Fetal and Neonatal Secrets, by Drs. Richard Polin and Alan Spitzer, uses the success formula of the highly popular Secrets Series to offer fast answers to the most essential clinical questions in fetal and neonatal medicine. With its user-friendly Q & A format, practical tips from neonatologists and fetal medicine experts, and "Key Points" boxes, this portable and easy-to-read medical reference book provides rapid access to the practical knowledge you need to succeed both in practice and on board and recertification exams.
• Get the evidence-based guidance you need to provide optimal care for your fetal and neonatal patients.
• Zero in on key fetal and neonatal information with a question and answer format, bulleted lists, mnemonics, and practical tips from the authors.
• Enhance your reference power with a two-color page layout, "Key Points" boxes, and lists of useful websites.
• Review essential material efficiently with the "Top 100 Secrets in Fetal and Neonatal Medicine" - perfect for last-minute study or self-assessment.
• Apply all the latest pediatric advances in clinical fetal neonatology techniques, technology, and pharmacology.
• Access the complete and fully searchable text and illustrations online at Expert Consult.
Top 100 Secrets
1. The Well-Term Infant
2. Fetal Development and Growth
3. Obstetric Issues, Labor, and Delivery
4. Family-Centered and Developmental Care in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
5. General Neonatology
6. Cardiology
7. Dermatology
8. Endocrinology and Metabolism
9. Fluid, Electrolytes, and Renal Disorders
10. Gastroenterology and Nutrition
11. Genetics
12. Hematology and Transfussion Medicine
13. Infection and Immunity
14. Neurology
15. Ophthalmology
16. Orthopedics
17. Pain Management in the Neonate
18. Pulmonology
19. Surgery
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