군자출판사 추천도서
  • 임상진료지침 5판 가톨릭대학교 의과대학 내과학교실 40,000 38,000won
  • [세트] 유진홍교수 이야기감염... 유진홍 100,000 90,000won
  • 삼성내과매뉴얼 8판 성균관대학교 의과대학 삼성서울병원 내과 40,000 38,000won
  • 파워내과 10판 1-4권 set 및 부록 신규성 185,000 175,750won
  • 서울아산병원 내과매뉴얼 5판 서울아산병원 내과학교실 40,000 38,000won
내과944의 상품이 있습니다.
  • 담도학 제2판


    120,000 114,000won

    제1판 발간 후 16년의 세월 동안 담도 질환에 대한 병태생리, 진단 기술, 치료 방법에 많은 발전이 있어 왔고, 개정판 발간이 절실하던 시기에 학회 주관으로 제2판을 발간하게 되어 매우 기쁩니다. 특히 담도 질환은 그동안 한국에서 많은 연구가 이루어진 분야로서, 새로 개정된 책자에서는 한국에서의 연구결과가 많이 반영되어 더욱 뜻깊게 생각합니다. 개정판에서는, 담도 질환의 진단 방법으로 기존에 중추 역할을 해온 내시경역행담췌관조영(endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography, ERCP) 외에 그동안 많은 발전이 있어온 초음파내시경(endoscopic ultrasound, EUS), 경구담도경검사(peroral cholangioscopy) 등을 이용한 진단적 유용성을 다루고 있습니다. 치료 면에서도, 한국에서 개발된 다양한 종류의 스텐트를 포함한 다양한 상황에서의 담도배액술, EUS 유도하 조직검사 및 담배액술, 경구담도경을 응용한 진단 및 치료적 적용, 최근에 새롭게 인정받고 있는 고주파열치료 등을 포함하고 있습니다. 특히 그동안 난치병으로 인식되어 온 담도암에서 유전자검사의 적용과 함께 다양한 항암치료제의 개발로 이제는 표준항암제 외에도 표적항암제, 면역항암제 등 다양한 치료제 선택이 가능해졌고, 개정판에서는 담도암에서의 최신 진단 기법, 치료 방법과 함께 한국 실정에 맞는 가이드라인을 제시하고 있습니다. 따라서 이와 같은 질환에 대한 이해, 진단과 치료 방법의 최신 지견 숙지는 현대 의학에서 필수적인 상황이며, 이번에 개정되는 담도학 교과서에서는 이러한 최신 지견을 잘 정리하여 담도학을 접하는 초심자부터 전문가까지 모두에게 큰 도움을 드릴 것으로 기대하고 있습니다. 이를 통해 어려운 질환, 난치병으로 인식되어 온 담도 질환으로 고통받는 환자분들에게도 큰 희망이 되기를 기원합니다.

  • 임상진료지침 6판

    가톨릭대학교 의과대학 내과학교실

    50,000 47,500won

  • Operative Techniques in Vascular Surgery, 2/e

    Kellie R. Brown M.D

    385,000 366,000won

    With an emphasis on the “hows and whys” of contemporary surgery,Operative Techniques in Vascular Surgery, Second Edition, features concise, bulleted text, full-color illustrations, and intraoperative photographs to clarify exactly what to look for and how to proceed. Drawn from the larger Operative Techniques in Surgery, Second Edition, this concise, stand-alone surgical atlas, overseen by editor-in-chief Mary T. Hawn and meticulously edited by Dr. Kellie R. Brown, focuses on the steps of each technique, rapidly directing you to the information you need to choose the right approach for each patient, perform it successfully, and achieve the best possible results.

  • Operative Techniques in Breast, Endocrine, and Oncologic Surgery, 2/e

    Michael Sabel

    385,000 366,000won

    With an emphasis on the “hows and whys” of contemporary surgery, Operative Techniques in Breast, Endocrine, and Oncologic Surgery, Second Edition, features concise, bulleted text, full-color illustrations, and intraoperative photographs to clarify exactly what to look for and how to proceed. Drawn from the larger Operative Techniques in Surgery, Second Edition, this concise, stand-alone surgical atlas, overseen by editor-in-chief Mary T. Hawn and meticulously edited by Dr. Michael S. Sabel, focuses on the steps of each technique, rapidly directing you to the information you need to choose the right approach for each patient, perform it successfully, and achieve the best possible results.

  • The MD Anderson Surgical Oncology Manual, 7/e

    Barry W. Feig MD

    168,000 160,000won

    Now with additional review content and a larger page size, The MD Anderson Surgical Oncology Manual, Seventh Edition, focuses on multidisciplinary, cooperative management approaches to issues confronting today’s surgical oncologist. Lead editor Dr. Barry W. Feig is joined by recently graduated surgical oncology fellows Michael G. White, Cameron E. Gaskill, Anai N. Kothari, and Sandra R. DiBrito to bring you comprehensive yet concise information on the complete range of oncologic considerations needed to effectively understand cancer and all aspects of its treatment.

