Covering the full range of clinical concerns encountered by today’s plastic surgeons, Michigan Manual of Plastic Surgery, Third Edition, remains a portable, practical manual in this fast-changing field. Editors David L. Brown, Widya Adidharma, and Geoffrey E. Hespe, use an easy-to-follow bulleted format to provide expert guidance on fundamental principles and techniques of plastic surgery for skin and soft tissue lesions, the head and neck, facial reconstruction, craniofacial concerns, aesthetic surgery, and surgeries of the breast, hand and upper extremity, trunk, lower extremity, genitalia, and burns.
Offers thoroughly revised chapters throughout, including updated information on flap anatomy, lymphedema, rhinoplasty, and emerging trends in plastic surgery
Contains new chapters on pelvic gender affirming surgery, breast reduction and top surgery, and expansion of related chapters
Provides first-ever section headings and colored tabs for easy navigation
Covers content that corresponds to topics on plastic surgery in-service and specialty board examinations, and highlights material covered on the In-Service Exam
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