, Timothy M. Pawlik, William C. Chapman, Benjamin K. Poulose, Peter K. Henke, Alicia M. Mohr, Saleem Islam, Anne M.R. Agur, Carol Scott-Conner, and David Renton continues the tradition of excellence with two full-color volumes that include the essentials of diagnosis, anatomy, and pre-operative planning while maintaining a focus on clear, step-by-step depictions and descriptions of procedures.

  • Healthcare Delivery in Surgery: Scientific Principles and Practice

    Justin B. Dimick MD

    252,000 240,000won

    An invaluable resource for surgeons, surgical leaders, and health system administrators at all levels, Healthcare Delivery in Surgery: Scientific Principles and Practice provides unique, expert coverage of common challenges in the delivery of surgical care. Editor Justin B. Dimick, MD, MPH, Chair of the University of Michigan’s Department of Surgery, leads an outstanding editorial team from the UM Center for Healthcare Outcomes and Policy who provide clear guidance on the strategy and operations of delivering optimal surgical care. Using a case-based approach, authors consider the underlying principles and existing evidence followed by real-world practical solutions.

  • Ernest E. Moore Shock Trauma Center at Denver Health Illustrated Tips and Tricks in Trauma Surgery

    Ernest E. Moore

    224,000 213,000won

    Originating from the Ernest E. Moore Shock Trauma Center at Denver Health, this new volume in the Illustrated Tips and Tricks series, Ernest E. Moore Shock Trauma Center at Denver Health Illustrated Tips and Tricks in Trauma Surgery, provides succinct, precise information from Dr. Ernest E. Moore, Charles J. Fox, Fredric M. Pieracci, and a wide range of experts on tackling technical problems in trauma surgery. Practical, hands-on content conveys knowledge gained from years of surgical experience, including nuggets of wisdom unique to this particular institution. Illustrations and operative photos are used liberally throughout the book to demonstrate surgical techniques and provide a handy visual complement to the text. 

  • Pocket Surgery, 3/e

    Daniel B. Jones MD

    101,000 96,000won

    Now in vibrant full color, Pocket Surgery, Third Edition, is your go-to source for the essential information you need to care for surgery patients, as well as for success in your surgery clerkship rotation and on exams. Edited by Dr. Daniel B. Jones, from Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, and written by an expert team of contributors, this fully updated volume in the popular Pocket Notebook series provides a concise and focused review of the entire field of surgery in one easy-to-navigate looseleaf notebook.

  • Operative Techniques in Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Surgery, 2/e

    Steven J. Hughes

    385,000 366,000won

    With an emphasis on the “hows and whys” of contemporary surgery, Operative Techniques in Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Surgery, Second Edition, features concise, bulleted text, full-color illustrations, and intraoperative photographs to clarify exactly what to look for and how to proceed. Drawn from the larger Operative Techniques in Surgery, Second Edition, this concise, stand-alone surgical atlas, overseen by editor-in-chief Mary T. Hawn and meticulously edited by Dr. Steven J. Hughes, focuses on the steps of each technique, rapidly directing you to the information you need to choose the right approach for each patient, perform it successfully, and achieve the best possible results.

  • Operative Techniques in Foregut Surgery, 2/e

    Aurora D. Pryor

    385,000 366,000won

    With an emphasis on the “hows and whys” of contemporary surgery,Operative Techniques in Foregut Surgery, Second Edition, features concise, bulleted text, full-color illustrations, and intraoperative photographs to clarify exactly what to look for and how to proceed. Drawn from the larger Operative Techniques in Surgery, Second Edition, this concise, stand-alone surgical atlas, overseen by editor-in-chief Mary T. Hawn and meticulously edited by Dr. Aurora D. Pryor, focuses on the steps of each technique, rapidly directing you to the information you need to choose the right approach for each patient, perform it successfully, and achieve the best possible results.

  • Sabiston and Spencer Surgery of the Chest, 10/e

    Frank W. Sellke MD

    588,000 559,000won

    The only text to cover the full range of adult cardiac, thoracic, and pediatric chest surgery, Sabiston and Spencer Surgery of the Chest provides unparalleled guidance in a single, two-volume resource. This gold standard reference, edited by Drs. Frank Sellke, Pedro del Nido, and Scott Swanson, covers today’s most important knowledge and techniques in cardiac and thoracic surgery―the information you need for specialty board review and for day-to-day surgical practice. Meticulously organized so that you can quickly find expert information on open and endoscopic surgical techniques, this 10th Edition is an essential resource not only for all cardiothoracic surgeons, but also for physicians, residents, and students concerned with diseases of the chest.

  • Social Determinants of Health in Surgery

    Samilia Obeng-Gyasi

    154,000 147,000won

    “Social determinants of health” has been defined by the World Health Organization as the conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work, and age. These determinants can include factors such as housing, transportation, education, employment, and access to care. Social Determinants of Health: A Primer for the Practicing Surgeon provides a comprehensive, state-of-the art, definitive reference for the surgical community on this important topic, serving as an invaluable resource for surgeons, physicians, fellows, and residents.