  • Operative Techniques in Colon and Rectal Surgery, 2/e

    Daniel Albo

    385,000 366,000won

    With an emphasis on the “hows and whys” of contemporary surgery,Operative Techniques in Colon and Rectal Surgery, Second Edition, features concise, bulleted text, full-color illustrations, and intraoperative photographs to clarify exactly what to look for and how to proceed. Drawn from the larger Operative Techniques in Surgery, Second Edition, this concise, stand-alone surgical atlas, overseen by editor-in-chief Mary T. Hawn and meticulously edited by Dr. Daniel Albo, focuses on the steps of each technique, rapidly directing you to the information you need to choose the right approach for each patient, perform it successfully, and achieve the best possible results.

  • Epilepsy: A Comprehensive Textbook, 3/e

    Jerome Engel Jr.

    910,000 865,000won

    Authoritative and updated, Epilepsy: A Comprehensive Textbook, 3rd Edition, contains 365 chapters that cover the full spectrum of relevant topics in biology, physiology, and clinical information, from molecular biology to public health concerns in developing countries. Written by world-renowned authorities and expertly edited by epileptologists Drs. Jerome Engel, Jr., Solomon L. Moshé, Aristea S. Galanopoulou, John M. Stern, Alexis Arzimanoglou, Jacqueline A. French, Renzo Guerrini, Andres M. Kanner, and Istvan Mody, this three-volume work includes detailed discussions of seizure types and epilepsy syndromes, relationships between physiology and clinical events, psychiatric and medical comorbidities, conditions that could be mistaken for epilepsy, and an increasing range of pharmacologic, surgical, and alternative therapies.

  • Handbook of Glomerulonephritis

    Patrick Henry Nachman

    126,000 120,000won

    Concise, readable, and well-illustrated, Handbook of Glomerulonephritis is a convenient, one-stop resource for physicians, residents and fellows, advanced practice professionals, and nurses who are involved with the care of patients with glomerular diseases. Drs. Patrick H. Nachman, Michelle Rheault, and Edgar V. Lerma, along with a team of internationally renowned glomerulonephritis experts, provide practical guidance on both adult and pediatric glomerular diseases, across the spectrum of clinical presentations and pathogenic mechanisms.

  • The Washington Manual of Transplant Nephrology

    Dr. Tarek Alhamad MD

    126,000 120,000won

    Focusing on the essential information you need to know for successful patient care, The Washington Manual® of Transplant Nephrology provides concise, high-yield content essential for nephrology fellows, transplant trainees, and practitioners, as well as for the entire team involved in pre- and post-transplant care. Edited by Dr. Tarek Alhamad, lead editor of The Washington Manual Nephrology Subspecialty Consult, it presents state-of-the-art, comprehensive information in a brief, bulleted format, along with numerous figures, tables, algorithms, and images throughout.

  • Pocket Medicine High Yield Board Review (The Pocket Notebooks), 2/e


    126,000 120,000won

    Just as Pocket Medicine helped you get through residency,Pocket Medicine High-Yield Board Review, Second Edition, will help you pass your boards! This fully updated review book follows the organization of Dr. Marc S. Sabatine’s bestselling Pocket Medicine manual and covers the essential information you need to excel on exams. Each chapter presents clinical vignettes and related multiple-choice questions and answers—all written by trusted Pocket Medicine contributors and meticulously edited by Dr. Sabatine.

  • Fields Virology: Fundamentals, 7/e

    Peter M. Howley MD

    210,000 200,000won

    Now in four convenient volumes, Field’s Virology remains the most authoritative reference in this fast-changing field, providing definitive coverage of virology, including virus biology as well as replication and medical aspects of specific virus families. This volume of Field’s Virology: Fundamentals, Seventh Edition, edited by Drs. Peter Howley and David M. Knipe, along with volume associate editors Drs. Lynn Enquist, Jeffrey I. Cohen, Eric O. Freed, Blossom A. Damania, and Sean P. J. Whelan, focuses on the basic principles of virology and reflects recent advances in this dynamic field. Bundled with the eBook, which will be updated regularly as new information about each virus is available, this text serves as the authoritative, up-to-date reference book for virologists, infectious disease specialists, microbiologists, and physicians, as well as undergraduate and graduate students interested in virology.

  • Wintrobe`s Clinical Hematology, 15/e

    Robert T. Means Jr. MD

    546,000 519,000won

    Comprehensive in scope and thoroughly up to date, Wintrobe’s Clinical Hematology, 15th Edition, combines the biology and pathophysiology of hematology as well as the diagnosis and treatment of commonly encountered hematological disorders. Editor-in-chief Dr. Robert T. Means, Jr., along with a team of expert section editors and contributing authors, provide authoritative, in-depth information on the biology and pathophysiology of lymphomas, leukemias, platelet destruction, and other hematological disorders as well as the procedures for diagnosing and treating them. Packed with more than 1,500 tables and figures throughout, this trusted text is an indispensable reference for hematologists, oncologists, residents, nurse practitioners, and pathologists.

