Lindhe`s Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry, 2Vol, 7/e
Niklaus P. Lang
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1376 Pages
7 Edition
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Discover the latest edition of the cornerstone reference on periodontology and implant dentistry that combines scholarship and science with practical clinical instruction

The Seventh Edition of Lindhe`s Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry brings together a distinguished team of periodontal specialists and academics who deliver another must-have resource for students, researchers, and practitioners specializing in periodontal care and implant dentistry.

Seamlessly integrating the foundational science behind periodontology with practical clinical protocols in two comprehensive volumes, the chapters cover anatomy, microbiology, occlusion trauma, pathology, tissue regeneration, treatment planning protocols, infection control, reconstructive therapy, occlusal and prosthetic therapy, and more.

The Seventh Edition of Lindhe`s Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry:

  • Provides an introduction to anatomy, including periodontal tissues, the edentulous ridge, the mucosa at teeth and implants, and osseointegration
  • Discusses the epidemiology of periodontal and peri-implant diseases
  • Explores the microbiology, including dental biofilms and calculus, periodontal infections, peri-implant infections, the pathogenesis of gingivitis and periodontitis, and the genetic susceptibility to periodontal disease
  • Includes the latest perio- and peri-implant disease classifications
  • Contains updated evidence-based preventive and treatment modalities for the treatment of periodontal and peri-implant diseases
  • Features the latest evidence-based therapeutic alternatives on the use of dental implants to rehabilitate the lost dentition

Perfect for postgraduate dental students, researchers, and practitioners specializing in periodontal care and implant dentistry, Lindhe`s Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry continues to be the cornerstone reference work on periodontology.



Volume 1

Part 1 Anatomy

1 Anatomy and Histology of Periodontal Tissues
Dieter D. Bosshardt,Jan Lindhe, Niklaus P. Lang, and Maurício Araújo

2 Bone as a Living Organ
Darnell Kaigler and William V. Gannobile

3 The Edentulous Ridge
Maurício Araújo and Jan Lindhe

4 The Mucosa at Teeth and Implants
Jan Lindhe, Tord Berglundh,Anton Sculean,and Niklaus P. Lang

5 Osseointegration
Niklaus P. Lang,Tord Berglundh, and Dieter D. Bosshardt

Part 2 Epidemiology

6 Epidemiology of Periodontitis
Panos N. Papapanou and Ryan T. Demmer

7 Epidemiology of Peri-Implant Diseases
Jan Derks, Cristiano Tomasiand Tord Berglundh

Part 3 Microbiology

8 Dental Biofilms and Calculus
Philip D. Marsh,Mariano Sanz, Niklaus P. Lang, and Dieter D. Bosshardt

9 Periodontal and Peri-Implant Infections
Mike Curtis, Lisa Heitz-Mayfield, and Mariano Sanz

Part 4 Host–Parasite Interactions

10 Pathogenesis of Gingivitis and Periodontitis
Gregory J. Seymour, Tord Berglundh, and Leonardo Trombelli

11 Systemic and Environmental Modifying Factors
Evanthia Lalla and Panos N. Papapanou

12 Genetic Susceptibility to Periodontal Disease: New Insights and Challenges
Arne S. Schaefer, Ubele van der Velden, Marja L. Laine, and Bruno G. Loos

Part 5 Trauma from Occlusion

13 Effect of Load on Periodontal and Peri-Implant Tissues
Jan Lindhe, Niklaus P. Lang,and Tord Berglundh

Part 6 Periodontal Pathology

14 Non-Plaque-Induced Gingival Diseases
Palle Holmstrup and Mats Jontell

15 Plaque-Induced Gingivitis
Leonardo Trombelli,Roberto Farina, and Dimitris N. Tatakis

16 Current Classification of Periodontitis
Panos N. Papapanou, Mariano Sanz, and Kenneth Kornman

17 Effect of Periodontal Diseases on General Health: Periodontal Medicine
Francesco D’Aiuto, Filippo Graziani, Panos N. Papapanou, and James Beck

18 Periodontitis and Systemic Diseases (Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes): Biological Perspectives for Oral/Periodontal Implications
Alpdogan Kantarci and Hatice Hasturk

