The Manual of Fracture Management – Wrist examines the management of traumatic and reconstructive problems of the distal radius, distal ulna, and the carpals, the key components of the human wrist. In a rapidly changing field of practice, orthopedic care of wrist fractures and disorders is becoming ever more complex as new technologies, plates, and methods merge and evolve with existing principles and techniques. Ideal for both new and experienced hand, forearm, and upper extremity surgeons, the Manual of Fracture Management – Wrist includes the following key features:
As with the recently published Manual of Fracture Management – Hand, this publication comprises two major sections: an indepth outline of the major surgical approaches and principles used in wrist surgery, and a detailed dex_scription of common to complicated treatment procedures using clinical images from real patient cases. The reader might already have an understanding of the principles of bone healing and basic orthopedic surgery, however, the use of real cases for enhanced illustration adds an immediate and interesting touch to learning and is used to show the recommended procedure and when providing an alternative perspective.
AOTrauma is proud to bring you this worthwhile and highly informative medical text.
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