군자출판사 추천도서
  • 임상진료지침 5판 가톨릭대학교 의과대학 내과학교실 40,000 38,000won
  • Harrison`s Principles of Internal Medici... Dennis L. Kasper ,Anthony S. Fauci ,Stephen L. Hauser , Dan L. Longo,J. Larry Jameson 380,000 190,000won
  • [세트] 유진홍교수 이야기감염... 유진홍 100,000 90,000won
  • 파워내과 10판 1-4권 set 및 부록 신규성 185,000 175,750won
  • 삼성내과매뉴얼 8판 성균관대학교 의과대학 삼성서울병원 내과 40,000 38,000won
기초의학677의 상품이 있습니다.
  • Comprehensive Radiographic Pathology 7th Edition

    Ronald L. Eisenberg MD JD FACR

    150,000 135,000won

    Get the perfect level of pathology coverage to help you learn how to consistently produce quality radiographic images with Comprehensive Radiographic Pathology, 7th Edition. This full-color text provides a foundation in the basic principles of pathology and then focuses on the radiographic appearances of diseases and injuries that are most likely to be diagnosed with medical imaging. Understanding these disease processes, the radiographic appearances, and the treatments is necessary for technologists to fully contribute to the functioning of the diagnostic team, and this text is the perfect way to ground yourself in all three of these areas. Enhancements to this new edition include updated images in all modalities, content aligned to the latest ARRT Guidelines, updated Radiographer Notes, and the inclusion of some pediatric pathologies.

  • Advanced Clinical Naturopathic Medicine

    Leah Hechtman PhD (Cand) MSciMed (RHHG) BHSc ND

    146,000 132,000won

    Advanced Clinical Naturopathic Medicine engages the reader and evolves their knowledge and understanding from the fundamental Clinical Naturopathic Medicine to a more specialised focus. Written by Leah Hechtman, it concentrates on advanced topics commonly encountered in clinical practice, including new advancements and cutting-edge research, as well as foundational aspects of clinical practice. This new title showcases how transformative and effective naturopathy is and offers insight into the depth of naturopathic practice and its vital role in the healthcare system. With the profession constantly evolving and naturopathy more-often incorporated into specialty practices, this publication is a timely resource to guide clinicians and students through complicated areas of expertise and specialisation while keeping the primary principle of patient-centred care at the forefront of the reader’s mind.

  • Review of Medical Microbiology and Immunology, 16e

    Warren Levinson

    100,000 90,000won

  • 약물치료 핸드북 2판


    30,000 28,500won

    이 책은 약물치료에 대해 의료인은 물론 일반인도 쉽게 이해할 수 있게 하기 위해 2013년에 처음 발간되었는데 초판이 나온 지가 벌써 7년이 다 되어갑니다. 그동안 이 책을 읽어주신 독자 분들께 감사드리며 또한 개정판을 낼 수 있게 도와주신 군자출판사에 감사드립니다. 건강하게 살고 싶은 마음과 그렇게 살기 위한 방법에 대한 관심은 우리나라가 선진국으로 진입하면서 더욱 높아지고 있습니다. 이에 따라 인터넷을 비롯한 여러 매체를 통해 다양한 정보가 넘쳐나고 있습니다. 그러나 인터넷 정보 중에는 과장되거나 허위인 것들도 적지 않아 오히려 건강을 해칠 수도 있어 전문가들은 우려하고 있습니다. 건강한 삶은 질병이 없는 상태를 가리킵니다. 그렇다면 질병에 대한 정의를 분명하게 해야 합니다. 그래서 이 책은 각 질병에 대해서 맨 앞에 정의를 명확하게 하였습니다. 약물치료는 그 대상이 질병이기 때문에 질병을 정확히 정의하는 것이 무엇보다 중요합니다. 다음으로 그 질병의 원인, 증상, 진단, 약물치료에 대해 썼습니다. 특히 약물치료에 대해서는 각 질병마다 세계적으로 가장 권위 있는 학술단체의 지침을 기준으로 작성했고 일반인도 쉽게 읽을 수 있도록 전문용어는 꼭 필요한 경우로만 한정하고 가급적 쉬운 말로 풀어서 썼습니다.

