Chair Yoga For Dummies
Larry Payne
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치의학 > 기타
272 Pages
결제금액이 25,000원 이상 무료배송
해외주문이 필요한 도서입니다. (4~5주소요) 자세한 내용은 페이지하단 배송안내 참조바랍니다.

If you can sit in a chair, you can enjoy the benefits of yoga!

Chair Yoga For Dummies is a guide to developing a yoga practice that you can do while seated in a chair. Traditional yoga poses can be replicated as sitting yoga poses and stretches, enjoyable and accessible for people at all levels of experience and mobility. There`s a reason yoga has been around for thousands of years. Practicing chair yoga regularly can decrease your blood pressure, anxiety, inflammation, and chronic pain. It also increases flexibility, balance, and strength. And it helps you sleep better, too. All you need to get started is yourself, a chair, and this book―couldn`t be simpler.

With this book on your desk, you can infuse a little namaste into your office routine or build a personalized home practice that fits your lifestyle and abilities. You’ll learn specific poses to target problem areas, and guidance on creating your own chair yoga workout plan. Practitioners can achieve meditation, flexibility goals, and more.

  • Get guidance on creating your own custom chair yoga workout plan
  • Reduce stress, get stronger, and feel healthier―without leaving your seat
  • Enjoy the benefits of yoga adapted to office workers and those with decreased mobility
  • Learn proper technique and alignment from clear illustrations and dex_scriptions

Stay active while seated!

Foreword xiii

Introduction 1

Part 1: Yoga for Life 5

Chapter 1: Checking Out Chair Yoga 7

Chapter 2: Getting Ready for Chair Yoga 19

Chapter 3: Inhale, Exhale: Controlling Your Breath 29

Chapter 4: Adding Meditation to Chair Yoga 41

Part 2: Chair Yoga for the Body 51

Chapter 5: Relieving That Pain in Your Neck 53

Chapter 6: Stretching and Straightening the Shoulders 65

Chapter 7: Bringing Your Back to the Forefront 75

Chapter 8: Paying Attention to Your Abdominals 85

Chapter 9: The Hips Don’t Lie 95

Chapter 10: Getting a Leg Up 103

Chapter 11: Arming Yourself 111

Chapter 12: Ankles and Feet: Bearing All the Weight 123

Chapter 13: Don’t Forget the Fingers, Hands, and Wrists 133

Chapter 14: Adding a Chair to Popular Standing and Inversion Poses 145

Part 3: Creating Home Routines 159

Chapter 15: Moving Ahead with Chair Yoga 161

Chapter 16: Fifteen-Minute Routines for Home 167

Chapter 17: Focusing on a 30-Minute Routine 175

Chapter 18: Working in Yoga at Your Desk 193

Chapter 19: Chair Yoga in Transit 207

Chapter 20: Sit Up and Weight: Adding Weights to Your Chair Yoga 215

Part 4: The Part of Tens 229

Chapter 21: Ten Things to Remember about Chair Yoga 231

Chapter 22: Ten Things to Do When Creating a Home Chair Yoga Practice 235

Index 241


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