19 Abscesses, Necrotizing Lesions of the Periodontium, and Endo-Periodontal Lesions
David Herrera and Magda Feres

Part 7 Peri-implant Pathology

20 Peri-Implant Mucositis and Peri-Implantitis
Tord Berglundh, Jan Lindhe, and Niklaus P. Lang

Part 8 Tissue Regeneration

21 Periodontal Wound Healing and Regeneration
Darnell Kaigler, Giulio Rasperini, Saso Ivanovski, and William V. Giannobile

Volume 2

Part 9 Examination Protocols

22 Examination of Patients
Giovanni E. Salvi, Tord Berglundh, and Niklaus P. Lang

23 Diagnostic Imaging of the Periodontal and Implant Patient
Michael M. Bornstein, Kuofeng Hung, and Dorothea Dagassan-Berndt

24 Patient-Specific Risk Assessment for Implant Therapy
 Giovanni E. Salvi and Niklaus P. Lang

Part 10 Treatment Planning Protocols

25 Treatment Planning of Patients with Periodontal Diseases
Giovanni E. Salvi, Niklaus P. Lang,and Pierpaolo Cortellini

26 Systemic Phase of Therapy
Niklaus P. Lang, Iain Chapple, Christoph A. Ramseier, and Hans-Rudolf Baur

Part 11 Initial Periodontal Therapy (Infection Control)

27 Oral Hygiene Motivation
Jeanie E. Suvan and Christoph A. Ramseier

28 Mechanical Supragingival Plaque Control
Fridus Van der Weijden and Dagmar Else Slot

29 Chemical Dental Biofilm Control
David Herrera and Jorge Serrano

30 Non-Surgical Therapy
Jan L. Wennström and Cristiano Tomasi

31 Treatment of Acute Periodontal and Endo-Periodontal Lesions
David Herrera and Magda Feres

Part 12 Additional Therapy

32 Periodontal Surgery
Mariano Sanz, Jan L. Wennström, and Filippo Graziani

33 Treatment of Furcation-Involved Teeth
Søren Jepsen, Peter Eickholz, and Luigi Nibali

34 Non-Surgical Therapy of Peri-Implant Mucositis and Peri-Implantitis
Lisa Heitz-Mayfield, Giovanni E. Salvi, and Frank Schwarz

35 Surgical Treatment of Peri-Implantitis
Tord Berglundh, Jan Derks, Niklaus P. Lang, and Jan Lindhe

36 Systemic Antibiotics in Periodontal Therapy
Magda Feres and David Herrera

37 Local Antimicrobial Delivery for the Treatment of Periodontitis and Peri-Implant Diseases
Maurizio S. Tonettiand David Herrera

Part 13 Reconstructive Therapy

38 Regenerative Periodontal Therapy
Pierpaolo Cortellini and Maurizio S. Tonetti

39 Mucogingival Therapy: Periodontal Plastic Surgery
Mariano Sanz, Jan L. Wennström, Massimo de Sanctis, and Anton Sculean

Part 14 Surgery for Implant Installation

40 Timing of Implant Placement
Christoph H.F. Hämmerle, Maurício Araújo, and Jan Lindhe

Part 15 Reconstructive Ridge Therapy

41 Ridge Augmentation Procedures
Fabio Vignoletti, Darnell Kaigler, William V. Giannobile, and Mariano Sanz

42 Maxillary Sinus Floor Augmentation
Gustavo Avila-Ortiz, Bjarni E. Pjetursson, and Niklaus P. Lang

Part 16 Occlusal and Prosthetic Therapy

43 Tooth-Supported Fixed Dental Prostheses
Jan Lindhe, Niklaus P. Lang, and Sture Nyman

44 Implant-Supported Fixed Dental Prostheses
Ronald. E. Jung, Franz J. Strauss, and Daniel S. Thoma

45 Implants in the Zone of Esthetic Priority
Rino Burkhardt, Franz J. Strauss, and Ronald. E. Jung

46 Technical Complications in Implant Dentistry
Clark M. Stanford and Lyndon F. Cooper

Part 17 Orthodontics and Periodontics

47 Tooth Movement in the Periodontally Compromised Patient
Mariano Sanz and Conchita Martin

Part 18 Supportive Care

48 Supportive Periodontal Therapy
Christoph A. Ramseier, Niklaus P. Lang, Janet Kinney, Jeanie E. Suvan, Giedrė Matulienė, and Giovanni E. Salvi



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