  • Drug Information Handbook for Oncology, 16e


    Diedra Bragalone

    145,000 145,000won

  • 수액요법의 실제(셋째판)

    전재규, 박지훈

    25,000 23,750won

    모든 생체는 물과 공기의 힘으로 살아간다고 할 수 있다. 호흡과 순환은 생물의 생존에 필요한 일차적 기능이다. 생체는 물과 공기의 균형으로 일차적 생명을 유지한다. 따라서 수분의 공급과 배설은 생명과 직결됨으로, 수액요법과 호흡기능의 이해는 모든 의료인의 필수적 지식이 되어야 할 것이다. 과학은 쉴 사이 없이 발전하여, 20세기 말을 전후하여 아인슈타인의 상대성 원리와 막스 플랑크 등에 의한 양자역학 발달로 모든 물질은 에너지에서부터 온다는 가설이 정설로 확정되었고, 인간의 육체도 다른 모든 물질과 꼭 같은 원소로 만들어졌음을 이해하게 되었다. 인간의 육체는 원소가 결합 된 분자의 덩어리로 된 에너지의 집합체이다. 그러나 사람은 물과 산소와 같은 원소로 구성된 에너지의 융합체 이상의 초월적 존재, 즉 혼과 영과 육체가 결합된 전인적 존재이지만, 역시 H2O란 물과 O2란 산소와 수소 그리고 NaCl, KCl 등 26여 개의 원소가 뭉쳐진 육체와 함께 공존함으로 물과 공기의 가치가 더욱 새삼스럽다.

  • Medical Pharmacology at a Glance, 9th Edition

    Michael J. Neal

    51,000 50,500won

    The internationally best-selling Medical Pharmacology at a Glance is the ideal companion for all medical and healthcare students, providing a visual overview of pharmacology, and describing the basic principles of drug action, interaction, absorption, and excretion. Clear and accessible chapters organised around common diseases and conditions facilitate efficient clinical learning, and include references to drug classes and side effects, disease pathophysiology, prescribing guidelines, and more. Now in its ninth edition, this leading guide has been thoroughly updated to reflect current guidelines and drug information. This edition features new and revised illustrations, additional pedagogical tools, and enhanced online content. Widely recognised as both the best introduction to medical pharmacology and the perfect revision tool for USMLE and pharmacology exams, this invaluable guide:

  • Outbreak: Cases in Real-World Microbiology, 2nd Edition

    Rodney P. Anderson

    98,000 97,500won

    Outbreak: Cases in Real-World Microbiology, 2nd Edition, is the newest edition of this fascinating textbook designed for introductory microbiology students and instructors. Thoroughly revised, this collection of case studies of real-world disease outbreaks, generously illustrated in full color, offers material that directly impacts college-level students, while the book's unique presentation offers instructors the flexibility to use it effectively in a number of ways.

  • Imaging Anatomy


    Farhood Saremi

    252,000 247,000won

    First volume in state-of-the-art radiologic text-atlas series details anatomy of the lung, mediastinum, and heart Normal imaging anatomy and variants, including both diagnostic and surgical anatomy, are the cornerstones of radiologic knowledge. Imaging Anatomy: Text and Atlas Volume 1, Lungs, Mediastinum, and Heart is the first in a series of four richly illustrated radiologic references edited by distinguished radiologist Farhood Saremi MD and coedited by Damian Sanchez-Quintana MD/PhD, Hiro Kiyosue MD, Francesco F. Faletra MD, Meng Law MD, Dakshesh Patel MD, and Shane Tubbs MD, with contributions from an impressive cadre of international authors.

  • Pharmacology: An Essential Textbook, 2/e

    Mark Simmons

    90,000 88,200won

    The perfect pharmacology study tool for the classroom and examinations! Pharmacology: An Essential Textbook, Second Edition by Mark Simmons covers pharmacology facts and concepts necessary for success in the classroom and on board examinations. The clear and concise text presents important, clinically relevant pharmacology knowledge and concepts students must master. The updated edition includes the addition of new drugs, a chapter on water and fatsoluble vitamins, a greater number of clinical questions, and a fresh design.

  • Applied Oral Physiology: The Integration of Sciences in Clinical Dentistry

    Robin Wilding

    135,000 132,300won

    Unique textbook presents and integrates dental sciences essential for the practice of dentistry Applied Oral Physiology: The Integration of Sciences in Clinical Dentistry by prosthodontist, biologist, and educator Robin Wilding integrates basic science topics traditionally taught separately, enabling readers to understand the interconnected relationship between the scientific and clinical aspects of dentistry. On the broadest level, this well-researched, readable, and easy-to-study book brings together related elements of anatomy, physiology, microbiology, and biochemistry. Integration of these areas helps students comprehend the different elements of dental science, thereby improving their ability to understand and treat patient problems. For example, understanding how saliva influences oral health is vital information every dentist needs to know.

  • Atlas of Anatomy, 4/e


    Anne M Gilroy

    114,000 111,800won

    Quintessential Atlas of Anatomy expands on widely acclaimed prior editions! Atlas of Anatomy, Fourth Edition builds on its longstanding reputation of being the highest quality anatomy atlas published to date. With more than 2,000 exquisitely detailed illustrations, including over 120 new to this edition, the Atlas helps students and seasoned clinicians master the details of human anatomy.