  • Current Therapy of Trauma and Surgical Critical Care, 3/e

    Juan A. Asensio MD FACS FCCM FRCS KM

    322,000 306,000won

    Drawing on the experience and knowledge of master world-renowned trauma surgeons, Current Therapy of Trauma and Surgical Critical Care, 3rd Edition, offers a comprehensive summary of optimal treatment and post-operative management of traumatic injuries. Ideally suited for everyday use, this practical, concise reference highlights the most important aspects of urgent surgical care, from damage control to noninvasive techniques to chemical and biological injuries. A focus on the surgical techniques required to manage even the most complex injuries makes it both an excellent resource for quick review before entering the operating room and a valuable review tool for board certification or recertification.

  • Bland and Copeland`s The Breast, 6/e

    Kirby I. Bland MD

    559,000 532,000won

    Multidisciplinary in scope and fully up to date with the latest advances in medical oncology and more, Bland and Copeland''s The Breast, 6th Edition, covers every clinically relevant aspect of the field: cancer, congenital abnormalities, hormones, reconstruction, anatomy and physiology, benign breast disease, and more. In a practical, easy-to-use format ideal for today’s busy practitioners, this truly comprehensive resource is ideal for surgical oncologists, breast surgeons, general surgeons, medical oncologists, and others who need to stay informed of the latest innovations in this complex and fast-moving area.

  • Review of Surgery for ABSITE and Boards, 3/e

    Christian DeVirgilio, MD, FACS

    135,000 129,000won

    Now thoroughly up to date with new topics, new questions, and new contributors, Review of Surgery for ABSITE and Boards, 3rd Edition, fully prepares you for success on surgery exams. Ideal for surgery residents studying for their yearly in-service ABSITE exam or recent graduates preparing for the ABS qualifying exam, this comprehensive review tool contains nearly 1,000 high-quality questions that follow the new ABSITE and board style. Content has been tested for a number of years on Harbor-UCLA and UC Irvine surgical residents and has proven to significantly improve exam scores.

  • Handbook of Perioperative and Procedural Patient Safety

    Juan A Sanchez, MD, Robert S. D. Higgins, MD, MSHA

    142,000 135,000won

    Offering a concise yet comprehensive review of current practices in surgery and patient safety, Handbook of Perioperative and Procedural Patient Safety is an up-to date, practical resource for practicing surgeons, anesthesiologists, surgical nurses, hospital administrators, and surgical office staff. Edited by Drs. Juan A. Sanchez and Robert S. D. Higgins and authored by expert contributors from Johns Hopkins, it provides an expansive look at the scope of the problem, causes of error, minimizing errors, surgical suite and surgical team design, patient experience, and other related topics.

  • Current Surgical Therapy, 14/e

    John L. Cameron, MD, FACS, FRCS

    270,000 257,000won

    An essential resource for written, oral, and recertifying board study, as well as an excellent reference for everyday clinical practice, Current Surgical Therapy, 14th Edition, provides trusted, authoritative advice on today''s best treatment and management options for general surgery. Residents and practitioners alike appreciate the concise, highly formatted approach to each topic, as well as the practical, hands-on advice on selecting and implementing current surgical approaches from today''s preeminent general surgeons. This highly regarded text remains the only surgical reference of its kind, offering a complete array of topics and delivering just the key facts.

  • The ABSITE Review

    Steven M. Fiser MD

    133,900 127,200won

    Written in a high-yield, memory-prompting outline format, Dr. Steven Fiser’s The ABSITE Review, 7th Edition, covers every topic on the American Board of Surgery In-Training Examination, now thoroughly updated for today’s residents. This concise handbook offers a rapid review of essential surgery information with sufficient explanation to build knowledge and confidence as you prepare for this critically important exam.

  • Operative Standards for Cancer Surgery: Volume III


    159,600 151,600won

    The Operative Standards for Cancer Surgery manuals provide evidence-based recommendations for the proper technical conduct of cancer surgery. Presented by the American College of Surgeons, Operative Standards for Cancer Surgery: Sarcoma, Adrenal, Neuroendocrine, Peritoneal Malignancies, Urothelial, Hepatobiliary helps surgeons distill the latest evidence into best practices and techniques that lead to improved outcomes. Focused on the steps between skin incision and skin closure, this manual is an invaluable resource for surgical oncologists and general surgeons alike.

  • Operative Techniques in Surgery

    Mary Hawn

    637,000 605,600won

    With an emphasis on the “how and why” of contemporary surgery, Operative Techniques in Surgery, Second Edition, features concise, bulleted text, full-color illustrations, and intraoperative photographs to clarify exactly what to look for and how to proceed. Meticulously edited by Drs. Mary T. Hawn, Aurora D. Pryor, Steven J. Hughes, Michael S. Sabel, Kellie R. Brown and Amy J. Goldberg, this comprehensive, two-volume surgical atlas focuses on the steps of each technique, rapidly directing you to the information you need to choose the right approach for each patient, perform it successfully, and achieve the best possible results.

  • 닥터단감의 간이식만화


    20,000 19,000won