Comprehensive, concise, and superbly illustrated, Weedon’s Skin Pathology Essentials, 3rd Edition, provides expert, easy-to-read guidance on key diagnoses in dermatopathology for pathologists and dermatologists in practice and training. This clearly written, well-structured text/atlas is ideal for quickly looking up practical problems in the recognition and diagnosis of skin lesions both clinically and histologically. Cross-referenced to the encyclopedic and authoritative Weedon’s Skin Pathology, 5th Edition, it enables you to avoid pitfalls and make the most accurate diagnoses with confidence.
Covers more than 1,300 dermatopathological entities, both common and rare, including additional entries in every section of the text.
Provides more than 3,000 color histopathologic and clinical images for complete visual coverage of key diagnostic points for any given entity, and features new illustrations of rare conditions and unusual manifestations.
Includes numerous summary tables and diagnostic algorithms that guide you to the most likely diagnosis and set of differential diagnoses for numerous inflammatory and neoplastic skin conditions.
Discusses the latest immunohistochemical staining techniques and molecular genetic techniques.
Uses a highly templated, bulleted, outline format throughout, facilitating quick and easy retrieval of key information.
Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
1 The Basics
2 Diagnostic Clues and “Need-to-know Items
3 Lichenoid Reaction Pattern
4 Psoriasiform Reaction Pattern
5 Spongiotic Reaction Pattern
6 Vesiculobullous Reaction Pattern
7 Granulomatous Reaction Pattern
8 Vasculopathic Reaction Pattern
9 Disorders of Epidermal Maturation and Keratinization
10 Disorders of Pigmentation
11 Disorders of Collagen
12 Disorders of Elastic Tissue
13 Cutaneous Mucinoses
14 Cutaneous Deposits
15 Diseases of Cutaneous Appendages
16 Cysts, Sinuses, and Pits
17 Panniculitis
18 Metabolic and Storage Diseases
19 Miscellaneous Conditions
20 Cutaneous Drug Reactions
21 Reactions to Physical Agents
22 Cutaneous Infections and Infestations
23 Bacterial and Rickettsial Infections
24 Spirochetal Infections
25 Mycoses and Algal Infections
26 Viral Diseases
27 Protozoal Infections
28 Marine Injuries
29 Helminth Infestations
30 Arthropod-induced Diseases
31 Tumors of the Epidermis
32 Lentigines, Nevi and Melanomas
33 Tumors of Cutaneous Appendages
34 Fibrous Tumors and Tumor-like Proliferations
35 Tumors of Fat
36 Tumors of Muscle, Cartilage, and Bone
37 Neural and Neuroendocrine Tumors
38 Vascular Tumors
39 Cutaneous Metastases
40 Cutaneous Non-lymphoid Infiltrates
41 Cutaneous Lymphomatous and Leukemic Infiltrates
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