The go-to pocket, computer, tablet and smartphone reference on plastic surgery essentials
Essentials of Plastic Surgery, Third Edition by renowned plastic surgeon Jeffrey E. Janis and an impressive group of esteemed colleagues, retains its reader-friendly formatting, while featuring extensive updates that reflect significant changes in the field. The book is organized by the same seven sections as the prior edition: Fundamentals and Basics; Skin and Soft Tissue; Head and Neck; Breast; Trunk and Lower Extremity; Hand, Wrist, and Upper Extremity; and Aesthetic Surgery. The new edition includes 127 chapters, as well as updated and expanded references that guide readers to classic and definitive articles and chapters.
New chapters include Pain Management in Plastic Surgery, Decreasing Complications in Plastic Surgery, Basics of Plastic Surgery Wound Closure, Scars and Scar Management, Skin Grafting, Posterior Trunk Reconstruction, Perineal Reconstruction, Nerve Transfers, Targeted Muscle Reinnervation, Hand Rehabilitation, Basics of Skin Care, Aesthetic Facial Anatomy, Secondary Rhinoplasty, Buttock Augmentation, and Male and Female Aesthetic Genital Surgery. Breakout chapters covering breast reconstruction and nonsurgical facial rejuvenation reflect new procedures developed since publication of the second edition.
Key Highlights
This unique pocket guide provides high-impact information across the breadth and depth of plastic surgery, making it a must-have resource for medical school, residency and fellowship training, preparation for maintenance of certification, and beyond.
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