4.375 x 6.5 inches (Pocket Edition)
The 53rd edition of the leading clinical reference on treatment of infectious diseases and anti-infective drug information.
Helpful in day-to-day practice and as a component of your organization`s antimicrobial stewardship program, The Sanford Guide provides valuable guidance in the age of antibiotic resistance.
Popular with physicians, pharmacists, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and other clinicians, The Sanford Guide to Antimicrobial Therapy provides information that is convenient, concise, and reliable.
This year`s guide includes a FREE 1-month trial of Sanford Guide All Access, which provides expanded content, interactive tables and tools, updated daily, for mobile apps and the web.
Coverage includes: Clinical syndromes (pathogens, bacterial, fungal, mycobacterial, parasitic, viral), Anti-infective agents (dosing, pediatric adjustments, renal adjustments, adverse effects, activity, pharmacology, interactions), & Preventative therapy. What`s new in 2023: Treatment recommendations have been updated based on recent references and guidelines.
Newly-approved drugs are included in various tables throughout the edition.
Table 1: treatment updates include otitis media, traveler’s diarrhea, duodenal ulcer, gonorrhea, PID, cystitis, bronchiectasis, gram negative infections (also Table 5), pharyngitis, human bites, rheumatic fever and Lemierre’s syndrome.
Table 3: revised based on new references citing clinical trials for “shorter is better” duration of therapy. Table 9A: pharmacology data has been completely reworked for better consistency and clarity.
Table 14: ART regimens for HIV have been revised to reflect newer drugs and updated guidelines. The same has been done for HC.
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