| Book Introduction|
Unparalleled Detail and Completeness—A Game-Changing Implantology Guide!
✔ Comprehensive Implant Guide – Covers all areas, maxilla to mandible, anterior to posterior
✔ Customized Placement Solutions – Systematic and precise strategies for every tooth
✔ A Complete Collection of 1,000 Implant Cases & Data – No case overlooked
✔ 5,000+ Step-by-Step Visuals – Every critical treatment moment captured
✔ Exclusive Techniques by Dr. Youngsam Kim – Trusted by dental professionals worldwide
Dr. Youngsam Kim’s Atlas of Implants is the second installment in his implantology series, offering an in-depth exploration of implant placement techniques categorized by tooth region. This expert reference systematically compiles the author`s core insights based on over a decade of clinical experience. It presents a total of 1,000 implant placement cases—covering both maxillary and mandibular, anterior and posterior regions—without missing a single detail.
The book consolidates an extensive volume of clinical data, including approximately 5,000 images spanning panoramic X-rays, periapical (PA) images, CBCT scans, intraoral photographs, and detailed text descriptions. By leveraging this wealth of clinical documentation and exceptional visuals, the book delivers a comprehensive, step-by-step guide to implant placement in different anatomical regions. These insights can be directly applied to clinical practice, making this book an invaluable resource for practitioners.
Dr. Kim presents each case in a clear, engaging, and well-structured manner, adhering to his implant philosophy—ESSE (Easy, Simple, Safe, Efficient). True to its title, Dr. Youngsam Kim’s Notes, the book emphasizes key takeaways from each case, areas for potential improvement, and behind-the-scenes insights that captivate readers. To further enhance understanding, it features a series of clinical photographs documenting the treatment process, along with explanatory illustrations, enabling readers to follow real-life clinical workflows with ease.
This book is not only a specialized implant reference showcasing the signature style of a globally renowned bestselling author but also a uniquely autobiographical clinical guide that reflects Dr. Kim’s extensive experience and personal journey. Offering immersive insights that allow readers to integrate Dr. Kim’s expertise into their own clinical practice, this book serves as an essential manual for both novice and seasoned implant practitioners alike.
PART 1. Mandibular Implants
CHAPTER 1 - Mandibular Premolars
CHAPTER 2 - Mandibular 1st Molar
CHAPTER 3 - Mandibular 2nd Molar
CHAPTER 4 - Multiple Implants in the Mandibular Posterior Teeth
CHAPTER 5 - Bone Density
PART 2. Maxillary Implants
CHAPTER 6 - Maxillary Premolars
CHAPTER 7 - Maxillary 1st Molar
CHAPTER 8 - Maxillary 2nd Molar
CHAPTER 9 - Multiple Implants in the Maxillary Posterior Teeth
PART 3. Anterior Implants
CHAPTER 10 - Maxillary Anterior Teeth
CHAPTER 11 - Mandibular Anterior Teeth
구분 | 13시 이전 | 13시 이후 |
군자도서 | 당일출고 | 1일 추가 |
타사도서 | 1일 ~ 2일 추가 | 2일 ~ 3일 추가 |
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