Periodontology at a Glance (At a Glance (Dentistry)), 2/e
Valerie Clerehugh
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192 Pages
2 Edition
결제금액이 25,000원 이상 무료배송
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Periodontology at a Glance

The market‐leading at a Glance series is popular among healthcare students and newly qualified practitioners, for its concise and simple approach and excellent illustrations.

Each bite‐sized chapter is covered in a double‐page spread with clear, easy‐to‐follow diagrams, supported by succinct explanatory text.

Covering a wide range of topics, books in the at a Glance series are ideal as introductory texts for teaching, learning and revision, and are useful throughout university and beyond.

Everything you need to know about Periodontology… at a Glance!

Brief but comprehensive overview of periodontology from the At a Glance series

Periodontology at a Glance, Second Edition provides readers with key information on periodontology in an easy-to-use reference. Following the At a Glance series style, this revised and expanded edition illustrates each topic with a double page spread/short chapter that encapsulates the essential knowledge. Clear diagrams and clinical pictures are included throughout and accompanied by succinct text, providing a highly visual format to facilitate ease of learning. This second edition is divided into 6 uniquely colour-coded parts, designed to guide the reader through the various topics in a visually appealing manner. The authors have distilled the salient research literature and evidence base, and made suggestions for further reading where appropriate.

Sample topics covered in Periodontology at a Glance include:

  • Anatomy of the periodontium, classification of periodontal diseases, periodontal epidemiology, role of plaque in the aetiology of periodontal diseases, and plaque biofilm microbiology.
  • Host defenses, development and progression of periodontal diseases, systemic risk factors for periodontal diseases, periodontal diseases and general health.
  • Diet and periodontal diseases, local risk factors for periodontal diseases, periodontal history, examination and diagnosis, and periodontal screening.
  • Principles of periodontal diagnosis and treatment planning, plaque control, non-surgical periodontal therapy, and periodontal tissue responses, healing, and monitoring.
  • Periodontal surgery, dental implants and peri-implant mucositis/peri-implantitis.
  • Periodontal health; plaque biofilm-induced gingivitis, non-plaque-induced gingival conditions, gingival recession, gingival enlargement, periodontitis and its staging and grading, periodontal management of patients who smoke/have diabetes, necrotising periodontal diseases, periodontal abscesses, endodontic-periodontal lesions, periodontal diseases in younger and older patients, and the delivery of periodontal care.

Providing comprehensive coverage of the subject, the Second Edition of Periodontology at a Glance is an essential resource for dental undergraduates and hygiene therapy students, and also serves as a helpful refresher for qualified dentists preparing for a general examination or looking for a relatively quick update in the field.

Preface to the Second Edition vii

Acknowledgements viii

Dedications ix

Part 1 Foundations 1

1 Anatomy of the periodontium 2

2 Classification of periodontal diseases 4

3 Periodontal epidemiology 8

4 Role of plaque in the aetiology of periodontal diseases 12

5 Plaque biofilm microbiology 16

6 Calculus 20

7 Host defences 24

8 Development of periodontal disease 28

9 Progression of periodontitis 32

Part 2 Risk and periodontal diseases 37

10 Risk and periodontal diseases 38

11 Systemic risk factors for periodontitis 42

12 Periodontal diseases and general health 46

13 Diet and periodontal diseases 50

14 Local risk factors for periodontal diseases 54

15 Occlusion and periodontal diseases 58

Part 3 Reaching a periodontal diagnosis and treatment plan 61

16 Periodontal history, examination and diagnosis 62

17 Periodontal screening 64

18 Role of radiographs in periodontal diagnosis 68

19 Principles of periodontal diagnosis and treatment planning 72

Part 4 Fundamentals for periodontal patient care 77

20 Plaque control 78

21 Non-surgical periodontal therapy 82

22 Periodontal tissue response, healing and monitoring 84

23 Role of antimicrobial therapy in periodontal diseases 86

Part 5 Advanced periodontal patient care: periodontal surgery, dental implants, periodontal-orthodontic interface 89

24 Periodontal surgery 90

25 Types of periodontal surgery 92

26 Regenerative periodontal therapy 96

27 Bone defects and furcation lesions 100

28 Dental implants 104

29 Peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis 108

30 Periodontal–orthodontic interface 112

Part 6 Periodontal diseases and periodontal management 117

31 Plaque biofilm-induced gingivitis 118

32 Non-plaque-induced gingival conditions and lesions 122

33 Gingival recession 126

34 Gingival enlargement 130

35 Periodontitis 134

36 Staging and grading 138

37 Periodontal management of patients who smoke 140

38 Periodontal management of patients with diabetes 144

39 Necrotising periodontal diseases 148

40 Periodontal abscesses and endodontic-periodontal lesions 150

41 Periodontal diseases in children and adolescents 154

42 Periodontal management of the older adult 158

43 The delivery of periodontal care 160

Appendices Appendix 1: Unabridged Figure 2.2 (b): 2018 Classification of gingival diseases: non-dental plaque-induced 164

Appendix 2: Unabridged Figure 2.4: 2018 Classification of systemic diseases and conditions that affect the periodontal supporting tissues 165

Appendix 3: Implementing the 2018 Classification of periodontal diseases to reach a diagnosis in Clinical Practice 166

Appendix 4: BSP UK Clinical Practice guideline for the treatment of periodontal diseases 168

Appendix 5: References and further reading 170

Index 179


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