Pitt Ford`s Problem-Based Learning in Endodontology, 2/e
Elizabeth Shin Perry
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464 Pages
2 Edition
결제금액이 25,000원 이상 무료배송
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Pitt Ford`s Problem-Based Learning in Endodontology

Pitt Ford`s Problem-Based Learning in Endodontology, 2nd Edition, is an essential reference for Endodontology, enriched with the latest research and clinical evidence. Employing a problem-based approach, it consolidates readers` knowledge and diagnostic skills. Prepared by an international team of clinical academics, this edition reflects the latest advances in the field.

Encouraging self-directed learning, the authors present diverse clinical cases covering topics such as non-odontogenic pain, pulp preservation, endodontic treatment, restoration, regenerative endodontic procedures, and trauma. Each section is accompanied by images as well as further reading recommendations.

A touchstone to key areas concerning the dental pulp and the root canal system, Pitt Ford`s Problem-Based Learning in Endodontology is a valuable resource for dental students, residents, and clinicians seeking the latest techniques and procedures in Endodontology.

Contributors xi

First Foreword xviii

Second Foreword xix

Preface xx

Acknowledgements xxi

Part I Aetiology, Diagnosis, Treatment Planning 1

1.1 Microbiology of Primary Apical Periodontitis 3
José F. Siqueira Jr and Isabela N. Rôças

1.2 Reversible Pulpitis 15
Tiago Pimentel and Raul Costa

1.3 Symptomatic Irreversible Pulpitis 22
Shatha Zahran

1.4 Treatment Planning 30
Samantha Hamer

1.5 Maxillary Sinusitis of Endodontic Origin 41
Maria Lessani and Shalini Kanagasingam

1.6 Cracked Tooth with Radicular Extension 49
Suhaila S. Shariff and Matthew C. Davis

1.7 Vertical Root Fracture 60
Shanon Patel and Peng-Hui Teng

1.8 Endodontic-Periodontal Infections 68
Shalini Kanagasingam, Elizabeth Shin Perry, and Nargis Sonde

1.9 Cemento-osseous Dysplasia 82
Rahul Bose and Simon Harvey

Part II Non-odontogenic Pain 89

2.1 Musculoskeletal Pain 91
Dermot Canavan

2.2 Neuropathic Pain 101
Dermot Canavan

Part III Vital Pulp Therapy and Regeneration 109

3.1 Apexogenesis 111
Elizabeth Shin Perry

3.2 Apexification 119
Elizabeth Shin Perry

3.3 Regenerative Endodontics 128
Elizabeth Shin Perry

Part IV Endodontic Treatment 137

4.1 Access Cavity Preparation 139
Shanon Patel

4.2 Glide Path 146
Frédéric Bukiet, Benoit Ballester, and Maud Guivarc’h

4.3 Working Length Determination 156
Bhavin Bhuva and Shanon Patel

4.4 Disinfection of the Root Canal System 169
Ali Hilmi

4.5 Root Canal Instrumentation 1 184
Jianing He

4.6 Root Canal Instrumentation 2 197
Luis Ferrandez

4.7 Accessory Canals and Complexities of the Root Canal System 205
Frédéric Bukiet, Thomas Giraud, and Benoit Ballester

4.8 Obturation of the Root Canal 1 215
Kreena Patel

4.9 Obturation of the Root Canal 2 225
Frédéric Bukiet, Maud Guivarc’h, and Thomas Giraud

Part V Management of Non-Resolving Pathology and Endodontic Complications 237

5.1 Post-Treatment Periapical Periodontitis 239
David Figdor

5.2 Non-surgical Retreatment and Disassembly 248
John Rhodes

5.3 Endodontic Microsurgery 259
Elizabeth Shin Perry

5.4 Non-surgical Management of Perforation 271
Taranpreet Puri

5.5 Inadvertent Extrusion 279
Samantha Hamer and Shalini Kanagasingam

5.6 Intentional Reimplantation 289
Rahul Bose and Bhavin Bhuva

5.7 Fractured Endodontic Instruments 300
Luis Ferrandez

Part VI Restoration of the Endodontically Treated Tooth 309

6.1 Restoration of a Root-Filled Tooth with a Fibre Post-Retained Crown 311
Bhavin Bhuva, Francesco Mannocci, and Massimo Giovarruscio

6.2 Restoration of an Endodontically Treated Posterior Tooth 323
Shanon Patel, Massimo Giovarruscio, and Bhavin Bhuva

6.3 Internal Bleaching 332
Neha Patel

Part VII Dental Trauma 343

7.1 Complicated Crown Fracture 345
Elizabeth Shin Perry

7.2 Horizontal Root Fracture 354
Peng-Hui Teng

7.3 Traumatic Dental Injuries 363
Elizabeth Shin Perry

7.4 Avulsion 376
Nestor Cohenca

Part VIII Root Resorption 385

8.1 External Cervical Resorption 387
Shanon Patel                    

8.2 Internal Inflammatory Resorption 396
Shanon Patel

Part IX Additional Considerations for Patient Management 403

9.1 Apical Periodontitis and Systemic Disease 405
Shalini Kanagasingam, Abdulaziz A. Bakhsh, and Philip Mitchell

9.2 Medicolegal Issues in Endodontics 413
Garry L. Myers

9.3 Prognosis and Outcome Assessment of Endodontically Treated Teeth               421
Nadia Chugal and Elizabeth Shin Perry

Index 431


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