  • Principles of Pulmonary Medicine, 8/e

    Steven E. Weinberger MD MACP FRCP

    111,000 106,000won

    Using a concise, understandable approach, Principles of Pulmonary Medicine, 8th Edition, provides a broad overview of this fast-changing field, integrating clinical topics with underlying physiologic, pathophysiologic, and basic science concepts. From cover to cover, it clearly explains and illustrates even the most challenging concepts in a uniquely readable and digestible fashion. With its emphasis on pathophysiology and diagnosis as the basis for optimal management of respiratory disorders, this popular text is an essential reference for medical students, trainees, and those looking for a practical update on both acute and chronic pulmonary diseases.

  • Lung Cancer: An Evidence-Based Approach to Multidisciplinary Management

    Erin Alexis Gillaspie MD MPH FACS

    324,000 308,000won

    Care of the lung cancer patient―screening, diagnosis, and treatment―has undergone recent dramatic changes due to technologic and research-driven advances. Lung Cancer: An Evidence-Based Approach to Multidisciplinary Management covers every aspect of this fast-changing field, including new screening guidelines, new practice standards, and new treatment advances that have led to higher survival rates. This practical, clinically oriented resource provides thorough, evidence-based coverage from experts in the field, including the increasingly important precision medicine approach in lung cancer planning and management.

  • Clinical Immuno-Oncology

    John E. Niederhuber MD

    222,000 211,000won

    Offering focused, practical, and up-to-date content on immunotherapies used to treat a wide variety of cancer types, Clinical Immuno-Oncology covers the basic cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in cancer initiation and progression. The text reviews the development of tumor specific antigens and the challenges of developing cancer immunotherapies. Every effort is made to relate the fundamental aspects of host immunity to the efficacy of current immunotherapies and how they work in conjunction with the immune system to combat cancer. This foundational resource explains the basics of cancer immunotherapy, discusses best practices, and provides recommendations from experienced clinicians in the field. Dr. John E. Niederhuber and a team of expert contributing authors provide clinically focused information essential for integrating these new therapies into practice―making this an ideal resource for fellows, practitioners, and other cancer team members in medical oncology, radiation oncology, cancer surgery, immunology, and cancer research.

  • Manual of Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation and Cellular Therapies

    Qaiser Bashir MD

    383,000 364,000won

    Led by authors from MD Anderson’s Stem Cell Transplantation and Cellular Therapy Department, the world’s largest and highly respected program at the forefront of rapidly advancing treatments in the field, Manual of Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation and Cellular Therapies is a comprehensive, focused reference covering the latest clinical developments and applications of stem cell transplant and cellular therapies for hematologic malignancies and solid tumors. This cutting-edge title, with a majority contribution from the MD Anderson Cancer Center and leading faculty from other academic institutions, covers breakthrough cell-based therapies for various diseases including lymphoma, multiple myeloma, leukemia, and select solid tumor and autoimmune diseases. This unique, definitive resource is essential for hematologists, fellows in hematology and immunotherapy, mid-level providers, pharmacists, and oncologists who refer patients for cell-based therapies.

  • Palliative Radiation Oncology

    Neha Vapiwala M.D

    324,000 308,000won

    Offering practical, comprehensive coverage of the many nuanced technical and clinical aspects of this growing field, Palliative Radiation Oncology provides up-to-date clinical guidance in a thorough yet concise manner. In an easy-access format, it integrates basic science, pathologies, and research with clinical applications, covering different ways to approach problems, tumor assessment, precise target definition, and dosing-specific guidelines to minimize side effects/toxicities while balancing with desired outcomes.

  • Manson`s Tropical Diseases, 24/e

    Jeremy Farrar FRCP FMedAcSci DPhil OBE

    339,000 323,000won

    For 125 years, physicians have relied on Manson''s Tropical Diseases for a comprehensive clinical overview of this complex and fast-changing field. In the fully revised 24th Edition, Dr. Jeremy Farrar, along with an internationally recognized editorial team, global contributors, and expert authors, deliver the latest coverage on parasitic and infectious diseases from around the world. From the difficult to diagnose to the difficult to treat, this highly readable, award-winning reference prepares you to effectively handle whatever your patients may have contracted.

  • A Case-Based Review of Infectious Disease

    Edin Pujagic DO

    177,000 169,000won

    Filling the need for a clinically relevant, concise, and affordable infectious disease exam preparation tool, A Case-Based Review of Infectious Disease offers a practical, proven approach to increasing your understanding and knowledge of this critical area of medicine. This comprehensive text is both challenging and enjoyable―an ideal resource for a variety of medical board and MOC exams, including internal medicine, family medicine, and infectious disease.