Cutting-edge neck dissection resource provides expert guidance on its use in a wide spectrum of head and neck pathologies
Dissection of critical structures of the neck is integral to head and neck surgery, for both benign and malignant neck masses and diagnoses of the head, skull base, and cervicothoracic junction. Neck Dissection by Brendan Stack and Mauricio Moreno is a comprehensive treatise on state-of-the-art neck dissection. With contributions from an impressive cadre of international leaders in head and neck surgery, this in-depth, yet concise evidence-based guide covers fundamental and advanced principles of cervical lymphadenopathy surgery.
The book begins with preoperative evaluation of cervical lymphadenopathy candidates, history of procedures, international nodal level classifications, and surgical neck anatomy. Subsequent chapters address the subtleties between different dissection modalities including radical, modified radical, selective, supraomohyoid, and salvage, as well as insights on complications and rehabilitation. Current imaging methods are discussed in context with anatomical structures and malignancies, including cross-sectional, ultrasound, and integrated FDG-PET/CT. Pathology and adjuvant therapies for malignant diseases of the neck are also discussed.
Key Features
All clinicians involved in the interdisciplinary diagnosis and treatment of head and neck pathologies will benefit from this outstanding operative guide.
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