Illustrated Textbook of Paediatrics 해외주문가능
Tom Lissauer
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552 pages
결제금액이 25,000원 이상 무료배송
해외주문이 필요한 도서입니다. (4~5주소요) 자세한 내용은 페이지하단 배송안내 참조바랍니다.
with STUDENTCONSULT Online Access

New edition of this best-selling paediatrics textbook, translated into 8 languages and winner of BMA and RSM awards in paediatrics.

  • Thoroughly revised and updated

  • New sections on child protection and global paediatrics

  • 100s of figures, summary boxes and clinical pictures.

  • Case studies

  • Online access


From reviews of the previous edition:

'This is a must have textbook for paediatrics for medical students. From what I've heard it's pretty much the recommended text in most places, and for good reason! All the information you need to know is written out in simple English. The chapters focus on the important conditions within the different systems as well as other additional information that is pertinent in the field, e.g. child protection and genetics. Worth every penny and is bound to get you through exams.'

R D (UK)

'Perfect as an introductory book to a subject that is often unlike any other in medicine. Well laid out and easy to read.'

K C Henderson (UK)

'This is really a great textbook for paediatrics. The most powerful features are, of course, the perfect images, summary boxes and diagrams. This book is both concise and comprehensive at the same time.'

D K Charalampopoylos (Greece)

'This is a book that was highly recommended by colleagues working in Australia and the UK. I am preparing to sit for the Australian Medical Council Exams in May 2010 and I needed something with pictures and easy to read. It's got many pictures and I read it from cover to cover in 3 weeks! It's a great book that I wouldn't hesitate to recommend to any doctor out there.'

At Okullo (Belgium)

'This is the recommended text for paediatrics at my school, and for good reason. The text, whilst sometimes being lengthy, is well laid out, gives good explanations and goes into sufficient depth for final year undergraduate medicine and for junior doctors in this specialty. There are plenty of diagrams and break out boxes summarising key take home messages.'

M Roach (UK)

'Very good book. Lots of good summaries.'

L Marchal (France)

'This is the first paediatrics textbook that I really enjoyed. The information is very practical and useful.'

Z G Konstantinova

1. The child in society

2. History and examination

3. Normal child development, hearing and vision

4. Developmental problems and the child with special needs

5. Care of the sick child

6. Paediatric emergencies

7. Accidents, poisoning and child protection

8. Genetics

9. Perinatal medicine

10. Neonatal medicine

11. Growth and puberty

12. Nutrition

13. Gastroenterology

14. Infection and immunity

15. Allergy

16. Respiratory disorders

17. Cardiac disorders

18. Kidney and urinary tract disorders

19. Genitalia

20. Liver disorders

21. Malignant disease

22. Haematological disorders

23. Emotions and behaviour

24. Skin disorders

25. Endocrine and metabolic disorders

26. Musculoskeletal disorders

27. Neurological disorders

28. Adolescent medicine




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