Essential Oils & Aromatherapy For Dummies, 2/e
Kathi Keville
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치의학 > 기타
400 Pages
2 Edition
결제금액이 25,000원 이상 무료배송
해외주문이 필요한 도서입니다. (4~5주소요) 자세한 내용은 페이지하단 배송안내 참조바랍니다.

Reduce anxiety, manage pain, improve sleep, and more with the healing power of aromatherapy and essential oils

Looking for natural and organic ways to support your mind, body, and spirit? Then look no further than the ancient practice of aromatherapy! In Essential Oils & Aromatherapy For Dummies, Second Edition, you’ll find simple and easy advice on everything from therapeutics to cosmetics, as well as the recreational use of essential oils. Internationally known herbalist and aromatherapist Kathi Keville offers straightforward remedies for dozens of common conditions you can use immediately to make yourself – or someone you love – feel better.

Easily prepare your next natural remedy at home or at work with guidance on how to use essential oils and aromatherapy in familiar settings or find in-depth coverage of how to use essential oils in conjunction with therapeutic massage. You’ll also discover:

  • What to look for in a great aromatherapy scent and how to shop for and store herbs and ingredients
  • How to use aromatherapy in different settings, including your home, office, and gym
  • Quick tips on easy ways to add helpful fragrances to your life

An easy-to-use and fun guide to safely and easily treating hundreds of frequently occurring ailments, Essential Oils & Aromatherapy For Dummies, Second Edition will help you use organic and herbal ingredients to increase your focus, improve concentration, relieve tension, and get more sleep. Try it today!

Introduction 1

Part 1: Getting Started with Essential Oils 5

Chapter 1: Making Sense Out of Scents 7

Chapter 2: Sniffing the Diff: What to Look for in a Scent 21

Chapter 3: On the Scented Trail: Shopping 31

Chapter 4: Safety First 51

Chapter 5: Essential Oil Alchemy: Making Your Own Scents 67

Part 2: Inscentives for Living: Essential Oils in Your Life 87

Chapter 6: Surrounding Yourself with Scents 89

Chapter 7: Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: Skin and Hair Care for Us All 107

Chapter 8: Essential Oils in the Bedroom 125

Chapter 9: Essential Oils to Ease Stress and Brain Fog 141

Chapter 10: Getting Well with Smell 165

Chapter 11: Refrain from Pain 187

Chapter 12: Essential Oils to Up Your Energy and Enhance Your Workout 199

Chapter 13: De-Bugging Your Home, Garden, and Pets 211

Part 3: How Essential Oils Work 229

Chapter 14: Distilling Essential Oil: Extraction Methods 231

Chapter 15: Exploring Essential Oil Compounds 247

Part 4: The Part of Tens 265

Chapter 16: Ten Unique Oils for One-of-a-kind Blends 267

Chapter 17: Ten (or so) Ways to Add Fragrance to Your Life 275

Chapter 18: Ten Herbs to Grow for Fragrance 281

Part 5: The Guides 289

Symptom Guide 291

Essential Oil Guide 325

Appendix: Essential Oils & Aromatherapy Resources 357

Index 363


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