  • Histology - An Essential Textbook

    D.J. Lowrie

    98,000 96,100won

    Learn to identify histological structures and their correlated functions! Histology: An Essential Textbook is a concise, multimedia study guide for medical students who need to learn the functions and related correlations of cells, tissues, and organs of the human body. Professor D.J. Lowrie, Jr. has written a unique and practical medical histology resource based on self-directed modules originally created to replace live histology laboratory sessions. This resource will help medical students learn how to identify histological structures on slide preparations and electron micrographs. Short videos by the author, who demonstrates structures via digitized histology slides, provide additional guidance. Shorter, targeted concepts and brief explanations accompanied by numerous illustrations, self-assessment quizzes, and videos demonstrating key features of histological structures set this resource apart from existing, text-dense books.

  • Head, Neck, and Neuroanatomy (THIEME Atlas of Anatomy), 3/e


    Michael Schuenke

    120,000 119,000won

    Remarkable atlas provides exceptionally detailed, clinically relevant anatomic knowledge! Praise for the prior edition: "The second edition of The THIEME Atlas of Anatomy: Volume 3 Head, Neck and Neuroanatomy is an exceptional book that combines very detailed and accurate illustrations of the region with relevant applied and clinical anatomy. As the authors mention in their preface, this book does really combine the very best of a clinically oriented text and an atlas."&;Journal of Anatomy

  • Internal Organs (THIEME Atlas of Anatomy), 3/e

    Michael Schuenke

    98,000 96,100won

    Remarkable atlas provides exceptionally detailed, clinically relevant anatomic knowledge! Praise for the prior edition: "The THIEME Atlas of Anatomy – Internal Organs provides pertinent and well-executed anatomical illustrations, enriched with figures from diagnostic imaging. We strongly suggest this atlas not only to students in medicine, but also to residents and practitioners, including those involved in diagnostic imaging."—European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging

  • General Anatomy and Musculoskeletal System (THIEME Atlas of Anatomy), 3/e

    Michael Schuenke

    114,000 111,800won

    Thieme Atlas of Anatomy: General Anatomy and Musculoskeletal System, Third Edition by renowned educators Michael Schuenke, Erik Schulte, and Udo Schumacher, along with consulting editor Nathan Johnson, expands on the award-winning prior editions with updated spreads and added information on joints, muscle actions, and functional muscle groups. Organized by region, the book begins with an introduction on basic human embryology and development and an overview of the human body. Subsequent general anatomy chapters explore surface anatomy, the bones, joints, muscles, vessels, lymphatic system and glands, and general neuroanatomy. The next section delineates the trunk wall, functional musculature, and the neurovascular system, while the last two sections are dedicated to the upper limb and lower limb.

  • Skip to the beginning of the images gallery Gnepp`s Diagnostic Surgical Pathology of the Head and Ne

    By Douglas R. Gnepp, MD

    560,000 504,000won

    Offering the most comprehensive collection of head and neck pathology specimens available in one reference, Gnepp's Diagnostic Surgical Pathology of the Head and Neck, 3rd Edition, is a must-have resource for pathologists in training and practice. This abundantly illustrated volume covers both common and rare disease entities of the entire head and neck area, with particular emphasis on differential diagnosis and diagnostic problems and pitfalls. Detailed text and a highly visual format help you improve turnaround time when diagnosing a specimen and facilitate clear communication of prognosis and therapeutic management options to surgical/medical colleagues.

  • Skip to the beginning of the images gallery Weir & Abrahams` Imaging Atlas of Human Anatomy , 6th Ed


    By Jonathan D. Spratt, MA (Cantab), FRCS (Eng)

    105,000 95,000won

  • Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology , 14th Edition


    By John E. Hall, PhD

    175,000 158,000won

    Known for its clear presentation style, single-author voice, and focus on content most relevant to clinical and pre-clinical students, Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology, 14th Edition, employs a distinctive format to ensure maximum learning and retention of complex concepts. A larger font size emphasizes core information, while supporting information, including clinical examples, are detailed in smaller font and highlighted in pale blue - making it easy to quickly skim the essential text or pursue more in-depth study. This two-tone approach, along with other outstanding features, makes this bestselling text a favorite of students worldwide.

  • Robbins & Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease , 10th Edition


    By Vinay Kumar, MBBS, MD

    175,000 158,000won

    Readable and highly illustrated, Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease, 10th Edition presents an in-depth, state-of-the-art overview of human diseases and their cellular and molecular basis. This best-selling text delivers the latest, most essential pathology knowledge in a readable, interesting manner, ensuring optimal understanding of the latest basic science and clinical content. More than 1,000 high-quality photographs and full-color illustrations highlight new information in molecular biology, disease classifications, new drugs and drug therapies, and much more. This superb learning package also includes an enhanced eBook with a full complement of ancillary content on Student Consult.